
COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Constraints ♢ [0/6]
❖ Constraints

So far, we have considered several kinds of constraints:


create table Employee (
   id      integer primary key,
   name    varchar(40),
   salary  real,
   age     integer check (age > 15),
   worksIn integer
              references Department(id),
   constraint PayOk check (salary > age*1000)

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Constraints ♢ [1/6]
❖ Constraints (cont)

Column and table constraints ensure validity of one table.

Ref. integrity constraints ensure connections between tables are valid.

However, specifying validity of entire database often requires constraints involving multiple tables.

Simple example (from banking domain):

for all Branches b
   b.assets == (select sum(acct.balance)
                from   Accounts acct
                where  acct.branch = b.location)

i.e. assets of a branch is sum of balances of accounts held at that branch

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Constraints ♢ [2/6]
❖ Assertions

Assertions are schema-level constraints

SQL syntax for assertions:


The condition is expressed as "there are no violations in the database"

Implementation: ask a query to find all the violations; check for empty result

COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Constraints ♢ [3/6]
❖ Assertions (cont)

Example: #students in any UNSW course must be < 10000

create assertion ClassSizeConstraint check (
   not exists (
      from   Courses c
             join Enrolments e on ( = e.course)
      group  by
      having count(e.student) > 9999

Needs to be checked after every  change to either Courses or Enrolments

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❖ Assertions (cont)

Example: assets of branch = sum of its account balances

create assertion AssetsCheck check (
   not exists (
      select branchName from Branches b
      where  b.assets <>
             (select sum(a.balance) from Accounts a
              where a.branch = b.location)

Needs to be checked after every  change to either Branches or Accounts

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❖ Assertions (cont)

On each update, it is expensive

A database with many assertions would be way too slow.

So, most RDBMSs do not  implement general assertions.

Typically, triggers are provided as

Triggers typically enforce  assertions rather than checking  them
COMP3311 20T3 ♢ Constraints ♢ [6/6]

Produced: 12 Oct 2020