❖ PLpgSQL Functions (recap) |
Defining PLpgSQL functions:
CREATE OR REPLACE funcName(param1, param2, ....) RETURNS rettype AS $$ DECLARE variable declarations BEGIN code for function END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
❖ Query results in PLpgSQL |
Can evaluate a query and iterate through its results
for ... loop
declare tup Type; begin for tup in Query loop Statements; end loop; end;
Type of tup variable must match type of Query results
If declared as record
❖ Query results in PLpgSQL (cont) |
Example: count the number of Employees earning more than min.salary
create or replace function
well_paid(_minsal integer) returns integer
as $$
nemps integer := 0;
tuple record; -- could also be tuple Employees;
for tuple in
select * from Employees where salary > _minsal
nemps := nemps + 1;
end loop;
return nemps;
$$ language plpgsql;
❖ Query results in PLpgSQL (cont) |
Alternative to the above (but less efficient):
create or replace function well_paid(_minsal integer) returns integer as $$ declare nemps integer := 0; tuple record; begin for tuple in select name,salary from Employees loop if (tuple.salary > _minsal) then nemps := nemps + 1; end if; end loop; return nemps; end; $$ language plpgsql;
❖ Query results in PLpgSQL (cont) |
And the example could be done more simply (and efficiently) as:
create or replace function well_paid(_minsal integer) returns integer as $$ declare nemps integer; begin select count(*) into nemps from Employees where salary > _minsal return nemps; end; $$ language plpgsql;
❖ Dynamically Generated Queries |
-- constant string execute 'select * from Employees'; -- concatenation of constant strings execute 'select * from '||'Employees'; -- using a name of e.g. table or attribute execute 'select * from '||quote_ident($1); -- using a value generated in the program execute 'delete from Accounts' || ' where holder='||quote_literal($1);
Can be used in any context where an SQL query is expected
This mechanism allows us to construct queries "on the fly".
❖ Dynamically Generated Queries (cont) |
Example: a wrapper for updating a single text field
create or replace function set(_table text, _attr text, _val text) returns void as $$ declare query text; begin query := 'update ' || quote_ident(_table); query := query || ' SET ' || quote_ident(_attr); query := query || ' = ' || quote_literal(_val); execute query; end; $$ language plpgsql;
which could be used as e.g.
select set('branches','assets','0.00');
❖ Dynamically Generated Queries (cont) |
One limitation of EXECUTE
select into
declare tuple R%rowtype; n int;
execute 'select * from R where id='||n into tuple;
-- or
declare x int; y int; z text;
execute 'select a,b,c from R where id='||n into x,y,z;
❖ Functions vs Views |
A difference between views and functions returning a SETOF
In general, you need to define the tuple return type via
create type TupleType as ( attr1 type1, ... attrn typen );
Other major differences between setof
❖ Functions vs Views (cont) |
Another example of function returning setof
create type EmpInfo as (name text, pay integer); create or replace function richEmps(_minsal integer) returns setof EmpInfo as $$ declare emp record; info EmpInfo; begin for emp in select * from Employees where salary > _minsal loop info.name := emp.name; info.pay := emp.salary; return next info; end loop; end; $$ language plpgsql;
❖ Functions vs Views (cont) |
Using the function ...
select * from richEmps(100000);
versus a view
create or repalce view richEmps(name,pay) as
select name, salary from Employees where salary > 100000;
select * from richEmps; -- but no scope for different salary
versus an SQL function
create or replace function richEmps(_minsal integer) returns setof EmpInfo as $$ select name, salary from Employees where salary > _minsal; $$ language sql;
Produced: 10 Oct 2020