COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Data Models ♢ [0/6]
Aims of data modelling:
- describe what information is contained in the database
(e.g., entities: students, courses, accounts, branches, patients, ...)
- describe relationships between data items
(e.g., John is enrolled in COMP3311, Tom's account is held at Coogee)
- describe constraints on data
(e.g., 7-digit IDs, students can enrol in no more than 3 courses per term)
Data modelling is a design process
- converts requirements into a data model
COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Data Models ♢ [1/6]
Kinds of data models:
- logical: abstract, for conceptual design, e.g., ER, ODL, UML
- physical: record-based, for implementation, e.g., relational, SQL
Strategy: design using abstract model; map to physical model
COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Data Models ♢ [2/6]
Consider the following while working through exercises:
- start simple ... evolve design as problem better understood
- identify objects (and their properties), then relationships
- most designs involve kinds (classes) of people
- keywords in requirements suggest data/relationships
(rule-of-thumb: nouns → data, verbs → relationships)
- don't confuse operations with relationships
(operation: he buys a book; relationship: the book is owned by him)
- consider all possible data, not just what is available
COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Data Models ♢ [3/6]
❖ Exercise: GMail Data Model | |
Consider the
GMail system (or any other modern mail client)
Develop an informal data model for it by identifying:
- the data items involved (objects and their attributes)
- relationships between these data items
- constraints on the data and relationships
COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Data Models ♢ [4/6]
❖ Exercise: GMail Data Model (cont) | |
Objects in GMail data model:
gmail-address, name, password, ...
timestamp, sender*, title, content, ...
owner, name, colour parent*
name, value, user*
Relationships in GMail data model:
user - message
user - message
child-tag - parent-tag
user - setting
Constraints in GMail data model:
gmail-address values are unique
users must have a password (strong?)
every message has a sender
every message has a non-empty title and content
values for each setting are valid for that setting
COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Data Models ♢ [5/6]
There is no single "best" design for a given application.
Most important aspects of a design (data model):
- correctness
(satisfies requirements accurately)
- completeness
(all reqs covered, all assumptions explicit)
- consistency
(no contradictory statements)
inadequacies in a design:
- omits information that needs to be included
- contains redundant information (⇒ inconsistency)
- leads to an inefficient implementation
- violates syntactic or semantic rules of data model
COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Data Models ♢ [6/6]
Produced: 12 Sep 2020