Mapping ER to SQL

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❖ Mapping ER to SQL

We have explored mapping ER designs to relational schemas

SQL schemas are essentially more detailed versions of relational schemas

The mapping is much the same, except that

There are also some ideas from ER than do not map to an SQL schema
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❖ Reminder: SQL/Relational Model vs ER Model

Correspondences between SQL/relational and ER data models:

Differences between SQL and ER models: Note that ...
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❖ Mapping ER to SQL

Some conventions that we use in mapping ER to SQL

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❖ Mapping Strong Entities

An entity set E with atomic attributes a1, a2, ... an

maps to

A table R with attributes (columns) a1, a2, ... an



Note: the key is preserved in the mapping.

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❖ Mapping Weak Entities



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❖ Mapping N:M Relationships



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❖ Mapping N:M Relationships (cont)

create table Customers (
    custNo  serial primary key,
    name    text not null,
    address text  -- don't need to know customer's address
create table Accounts (
    acctNo   char(5) check (acctNo ~ '[A-Z]-[0-9]{3}'),
    title    text not null,    -- acctNos are like 'A-123'
    balance  float default 0.0,
    primary key (acctNo)
create table Owns (
    customer_id integer references Customers(custNo),
    account_id  char(5) references Accounts(acctNo),
    last_accessed timestamp,
    primary key (customer_id, account_id)

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❖ Mapping 1:N Relationships



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❖ Mapping 1:N Relationships (cont)

create table Branches (
    branchNo serial primary key,
    address  text not null,
    assets   currency
create table Customers (
    custNo  serial primary key,
    name    text not null,
    address text,
    hasHome integer not null, -- total participation
    joined  date not null,
    foreign key (hasHome) references Branches(branchNo)

hasHome implements the 1:n relationship;  not null  implements total participation

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❖ Mapping 1:1 Relationships



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❖ Mapping 1:1 Relationships (cont)

create table Branches (
    branchNo serial primary key,
    address  text not null,
    assets   currency          -- a new branch
);                             --    may have no accounts
create table Managers (
    empNo    serial primary key,
    name     text not null,
    salary   currency not null, -- when first employed, 
                                --    must have a salary
    manages  integer not null,  -- total participation
    foreign key (manages) references Branches(branchNo)

If both entities have total participation, cannot express this in SQL
except by putting a (redundant)  not null  foreign key in one table

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❖ Mapping n-way Relationships



A customer accesses one of their accounts at a specific ATM

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❖ Mapping n-way Relationships (cont)

create table Customers (
    custNo   serial primary key, ...
create table Accounts (
    acctNo   char(5) ... primary key, ...
create table ATMs (
    atmID    serial primary key,
    cash     currency check (cash >= 0),
    location text not null
create table Withdrawal (
    customer_id  integer references Customers(custNo),
    account_id   char(5) references Accounts(acctNo),
    atm_id       integer references ATMs(atmID),
    amount       currency not null,
    when         timestamp default now(),
    primary key  (customer_id,account_id,atm_id)

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❖ Mapping Composite Attributes

Composite attributes are mapped by concatenation or flattening.



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❖ Mapping Composite Attributes (cont)

-- Version 1: concatenated
create table People (
    ssn     integer primary key,
    name    text not null,
    address text not null
-- Version 2: flattened
create table People (
    ssn     integer primary key,
    given   text not null,
    family  text,
    number  integer not null,
    street  text not null,
    suburb  text not null,
    pcode   char(4) not null check (pcode ~ '[0-9]{4}')

address  =  (number::text||' '||street||', '||suburb||' '||pcode)

Searching:  suburb = 'Coogee'  vs  address like '%Coogee%' 

Sorting:   order by family  vs  can't be done (easily)

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❖ Mapping Multi-valued Attributes (MVAs)

MVAs are mapped by a new table linking values to their entity.



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❖ Mapping Multi-valued Attributes (MVAs) (cont)

create table People (
    ssn      integer primary key,
    name     text not null,
    birthday date
create table FavColour (
    person_id integer references People(ssn),
    colour    text,
    primary key (person_id,colour)

Note that  colour  is implicitly  not null  because it is part of the primary key

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❖ Mapping Subclasses

Three different approaches to mapping subclasses to tables:

Which mapping is best depends on how data is to be used.
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❖ Mapping Subclasses (cont)

Example of ER-style mapping:


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❖ Mapping Subclasses (cont)

create table People (
    ssn     integer primary key,
    name    text not null,
    address text
create table Employees (
    person_id integer primary key,
    salary    currency not null,
    position  text not null,
    foreign key (person_id) references People(ssn)
create table Managers (
    employee_id integer primary key,
    bonus       currency,
    foreign key (employee_id)
                references Employees(person_id)

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❖ Mapping Subclasses (cont)

Example of object-oriented mapping:


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❖ Mapping Subclasses (cont)

create table People (
    ssn     integer primary key,
    name    text not null,
    address text
create table Employees (
    ssn       integer primary key,
    name      text not null,
    address   text
    salary    currency not null,
    position  text not null,
    foreign key (snn) references People(ssn)
create table Managers (
    ssn       integer primary key,
    name      text not null,
    address   text
    salary    currency not null,
    position  text not null,
    bonus     currency,
    foreign key (snn) references People(ssn)

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❖ Mapping Subclasses (cont)

Example of single-table-with-nulls mapping:


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❖ Mapping Subclasses (cont)

create table People (
    ssn       integer primary key,
    ptype     char(1)  not null 
                       check (ptype in ('P','E','M')),
    name      text not null,
    address   text
    salary    currency,
    position  text,
    bonus     currency,
    constraint subclasses check
               ((ptype = 'P' and salary is null
                and position is null and bonus is null)
                (ptype = 'E' and salary is not null
                 and position is not null and bonus is null)
                (ptype = 'M' and salary is not null
                 and position is not null and bonus is not null))

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❖ Mapping Subclasses (cont)



Every employee is either permanent or casual, but not both.

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❖ Mapping Subclasses (cont)

ER-style mapping to SQL schema:

create table Employees (
    empID   serial primary key,
    name    text not null,
    address text not null
create table Permanents (
    employee_id integer primary key,
    salary      currency not null,
    foreign key (employee_id) references Employees(empID)
create table Casuals (
    employee_id integer primary key,
    pay_rate    currency not null,
    foreign key (employee_id) references Employees(empID)

Does not capture either participation or disjoint-ness constraints!

Would need to program a solution to this e.g web-form that requires user to enter both Employee and subclass info

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Produced: 22 Sep 2020