Thanks for all the feedback -
comments are inline below in red. Only identities are censored.
Survey ID |
1327 |
Title |
COMP3231/9201/3891/9283 13s1 |
Description |
Anonymous |
Yes |
Fill Ratio |
75% (83/110) |
# Filled |
83 |
# Suspended |
6 |
# Not Filled |
21 |
indicates required field |
Please provide us with as much
constructive feedback as you can. We do
read these surveys and act on the
information you provide. Thanks for your
input. |
1. |
Give a high
rating if you have a good opinion of
something (e.g. interesting, useful,
well-structured, etc.). Give a low rating
if you have a bad opinion of something
(e.g. too slow, confusing, disorganised,
Question type : Single answer -- Radio
Button |
similar to previous years. The textbook,
'C', and wiki were less highly rated,
despite being no different to previous
years. |
Excellent |
Satisfactory |
Poor |
N/A |
N/F |
Lecturer: Kevin
Elphinstone |
51 (61%) |
26 (31%) |
4 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
(2%) |
General OS
lectures |
33 (40%) |
42 (51%) |
6 (7%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
(2%) |
Consultations |
8 (10%) |
11 (13%) |
9 (11%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
55 (66%) |
(0%) |
Your tutor |
26 (31%) |
19 (23%) |
7 (8%) |
1 (1%) |
2 (2%) |
28 (34%) |
(0%) |
Tutorials |
18 (22%) |
27 (33%) |
8 (10%) |
2 (2%) |
1 (1%) |
26 (31%) |
(1%) |
Synchronisation |
31 (37%) |
35 (42%) |
15 (18%) |
1 (1%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
(1%) |
Asst2: Syscalls
28 (34%) |
36 (43%) |
14 (17%) |
4 (5%) |
1 (1%) |
0 (0%) |
(0%) |
Asst3: Virtual
Memory |
34 (41%) |
25 (30%) |
14 (17%) |
7 (8%) |
1 (1%) |
1 (1%) |
(1%) |
Textbook |
15 (18%) |
13 (16%) |
18 (22%) |
2 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
35 (42%) |
(0%) |
OS/161 In
general |
26 (31%) |
39 (47%) |
16 (19%) |
2 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
(0%) |
C Language |
30 (36%) |
30 (36%) |
16 (19%) |
4 (5%) |
1 (1%) |
2 (2%) |
(0%) |
resources |
17 (20%) |
27 (33%) |
27 (33%) |
6 (7%) |
2 (2%) |
4 (5%) |
(0%) |
Course web page
18 (22%) |
39 (47%) |
20 (24%) |
4 (5%) |
2 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
(0%) |
Message Board |
11 (13%) |
29 (35%) |
30 (36%) |
5 (6%) |
2 (2%) |
6 (7%) |
(0%) |
Wiki |
16 (19%) |
34 (41%) |
22 (27%) |
8 (10%) |
3 (4%) |
0 (0%) |
(0%) |
Help with
technical questions |
19 (23%) |
26 (31%) |
24 (29%) |
2 (2%) |
3 (4%) |
9 (11%) |
(0%) |
Lecture slides |
26 (31%) |
43 (52%) |
11 (13%) |
2 (2%) |
1 (1%) |
0 (0%) |
(0%) |
Lecture video
capture |
39 (47%) |
23 (28%) |
9 (11%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (1%) |
11 (13%) |
(0%) |
Systems overall |
38 (46%) |
36 (43%) |
8 (10%) |
1 (1%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
(0%) |
2. |
Please rate
which of the following factors influenced
your decision to enrol in this course
Question type : Single answer -- Radio
Button |
Major |
Minor |
No |
N/F |
Interest in
operating systems as a field of
study |
49 (59%) |
29 (35%) |
5 (6%) |
(0%) |
Chance to get
hands dirty with low-level code |
46 (55%) |
25 (30%) |
12 (14%) |
(0%) |
Jobs propects
for OS hackers |
11 (13%) |
41 (49%) |
31 (37%) |
(0%) |
Would llike to
do OS research |
7 (8%) |
36 (43%) |
40 (48%) |
(0%) |
Course is core
for me |
15 (18%) |
16 (19%) |
52 (63%) |
(0%) |
Friends told me
it was good |
37 (45%) |
24 (29%) |
22 (27%) |
(0%) |
Chance to do
challenging programming assignments
54 (65%) |
23 (28%) |
6 (7%) |
(0%) |
3. |
Any other factor that
influenced your decision? |
Question type :
Short-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (33 comments) |
4. |
Would you
recommend this course to another student
such as yourself? |
Question type : Single
answer -- Radio Button |
Slightly better
than previous year, but largely in the
noise. |
Yes |
77 (93%)
No |
5 (6%)
N/F |
1 (1%) |
5. |
Please provide
feedback on the kind of material covered
Question type : Single answer -- Radio
Button |
A few more
students were interested in windows than
previous years. |
much |
OK |
little |
N/F |
High-level OS
issues |
1 (1%) |
9 (11%) |
70 (84%) |
2 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
(1%) |
(implementation) issues |
1 (1%) |
14 (17%) |
56 (67%) |
10 (12%) |
1 (1%) |
(1%) |
Unix/Linux |
3 (4%) |
13 (16%) |
46 (55%) |
17 (20%) |
3 (4%) |
(1%) |
Windows NT |
0 (0%) |
5 (6%) |
33 (40%) |
33 (40%) |
10 (12%) |
(2%) |
OS/161 Internals
2 (2%) |
13 (16%) |
54 (65%) |
12 (14%) |
1 (1%) |
(1%) |
Other Systems |
0 (0%) |
5 (6%) |
51 (61%) |
20 (24%) |
5 (6%) |
(2%) |
6. |
What were the best things
about this course? |
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (69 comments) |
7. |
What were the worst things
about this course? |
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (63 comments) |
8. |
How does the
workload in this course compare to
workloads in other ...
Question type : Single answer -- Radio
Button |
Same as previous
years. |
Lighter |
Similar |
Heavier |
N/F |
COMP courses |
0 (0%) |
2 (2%) |
23 (28%) |
50 (60%) |
7 (8%) |
(1%) |
INFS courses |
4 (5%) |
2 (2%) |
16 (19%) |
15 (18%) |
27 (33%) |
(23%) |
Courses in
general |
0 (0%) |
4 (5%) |
13 (16%) |
38 (46%) |
26 (31%) |
(2%) |
9. |
Did you get
the impression that the staff (lecturer,
tutors, consultants) tried their best to
answer your questions and help you? Please
tick N/A if you did not attend lecture,
consults, tutes)
Question type : Single answer -- Radio
Button |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
N/A |
N/F |
Lectures |
48 (58%) |
25 (30%) |
6 (7%) |
2 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (1%) |
(1%) |
Tutorials |
34 (41%) |
14 (17%) |
3 (4%) |
1 (1%) |
2 (2%) |
28 (34%) |
(1%) |
Consultations |
6 (7%) |
6 (7%) |
1 (1%) |
1 (1%) |
0 (0%) |
68 (82%) |
(1%) |
10. |
How does the
quality/value of this course compare to
Question type : Single answer -- Radio
Button |
the best |
Average |
the worst |
N/F |
Year 3 COMP
courses |
46 (55%) |
23 (28%) |
11 (13%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
(4%) |
COMP courses in
general |
45 (54%) |
26 (31%) |
9 (11%) |
1 (1%) |
0 (0%) |
(2%) |
Courses in
general |
46 (55%) |
27 (33%) |
6 (7%) |
1 (1%) |
0 (0%) |
(4%) |
11. |
What background knowledge
do you think you were missing that would
have helped you in this course? Are the
official pre-requisites a suitable
preparation? |
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (50 comments) |
12. |
What topics
caused you the most difficulty? You can
select more than one item
Question type : Multiple answer --
Check Box |
The more
technical components remain the more
difficult parts of the course. Consistent
with previous year. |
System calls |
12 (14%) |
Processes |
5 (6%) |
Threads |
8 (10%) |
implementations issues |
24 (29%) |
and concurrency |
19 (23%) |
Deadlock |
11 (13%) |
Management and Virtual Memory |
50 (60%) |
File Systems |
24 (29%) |
I/O Management |
14 (17%) |
Scheduling |
14 (17%) |
Systems |
19 (23%) |
Security |
5 (6%) |
13. |
Which material do you
think you will be most useful to you in
the future? |
Question type :
Short-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (67 comments) |
14. |
What material related to
operating systems, but not currently in
the course, would you like to have seen
covered? |
Question type :
Short-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (44 comments) |
15. |
Which of the current
topics would you like to see scaled back
or excluded? |
Question type :
Short-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (47 comments) |
16. |
Is the current
mode of lecture delivery, using
computer-projected slides, effective? |
Question type : Single
answer -- Radio Button |
Yes |
82 (99%)
No |
0 (0%)
N/F |
1 (1%) |
17. |
Was the
subject material (lecture notes,
information on the subject web page,
textbook, tutorials, manuals, etc.)
sufficient to follow the course? |
Question type : Single
answer -- Radio Button |
Always |
24 (29%)
Most of the
time |
46 (55%)
Sometimes |
11 (13%)
Rarely |
0 (0%)
Never |
0 (0%)
N/F |
2 (2%) |
18. |
Did the
explanations in the lecture help you to
understand the subject material? (please
choose N/A if you generally did not attend
lectures) |
Question type : Single
answer -- Radio Button |
Always |
26 (31%)
Most of the
time |
48 (58%)
Sometimes |
7 (8%)
Rarely |
1 (1%)
Never |
0 (0%)
N/A |
0 (0%)
N/F |
1 (1%) |
19. |
This year
lectures were captured and made available
on the course web site as h264 video.
Please answer the following to guide me
going forward.
Question type : Single answer -- Radio
Button |
I take this response
as a positive endorsement of the lecture
I'm surprised at the number of students
who used them, and am glad that they were
I suspected that screen captures were
better than lectopia as capturing the
timing and illustrations is important,
though it remains to be seen if lectopia
improves next year to the point were I
could rely on it instead.
My clumsy queries regarding experimenting
with flip teaching seem to be unwelcome,
though I take that as more poor questions
than general student opinion on
alternative teaching approaches.
So the take-away is that lecture captures
are useful addition to the course, and are
utilised and appreciated. I'll continue,
technical hitches not withstanding.
Agree |
Agree |
Indifferent |
Disagree |
Disagree |
N/A |
N/F |
Lecture captures
should generally continue |
55 (66%) |
15 (18%) |
4 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
8 (10%) |
(1%) |
I found the
lecture captures useful |
41 (49%) |
24 (29%) |
3 (4%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
14 (17%) |
(1%) |
The quality of
the sound was sufficient to follow
the lectures |
19 (23%) |
30 (36%) |
14 (17%) |
3 (4%) |
0 (0%) |
16 (19%) |
(1%) |
Lectures should
be replaced with captures, and the
lecture times spent as open
consultations |
3 (4%) |
9 (11%) |
14 (17%) |
17 (20%) |
31 (37%) |
8 (10%) |
(1%) |
Lectures should
just be replaced with pre-recorded
captures. |
1 (1%) |
4 (5%) |
12 (14%) |
19 (23%) |
38 (46%) |
8 (10%) |
(1%) |
I actually used
the lecture captures |
20 (24%) |
40 (48%) |
7 (8%) |
1 (1%) |
4 (5%) |
10 (12%) |
(1%) |
The screen
captures are better than what
lectopia offers |
43 (52%) |
13 (16%) |
7 (8%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
19 (23%) |
(1%) |
Capturing the
on-screen drawing is important. |
48 (58%) |
21 (25%) |
2 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (1%) |
10 (12%) |
(1%) |
Given the
limited production resources
available, the overall quality of
the captures was good |
35 (42%) |
31 (37%) |
1 (1%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
14 (17%) |
(2%) |
20. |
If you have not been
attending lectures, what factors
influenced your decision not to attend? |
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (30 comments) |
21. |
Any suggestions for
improving lectures (including the lecture
video captures)? |
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (41 comments) |
22. |
If you used other
textbooks other than Tannenbaum (e.g.
Silberschatz, Stallings), how do you think
they compare to each other? Which gives
the best explanations, which has the best
structure, etc.... |
Question type :
Short-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (18 comments) |
23. |
The aim of the
tutorials is to help you understand the
subject material better. Please convey how
they performed in this role
Question type : Single answer -- Radio
Button |
Pretty similar
stats to previous years.
The result of my specific question about
tuts getting out of sync with lectures not
being an issue is surprising. Students
don't seem to be too concerned one way or
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
N/A |
N/F |
The tutorials
helped me understand the material |
35 (42%) |
15 (18%) |
5 (6%) |
2 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
24 (29%) |
(2%) |
The questions
were appropriately timed |
19 (23%) |
21 (25%) |
8 (10%) |
7 (8%) |
1 (1%) |
23 (28%) |
(5%) |
The questions
were of appropriate difficulty |
20 (24%) |
28 (34%) |
7 (8%) |
3 (4%) |
0 (0%) |
22 (27%) |
(4%) |
The questions
should have increased difficulty |
6 (7%) |
11 (13%) |
27 (33%) |
13 (16%) |
1 (1%) |
22 (27%) |
(4%) |
The number of
questions was appropriate |
14 (17%) |
22 (27%) |
14 (17%) |
6 (7%) |
0 (0%) |
23 (28%) |
(5%) |
The number of
questions should be expanded |
5 (6%) |
18 (22%) |
21 (25%) |
13 (16%) |
1 (1%) |
22 (27%) |
(4%) |
I always
prepared for the tutorials |
5 (6%) |
12 (14%) |
19 (23%) |
14 (17%) |
4 (5%) |
26 (31%) |
(4%) |
beforehand improved my understanding
of the material |
16 (19%) |
22 (27%) |
12 (14%) |
3 (4%) |
0 (0%) |
27 (33%) |
(4%) |
participation is important for
understanding the material |
16 (19%) |
29 (35%) |
5 (6%) |
4 (5%) |
1 (1%) |
25 (30%) |
(4%) |
tutorials being out of sync with
lectures (due to public holidays
etc..) is not a problem |
5 (6%) |
20 (24%) |
13 (16%) |
10 (12%) |
4 (5%) |
26 (31%) |
(6%) |
24. |
Please rate
how effective your tutor was. Check N/A if
you did not deal with the particular
Question type : Single answer -- Radio
Button |
The tutors were
good again this year. |
Excellent |
OK |
Poor |
N/A |
N/F |
Tutor A |
15 (18%) |
6 (7%) |
6 (7%) |
1 (1%) |
1 (1%) |
45 (54%) |
(11%) |
Tutor B |
24 (29%) |
4 (5%) |
3 (4%) |
1 (1%) |
0 (0%) |
46 (55%) |
(6%) |
25. |
Any suggestions for
improving tutorials?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (36 comments) |
26. |
Please rate
the level of difficulty of the assignments
Question type : Single answer -- Radio
Button |
similar to previous years: start easy,
finish hard. |
easy |
right |
difficult |
N/F |
Synchonisation |
8 (10%) |
26 (31%) |
44 (53%) |
4 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
(1%) |
Asst2: System
Calls |
0 (0%) |
5 (6%) |
50 (60%) |
24 (29%) |
3 (4%) |
(1%) |
Asst3: Virtual
Memory |
0 (0%) |
8 (10%) |
25 (30%) |
36 (43%) |
13 (16%) |
(1%) |
27. |
How well was
each assignment specified (taking into
account a significant part of the
assignments is understanding what to do
from the commented code itself)?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio
Button |
clearly |
OK |
Confusing |
N/F |
Synchonisation |
41 (49%) |
19 (23%) |
16 (19%) |
4 (5%) |
1 (1%) |
(2%) |
Asst2: System
Calls |
16 (19%) |
20 (24%) |
24 (29%) |
19 (23%) |
3 (4%) |
(1%) |
Asst3: Virtual
Memory |
10 (12%) |
23 (28%) |
21 (25%) |
19 (23%) |
8 (10%) |
(2%) |
28. |
Did the
supporting material (manuals, notes,
comments in code) provide sufficient
information for solving the assignment?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio
Button |
much |
Somewhat |
at all |
N/F |
Synchonisation |
33 (40%) |
21 (25%) |
24 (29%) |
4 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
(1%) |
Asst2: System
Calls |
19 (23%) |
25 (30%) |
24 (29%) |
12 (14%) |
2 (2%) |
(1%) |
Asst3: Virtual
Memory |
13 (16%) |
21 (25%) |
32 (39%) |
13 (16%) |
2 (2%) |
(2%) |
29. |
Rate which
factors (if applicable to you) contributed
to the assignments being difficult in your
Question type : Single answer -- Radio
Button |
Again, similar
to previous years. |
Major |
Minor |
No |
N/A |
N/F |
Topics are
conceptually difficult |
12 (14%) |
22 (27%) |
28 (34%) |
10 (12%) |
10 (12%) |
0 (0%) |
(1%) |
is difficult |
20 (24%) |
29 (35%) |
19 (23%) |
8 (10%) |
6 (7%) |
0 (0%) |
(1%) |
Lack of
familiarity with C |
6 (7%) |
9 (11%) |
19 (23%) |
14 (17%) |
34 (41%) |
0 (0%) |
(1%) |
Lack of
experience with a large code base |
15 (18%) |
23 (28%) |
19 (23%) |
4 (5%) |
21 (25%) |
0 (0%) |
(1%) |
Lack of
experience debugging C |
16 (19%) |
16 (19%) |
18 (22%) |
11 (13%) |
21 (25%) |
0 (0%) |
(1%) |
Lack of previous
low-level programming |
6 (7%) |
17 (20%) |
23 (28%) |
9 (11%) |
26 (31%) |
0 (0%) |
(2%) |
Lack of
familiarity of programming on the
12 (14%) |
9 (11%) |
18 (22%) |
12 (14%) |
29 (35%) |
2 (2%) |
(1%) |
30. |
The aim of the
assignment work was for you to develop
practical skills with the concepts covered
in lectures.
Question type : Single answer -- Radio
Button |
really |
Somewhat |
much |
N/F |
Did the
assignment work help with this? |
0 (0%) |
4 (5%) |
10 (12%) |
20 (24%) |
48 (58%) |
(1%) |
31. |
Do you have any specific
comments about OS/161 |
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (32 comments) |
32. |
Question type : Single
answer -- Radio Button |
33. |
What do you
think of the advanced assignments? |
Question type : Single
answer -- Radio Button |
Great Idea! |
28 (34%)
26 (31%)
Don't care |
28 (34%)
0 (0%)
Abolish! |
0 (0%)
N/F |
1 (1%) |
34. |
The advanced
assignments are intended as on opportunity
for students to delve deeper, and not as
an opportunity to scrounge marks. There is
a general trend towards less of the
former, and more of the latter. One
approach I'm considering is change the
assessment value of the assignments.
Please select an option below indicating
your preferred assignment bonus value. |
Question type : Single
answer -- Radio Button |
Interesting spread.
The current bonus for the advanced
assignment is 20%. The majority seems in
favour of reducing the bonus available:
23% versus 12%.
Interesting food for thought. Thanks.
I did not
attempt the advanced assignment |
53 (64%)
0% |
1 (1%)
5% |
3 (4%)
10% |
9 (11%)
15% |
6 (7%)
20% |
8 (10%)
25% |
2 (2%)
N/F |
1 (1%) |
35. |
Any suggestions for
improving the assignments? |
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (40 comments) |
COMP3891/9283 Extended Operating Systems
Skip this section if you did not do
COMP3891/9283 Extended Operating Systems.
36. |
How would you
rate extended OS as a whole? |
Question type : Single
answer -- Radio Button |
Excellent |
10 (12%)
14 (17%)
Average |
7 (8%)
0 (0%)
Poor |
0 (0%)
N/A |
7 (8%)
N/F |
45 (54%) |
37. |
What were the strong
points of COMP3891/9283? |
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (24 comments) |
38. |
What were the weak points
of COMP3891/9283? |
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (22 comments) |
39. |
Any suggestions for
improving COMP3891/9283 Extended OS? |
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (14 comments) |
40. |
Answer the
following questions to convey your opinion
of the final exam
Question type : Single answer -- Radio
Button |
The perception
of the exam is similar to previous years. |
Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Disagree |
N/F |
The exam overall
was too hard |
1 (1%) |
7 (8%) |
35 (42%) |
25 (30%) |
5 (6%) |
(12%) |
The exam overall
was too short - i.e. it should be 3
hours |
3 (4%) |
18 (22%) |
17 (20%) |
22 (27%) |
13 (16%) |
(12%) |
The exam should
contain more True/False questions |
2 (2%) |
4 (5%) |
20 (24%) |
32 (39%) |
15 (18%) |
(12%) |
The exam gave me
the oppurtunity to demonstrate my
understanding of operating systems |
8 (10%) |
43 (52%) |
15 (18%) |
4 (5%) |
3 (4%) |
(12%) |
I think my exam
result will be representative of my
operating systems knowledge |
6 (7%) |
33 (40%) |
21 (25%) |
10 (12%) |
3 (4%) |
(12%) |
The final
assessment should be weight ed more
towards the exam |
2 (2%) |
4 (5%) |
26 (31%) |
27 (33%) |
14 (17%) |
(12%) |
41. |
Do you have any particular
comments you would like to make about the
exam? |
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (44 comments) |
The availability of blogging and public
source code repositories makes it
increasingly difficult to assess
assignments under the assumption that it
is completely the students own ideas
(despite students signing that they will
not plagiarise the work of others). This
has the potential to completely destroy
the value of practical assignments, both
as a learning aid and an assessment tool,
and create an unfair environment where
students who get the benefit of doing the
work themselves are indirectly penalised
in their assessment as they may not be as
correct as a plagiarised version. I'd
appreciate student views on the area.
Note that practical environments take
years to develop, so a new assignment
series each year is impractical. |
42. |
The following
are some "wild" ideas that I'd like
feedback on to gauge opinion.
Question type : Single answer -- Radio
Button |
High level
take-away: Students expect be rewarded in
their assessment for work put into the assignments.
The exam and the harmonic mean seem reduce
the ability of cheater to do well without
understanding the material.
The high-workload approaches of labs
and oral exams are favourably looked at. I
wish I had the resources to explore the
Agree |
Agree |
Indifferent |
Disagree |
Disagree |
N/F |
Make the
assignments simple
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (the
exam would be the final determiner
of student assessment) |
2 (2%) |
9 (11%) |
13 (16%) |
27 (33%) |
28 (34%) |
(5%) |
Assess the
assignments only via an oral exam on
understanding |
1 (1%) |
17 (20%) |
19 (23%) |
24 (29%) |
18 (22%) |
(5%) |
Assess the
assignments via automarking and an
oral exam on understanding |
5 (6%) |
32 (39%) |
21 (25%) |
11 (13%) |
10 (12%) |
(5%) |
Reduce the value
of the assignments towards the
course. |
1 (1%) |
7 (8%) |
16 (19%) |
36 (43%) |
20 (24%) |
(4%) |
Make the
assignments completely formative and
optional (i.e. only for practice),
and the exam is the sole determiner
of student achievement. |
2 (2%) |
2 (2%) |
8 (10%) |
23 (28%) |
45 (54%) |
(4%) |
Assess the
assignments via automarking, and via
targeted exam questions. |
3 (4%) |
19 (23%) |
28 (34%) |
21 (25%) |
8 (10%) |
(5%) |
Run the
assignments as weekly labs, with
small deliverables. |
17 (20%) |
27 (33%) |
16 (19%) |
12 (14%) |
8 (10%) |
(4%) |
43. |
What is your opinion on an
equitable approach to evaluating practical
student work? |
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom
page (49 comments) |
44. |
We always look
for evidence of cheating in assigments and
try or best to catch and penalise
cheaters. Please tell us what you think
about the treatment of cheaters in the
course. |
Question type : Single
answer -- Radio Button |
Too soft |
6 (7%)
9 (11%)
Just right |
57 (69%)
5 (6%)
Too harsh |
1 (1%)
N/F |
5 (6%) |
45. |
What do you
think your final result will be for the
course? |
Question type : Single
answer -- Radio Button |
HD |
12 (14%)
DN |
29 (35%)
CR |
23 (28%)
PS |
5 (6%)
FL |
1 (1%)
No Idea |
12 (14%)
N/F |
1 (1%) |
Back to Summary |
3. |
other factor that influenced your
decision? |
1: |
Suggested by student office |
2: |
The only way I can get to be a better
programmer is if I push the limits of what I |
3: |
Curiosity |
4: |
N/A |
5: |
No |
6: |
NICTA courses have higher teaching quality
in general |
7: |
Pad more knowledge to overall the
computing field |
8: |
A recommendation from my ELEC2142
lecturer, as a natural pathway to learn more
about low level hardware and embedded
systems. |
9: |
The advice from software engineers during
my internship |
10: |
N/A |
11: |
No |
12: |
Opportunity of handling OS by myself |
13: |
Ties together several other subjects (ie.
fills the gap between other courses and
comp2121)2 |
14: |
That I was able to do it as an elec eng L3
elective |
15: |
Wanted to learn better C, this seemed like
the best course to take. |
16: |
Essential to computing |
17: |
Nope |
18: |
getting better with C |
19: |
People told me that it was important and
fundamental. |
20: |
N/A |
21: |
- |
22: |
No |
23: |
Tie in with embedded systems knowledge. |
24: |
just love comp sci even though it's not my
degree |
25: |
Curiousity |
26: |
Kevin was teaching and was told he was a
good lecturer. Was happy. |
27: |
Amount of work |
28: |
Just want to know something about OS. |
29: |
N/A |
30: |
Leads to aOS - which emphasises my
previous answers |
31: |
Another reason |
32: |
Show respect to the old generation in the
area of CS |
33: |
Available subjects to fit my timetable |
6. |
were the best things about this course? |
1: |
Rewarding feeling when passing
assignments. |
2: |
The tutorials |
3: |
giving chance to understand basic concepts
and structures of operating systems. |
4: |
Challenging assignments, lecturer who knew
his material like the back of his hand,
interesting content, applicable to normal
programming |
5: |
The chance to get access to a large code
base was great, I definitely improved my
ability to write documented code that had to
work with a larger system.
I gained a lot of experience debugging, and
debugging *difficult* issues at that. The
course was interesting and challenging, and
I felt that the three major course
components worked well in tandem. |
6: |
The assignments, challenging and
rewarding. The early 10% bonus is a great
idea, encouraging students to start extra
early is a big help. |
7: |
Working practically on the OS/161 kernel |
8: |
Good lecturer :) |
9: |
The course is no doubt challenging. My
partner and I were hitting road blocks after
road blocks, but the moment we figured
something out it felt amazing. |
10: |
The experience of tackling challenging
assignments |
11: |
hard assignments |
12: |
Chance to get some hands on experience
writing things I actually use everyday as a
programmer. Also, understanding the
evolution of ideas in OS overtime and how
and why certain things work the way they do. |
13: |
Being able to learn interesting concepts
in the field of operating systems and
essential use in devices. |
14: |
Challenging but rewarding programming
assignments. |
15: |
Very interesting and useful to understand
multiprogramming and synchronization
primitives and VM. Assignments are good
because you wouldn't fully understand the
concepts until you have to implement them |
16: |
Assignments were challenging |
17: |
Deep understanding of operating system. |
18: |
Interesting topics structured and taught
Very good OS/Systems background even if you
don't specifically work on OS |
19: |
Video lectures. By far the best thing
about the course. Especially considering how
information-loaded and intensive this course
is. It has assisted me greatly in learning
the material. |
20: |
* Relevance to what we use every day
(operating systems) and to computer science.
* Very interesting and challenging.
* Lectures were very informative and
tutorials quite good at reinforcing
learning. |
21: |
In-depth understanding of the OS |
22: |
The course is very interesting. The
material is well organised |
23: |
Interesting case studies and real world
24: |
The programming assignments were
reasonably challenging and I do have learnt
what I've expected to. |
25: |
Very interesting and challenging
assignments |
26: |
I feel as though I have a good
understanding of what makes a good Operating
System (i.e. it achieved its goal fairly
well) |
27: |
Learning OS at low level |
28: |
Great content |
29: |
The researchy aspect in extended |
30: |
The lectures were very easy to listen to.
If there were no assignments for this
course, anyone would find it informative and
easy just because of how well it is taught.
But obviously the meat is in the
assignments. |
31: |
The assignment was awesome practice for
things we learnt |
32: |
The assessments really forced you to
understand all of the basic concepts
required |
33: |
Lectures and tutorials are very helpful. |
34: |
the fact that we were really forced to put
into practice what we'd learned and get up
to scratch with the content through the
assignments |
35: |
The best things about this course were the
challenges presented in the assignments
which give hands on experience to the
content and theory learnt during the course. |
36: |
Tutor and lecturer were both excellent.
Can clearly see the application of the
knowledge obtained in this course while
writing applications. |
37: |
Interesting content. Solid assignments. |
38: |
Engaging lectures. Challenging but
manageable assignments |
39: |
Lecturing style was clear. Notes were
clear and readily available. |
40: |
Covered topics were varied and broad,
exposing issues that a beginning OS
developer would ignore or take for granted.
The extended class, running in parallel with
normal lectures and with a similar but
deeper content, is a pretty cool idea.
Further, Kevin is able to answer (all?)
questions in a clear manner, which was a
great help with the course when one is
confused/misunderstands how certain things
Hands-on experience in actually building
something interesting (e.g. VM,
multitasking) from scratch is pretty damn
cool; other (esp. core) courses are much
more removed from practical
Open-ended extended assignments are pretty
fun, too. |
41: |
Course content is fascinating, very
knowledgeable and well-spoken lecturer and
tutor, really challenging assignments that
make you think and when (if) you get them
working it's one of the most rewarding
feelings. |
42: |
Good introduction to operating systems. |
43: |
Lectures |
44: |
It is a challenging course. You learn a
lot if you do assignments seriously. |
45: |
Getting an insight into how the operating
system works and gaining a good
understanding of the complete system |
46: |
well structured, good material, passion
lecture. |
47: |
Interesting topics |
48: |
it gives a good overview of OS |
49: |
The tutorials and the assignments were
very good in solidifying what was talked
about in lectures |
50: |
The mix between the hands-on (assignments)
and the theory. The amount of content is
just right and I certainly feel I took a lot
out of this course that would be useful for
me in the future in general. |
51: |
The assignments, challenging but rewarding |
52: |
pretty much everything. assignments,
lectures, tutors (both anna and the sub we
had for two weeks) |
53: |
Assignments were fun and challenging.
Tutor explained things very well – made
both doing the assignments and learning the
material easier.
54: |
Deeply interesting content. Assignments
were very enjoyable and challenging (in
hindsight). |
55: |
Learning about fundamentals and brief
in-depth snippets of how OS works. Great
course for any computing student and very
helpful to have the underlying knowledge. |
56: |
Assignments |
57: |
tuts/lectures |
58: |
It was very challenging, and gave us a
first person look at how operating systems
actually work. |
59: |
managing OS with high-level language. |
60: |
Video Capture helped a lot the better
understand the lecture slides when reviewing
Tutorial questions helped understand a lot
more about the topics |
61: |
Challenging but rewarding programming
assignments. |
62: |
Lecturer's style of presentation,
knowledgeable and thorough. Good material
covered, relevant real world examples. |
63: |
Interesting, engaging material that I
imagine would be useful to anyone studying a
computing degree at any level. Definitely
broadened my knowledge and provided valuable
insight to the overall computer technology
stack. |
64: |
Excellent lecturer, good assessment
scheme, interesting content. |
65: |
Exceptional lecturer, great content, every
lecture was a joy to attend. One of the best
courses I've done. Fascinating. |
66: |
The material. Just the right amount of
depth to make it interesting, broad enough
scope to stop it from being boring. |
67: |
The course was taught really well. Above
all the challenge assignments were the best
part. |
68: |
Get to write codes for Operating System. |
69: |
Understanding how Operating System is
being implemented generally |
7. |
were the worst things about this course? |
1: |
The os161 assignments are quite
challenging |
2: |
Virtual Memory Assignment, the coding of
the physical and virtual memory usage using
alloc_kpages() and PADDR_TO_VADDR to
allocate memory was a trial and error
process to get things working with no
errors. Perhaps I did not listen good
enough. Not the concept of how a VM system
works but the specific functions used to
implement it. |
3: |
weekly exercise is not enough for us to
get familiar with concept we learned in
lecture. |
4: |
None |
5: |
Assignments are not easy. |
6: |
Some lecture content was quite dry, felt
like we were just learning algorithms,
though might be unavoidable due to the
subject matter |
7: |
that it always classes with elec eng
courses - always! |
8: |
Assignments felt extremely difficult at
times. Many hours spent. Hate programming in
C. |
9: |
Should give more time on last assignment
than others |
10: |
The worst part of the course was the
amount of time the assignments ended up
costing me when something *did* go wrong.
There were very long debug sessions that
required me to hash out implementation
issues- despite having a good grasp on the
actual theory and concepts.
At the end of the day I gained experience
and skills doing this, which I am grateful
for, however looking back there was probably
a 60/40 split between debugging/hair pulling
and actual theory comprehension
respectively. I only have myself to blame
for the issues, but it was just the one
thing that I noticed while taking the
Yes, debugging in
general in complex low-level systems is
challenging. Getting into the habit of
defensively programming (asserting
invariants in the code) is a good skill to
practice independent of the programming in
general. |
11: |
Probably the information for OS161 wasn't
really enough. |
12: |
THe challenges can be overwhelming at
times |
13: |
Tutorial participation. i.e. the idea of
speaking in class to get marks, rather than
attending and following and listening
We find that
unless you're prepared to participate, we
are effective awarding marks to sleep in
the same room as the tutorial. |
14: |
not enough time to do them |
15: |
The crunch periods - it felt like there
could have been more time to do the
assignments. Maybe they could be released
slightly earlier?
Three weeks should
be sufficient for the assignments. |
16: |
Perhaps the release of marks for
Assignment 2 was a bit slow to gauge
accurate progress in the course (marks
wise). This could have enabled a bit more
time dedication to bonus marks to make up
any that may have been lost. |
17: |
Have to know lots of details for the exam. |
18: |
There was no real direction on the OS161
interface for the assesments. This meant
spending days understanding how OS161 worked
with the theory |
19: |
Assignments |
20: |
Not enough detail for assignment |
21: |
For those who are not familiar with
high-level language ,this course's
assignments are too difficult. |
22: |
It is personal issue.I have a feeling that
I should have done it better if put in more
effort. |
23: |
Tight assignment deadlines. |
24: |
The tutorial is far too short, my tutorial
sometime just finishes in 15 minutes. |
25: |
Assignment length. The last assignment in
particular we were given just over 2 weeks,
and I spent the first half of that
programming madly myself and the second half
constantly communicating with my partner.
The last assignment requires ridiculous
amounts of work and an extra week would've
been nice - If I was taking a full time
course load this semester I wouldn't have
been able to do it.
(Realistically though, I acknowledge that
sometimes giving students an extra week
makes them just start it later.)
The last
assignment was released on May 18th and
due June 7th - 3 weeks should be enough. |
26: |
I would have liked a little more code
walkthroughs to be available for the complex
concepts covered in the course, maybe even
in the lectures as examples, |
27: |
More guidance on the assignments would be
beneficial. The skeleton provided were not
quite adequate to get us started in my
opinion. |
28: |
very very poor feedback to assignments, in
promptness and quantity of comments. I have
no idea how I did compared to everyone else. |
29: |
Tight assignment deadlines. |
30: |
Lack of feedback on performance, and lack
of help available for assignments
I don't buy the
argument for lack of help available - we
had consults all semester and hardly
anybody attended. |
31: |
* Last assignment was initially a little
daunting, i.e. had a bit of a steep learning
curve. |
32: |
Somewhat difficult to grasp what is going
on with OS/161 at times. More consistent
practical work (smaller assignments) or
practical questions in tutorials might give
a better understanding. |
33: |
SVN synchronisation issues in the
assignment |
34: |
Not enough time for last assignment. We
wanted to attempt the advanced part, however
there was only 2 weeks to complete the whole
assignment |
35: |
There are too many things to remember when
preparing for the final exam. Every chapter
is equally important and can be tested with
some hard questions. And I forgot half of
them after going through all the materials
once so I have to study again and again. |
36: |
Deadlines were slightly too quick, see
below. |
37: |
learning curve |
38: |
Lack of information, or hidden
information, about how to implement
assignments |
39: |
The worst things about this course was the
low level instruction codes that were
required to be understood for certain parts
of the course. |
40: |
tricky deadlines |
41: |
The assignments may be too difficult for
some students. |
42: |
Do I have to answer this question? There
are no bad things about OS! |
43: |
Felt like a lot of content, but was very
satisfied. Assignments seemed to encourage
classmates to look at other code online..
.which was quite discouraging. |
44: |
the assignment can be confusing,
especially when you do not know what went
wrong |
45: |
Too many assignments towards the end of
the course. Too busy by the end. |
46: |
assignment too hard |
47: |
Difficult assignments than other courses. |
48: |
sheer density of information at times.
perhaps if course was just on os/161 it
might be more manageable. mind you this was
my first third level course. |
49: |
The assignments takes a bit too long to
Also, it would be nice if the assignment
markers gave more feedback e.g. why 0.5 mark
was taken off for a section. |
50: |
n/a |
51: |
Workload at times seemed a little much,
especially as coordinating time to work with
project partners wasn't always easy. |
52: |
Last assignment is too hard. |
53: |
For weaker programmers, the assignments
seemed like throwing them off the deep end,
and it became more of trying to finish a
deadline instead of learning the core of OS. |
54: |
I would say pressure, but I think it was
mostly psychosomatic. There was a little bit
of a lack in available material for the
extended component. |
55: |
last assignment too hard |
56: |
at first the lecture notes, however, this
was fixed. |
57: |
A lot of (very necessary) work in
assignments before interesting components.
Time to try more advanced things would be
good (we never reached paging because of
time pressures) |
58: |
Never quite having enough time to finish
the assignments to my satisfaction. This is
more a time management thing on my part, but
trying to do earliest deadline scheduling
for assignments is asking for trouble. |
59: |
I didn't get to finish the last
assignment. It is just too complicated to
understand how everything work in the OS and
what causes the error. |
60: |
nothing I can think of |
61: |
Too short tutorial time.
Tutor can't explain all questions during the
tutorials. |
62: |
Lecturer explain things more clearly |
63: |
Not much happening at the beginning of
semester |
11. |
background knowledge do you think you were
missing that would have helped you in this
course? Are the official pre-requisites a
suitable preparation? |
1: |
Multi threading, but worked it out in the
end, just had to practise it. |
2: |
None really - the pre-requisites are
suitable. |
3: |
It was a long time since I played with C.
Prerequisites are fine. |
4: |
Having taken ELEC2142 instead of COMP2121
I didn't know much about MIPS, but it was
pretty easy to pick up so I don't think it's
a problem. |
5: |
I hadn't worked with C for more than a
year which made the assessments more
difficult... Not sure what could be done
about that though |
6: |
low low level C |
7: |
I missed stuff on comp2121 contents of
which I think may help me a lot. |
8: |
N/A. |
9: |
None really, but on behalf of others:
experience with a larger code base than a
couple of source files.
Pre-requisites are adequate in my opinion. |
10: |
For a postgraduate student, the
prerequisite course is Microprocessor which
is about assembly programming. I think it's
not necessary because not much is included
in this course and I can quickly pick up
those codes related. |
11: |
I was missing some really super-solid
knowledge of C that would have helped. No
course can really make you learn that
though. |
12: |
The official pre-requisites are enough. |
13: |
Prerequisites are suitable. |
14: |
my c was not strong enough for this course
at the start. |
15: |
Debugging, C pointers/indirection, unix
syscalls usage |
16: |
Official pre-requisites are suitable |
17: |
Coming from only doing comp1917 and
comp1927, I don't believe I was missing any
important knowledge. |
18: |
Very little, but only thanks to security.
More needs to be covered concerning syscalls
and how the kernel boundary actually behaves
in Unix. |
19: |
COMP1917, 1927 and 2121 are appropriate
prerequisite. |
20: |
wasn't really missing anything |
21: |
the official pre-requisites are suitable
for this course. |
22: |
of the prerequisits I'd done comp1927 and
elec2142 and I can't think of anything I
particularly struggled with because of
assumed knowledge, although I still haven't
learnt hash tables properly |
23: |
I think the preqrequisites prepared me
well enough for this course |
24: |
Pre reqs fine. |
25: |
Not enough practice on C programming for a
long time since not a computer science but
computer engineering student. |
26: |
Yes the official pre-requisites is very
suitable, especially 'comp9032' is very
helpful for OS |
27: |
I was not missing any background
knowledge. The pre-requisites are fairly
suitable. (COMP2121 was it?) |
28: |
Official pre-reqs were sufficient. |
29: |
none i can think of |
30: |
Not sure. My main problem was the fairly
sparse documentation on the TLB to be
honest. |
31: |
The pre-requesites are ample preperation
in my opinion. Computer Architecture was
immensely helpful for its explanation of
MIPS, TLB, DMA etc. |
32: |
Some practice with other major C code
written by other people might have helped
working with the assignments as they were a
challenge as of itself. |
33: |
None |
34: |
The official prereqs seem about right. |
35: |
Nothing as such. |
36: |
^ note for question 10: I haven't done any
COMP courses apart from COMP1921.
I feel that I was constantly behind my peers
in ability to code because I have not done
COMP1917 and 1927. Some terms were foreign
to me, like Hashing. Nevertheless, I felt I
was able to get a good understanding of OS
theory and how it relates to hardware (and
assembly) from mastering ELEC2142. So while
I had to learn how to code as well as learn
the theory, it has all been rewarding and I
like to think I have coped quite well. |
37: |
I do Electrical Engineering so it would've
been nice to have done another COMP course
that taught me how to navigate through lots
of code and make intelligent decisions about
how to use/manipulate it. But this course
taught me that. |
38: |
I didn't do COMP2121 but had no issue
keeping up. COMP1917 and COMP1927 should be
enough if you attend all lectures etc. |
39: |
N/A. |
40: |
Deeper understanding of c. |
41: |
Rusty on C, |
42: |
I think it would be good to recognise that
for some/most students, this is the first
'C' course that they've taken since 1927. I
wouldn't necessarily change the structure of
the course, but a webpage primer either
explaining or linking to the main points
like pointer arithmetic would be great. The
'primer' page on gdb was an excellent
resource for gdb, something similar for C
would be very helpful. |
43: |
Nothing else was needed. 2121 was a good
pre-requisite. |
44: |
I did not take COMP2121 and it was not an
issue, although I did have prior experience
with OSdev/asm/microcontrollers. |
45: |
Official pre-requisites helped me greatly
in understanding, especially learning C. |
46: |
The official pre-reqs are suitable. |
47: |
Having a lot of experience with assembly
from Elec Eng prepared me well, I most
struggled with the UNIX side of things not
being a CSE student. This probably only
applies to a small % of the students though. |
48: |
N/A. Suitable pre-reqs, although I
understood most of it despite a poor result
in COMP2121 |
49: |
The pre-requisites are suitable, but
still, I wish I had a better understanding
of how OS works as a whole at the beginning
of the course. |
50: |
One should be able to handle Unix system
and other program(emac, vim...etc) well.
13. |
material do you think you will be most
useful to you in the future? |
1: |
Multithreading, deadlocks etc. |
2: |
concurrency |
3: |
synchro! |
4: |
Threads and processe have already been
helpful, I/O management, scheduling and
multiprocessor systems seem likely to be
useful in the future |
5: |
Virtual Memory |
6: |
Concurrency and virtual memory |
7: |
Threads |
8: |
All of the topics covered |
9: |
threads and synchronization |
10: |
Synchronisation and Threads |
11: |
Knowledge about virtual memory |
12: |
Processes, threads and virtual memory. |
13: |
threads, concurrency, memory management,
security |
14: |
Synchronisation and concurrency |
15: |
processes and threads (very applied) |
16: |
Concurrency and Memory management |
17: |
processes/threads, concurrency issues,
memory management |
18: |
High-level theory, knowledge, and concepts
in general. |
19: |
Scheduling |
20: |
Synchonisation and concurrency and VM |
21: |
memory |
22: |
System call |
23: |
material related virtual machine |
24: |
fs, io, security |
25: |
Synchronisation and concurrency |
26: |
Synchronisation and concurrency |
27: |
Concurrency. |
28: |
Deadlock |
29: |
Some hints for implementing swapping --
ran into some concurrency issues |
30: |
Multiprocessor Systems |
31: |
Hard to say, it tied together really well
as a good BFS of OS. |
32: |
Virtual Memory for optimisation |
33: |
Concurrency and synchronisation knowledge |
34: |
Concurrency and scheduling. They will
prove invaluable in the future if I end up
pursuing real time embedded systems. |
35: |
General understanding of how an OS works
to be able to write better code over the top |
36: |
Synchronisation |
37: |
Processes and threads |
38: |
File systems, concurrency, virtual memory |
39: |
Synchronisation and concurrency |
40: |
Synchronisation |
41: |
Threads |
42: |
Virtual Memory.I still remember every bit
I have done |
43: |
Cache, Multiprocessor, Security,
Concurrency |
44: |
The assignments are provided good
experience to see how a simple OS looks
like. |
45: |
Scheduling |
46: |
Multiprocessor Systems |
47: |
Synchronisation, Virtual Memory,
Scheduling, I/O Management |
48: |
I |
49: |
Synchonisation and scheduling |
50: |
Threads and parallel/concurrency issues |
51: |
Most of them |
52: |
hopefully threads and concurrency |
53: |
Unix/Linux related case studies |
54: |
Thread, Scheduling, Security |
55: |
Processes, Threads, I/O Management and
Synchronsation |
56: |
Memory management |
57: |
System call implementation, File Systems |
58: |
Threads |
59: |
Memory management and virtual memory |
60: |
I/O management, Synchonisation and
concurrency |
61: |
Virtual Memory for optimisation |
62: |
General appreciation for os complexity |
63: |
Threads and concurrency |
64: |
Multiporcessor systems |
65: |
Concurrency, deadlocks and scheduling |
66: |
Probably threads + scheduling. However I
am a firm believer in the idea that being
exposed to ideas/techniques improves your
reasoning, so technicially all of the above
would apply. |
67: |
Through understanding of VM performance
and issues. |
14. |
material related to operating systems, but
not currently in the course, would you
like to have seen covered? |
1: |
-- |
2: |
Porting the operating system into the
embedded device. |
3: |
hardware interrupts, but hard to do with
simulated hardware |
4: |
More in depth studies of different os's. |
5: |
N/A |
6: |
Not sure. |
7: |
i don |
8: |
The famous Lions Book |
9: |
None |
10: |
- |
11: |
Perhaps drawing a few more parallels with
Linux. Although the textbook does a decent
enough job of that. |
12: |
N/A |
13: |
None that I can think of. |
14: |
I would have liked to see more case
studies on how real world OSs like Linux or
Windows handles things like VM. Of course it
would be beyond our level, but selected
topics would be interesting. I also would
have liked to see something about
virtualising OS and how translation layers
like WINE work. |
15: |
More case studies of how Windows and Mac
achieved things (Consumer OSs) |
16: |
Distributed OS |
17: |
More stuff on multiprocessor OS |
18: |
Networking and Security surrounding that |
19: |
No idea |
20: |
More coverage on OS/161 |
21: |
Perhaps graphics, how they are managed etc |
22: |
Perhaps some basic comp. arch for a bigger
picture, aside from that nothing. |
23: |
Modern approaches and techniques |
24: |
N/A |
25: |
a look at the functionality of modern
OSes/ the scope of features modern OSes
provide |
26: |
N/A |
27: |
N/A |
28: |
nothing I know enough about to suggest,
but security is really interesting, sad it
was almost left out |
29: |
security |
30: |
more on multiprocessors and/or security |
31: |
Unsure |
32: |
None |
33: |
Hypervisors, security & rootkits |
34: |
features of modern system like 'Android' |
35: |
None |
36: |
nothing, but perhaps a bit more
hand-holding through system calls in
lectures and tutes. |
37: |
N/A |
38: |
more virtual machine stuff could have been
cool |
39: |
User-interface for the OS |
40: |
Mobile operating systems (iOS, Android,
WebOS) |
41: |
A closer look at the implementation of a
popular open-source OS (was never sure which
parts of OS/161 would be usable in a real
desktop/server OS). Perhaps microkernels. |
42: |
Not sure... |
43: |
More than just Unix-like OS's wouldve
preferred to see how Windows etc. work |
44: |
I don't recall much discussion about
hardware drivers, that would have been nice |
15. |
of the current topics would you like to
see scaled back or excluded? |
1: |
scale back on multiproc stuff |
2: |
noting at all |
3: |
None |
4: |
Security |
5: |
File systems |
6: |
Processes |
7: |
file systems, but mostly because of my
lower-level interests |
8: |
Maybe a little less time on concurrency -
let us make our own mistakes. More
practical? |
9: |
Security |
10: |
None |
11: |
There seems to be more focus on
concurrency related topics than any other,
though it may well be the hardest concept in
the course |
12: |
Low-level implementation issues |
13: |
Not sure... |
14: |
N/a |
15: |
perhaps filesystems. |
16: |
None |
17: |
Security |
18: |
low level implementation issues. |
19: |
None, I think it was a very well rounded
course with very little irrelevant material. |
20: |
N/A |
21: |
vm |
22: |
Low-level implementation issues |
23: |
N/A |
24: |
hard drive access optimisation |
25: |
File Systems |
26: |
scheduling |
27: |
cut off the I/O part for other topics |
28: |
- |
29: |
N/A |
30: |
File systems is slightly too large |
31: |
N/A |
32: |
Perhaps the overall Process/Thread &
concurrency area has room for shrinking. |
33: |
N/A |
34: |
We probably spent too long on pagetables,
but it helped for the assignment so I don |
35: |
File systems |
36: |
ext3 FS |
37: |
Not sure.Maybe there should be more
elaborations on how the kernel works |
38: |
Deadlock |
39: |
VM |
40: |
I feel like the scheduling algorithms don |
41: |
Anything about windows and magnetic tapes. |
42: |
File systems topic is huge (examining ext2
and ext3 seemed a little too much) |
43: |
Low level implementation. Perhaps more
high level understanding |
44: |
we spent a lot of time on file systems,
like 4 lectures doing case studies in the
middle and I sort of lost the flow of it all |
45: |
No idea |
46: |
none. |
47: |
None |
20. |
you have not been attending lectures, what
factors influenced your decision not to
attend? |
1: |
Availability of vast resources relating to
the subject online or in textbooks; this
gave OS lectures more flexibility for me. |
2: |
N/A |
3: |
N/A |
4: |
Travel time (1.5 - 2 hours each way) |
5: |
mostly because I have only 1 lecture on
Thursday |
6: |
Lecture time are a bit too late and I
think it will be more effective to go
through the materials when I'm not that
tired |
7: |
Have been attending lectures. |
8: |
Assignments to finish and exams to revise. |
9: |
N/A |
10: |
N/A |
11: |
Time spent doing OS assignments |
12: |
n/a |
13: |
N/A, attended all |
14: |
N/A |
15: |
N/A |
16: |
Assignments from other courses.
Late lectures in the evening. |
17: |
fatigue |
18: |
Too many assignments from other COMP
courses |
19: |
I attended most of the lectures, I slacked
off in the latter half of the semester
because you started doing video lectures
which I greatly preferred.
That is one
downside I fear. I do not want to end up
recording lectures each week to an empty
lecture theatre. |
20: |
A clash with a core Electrical subject
lecture on Thursdays. I am very grateful for
the OS lecture recordings, as a result. |
21: |
Attended ~60-70% of lectures due to time
constraints from working full time on an
industry placement. The video lectures made
it much easier for me to keep up to date
when I couldn't get off work to attend. |
22: |
When I had several assignments due at
roughly the same time, was extremely helpful
to be able to not attend some lectures and
catch up later with the videos. |
23: |
Work commitments for the first half of
semester. However afterwards i regret
missing the earlier lectures. |
24: |
only skipped a couple because I had a
clash |
25: |
Towards the end of the semester, increased
workload as multiple assignments from
several courses are due very frequently and
close together. |
26: |
Work commitments |
27: |
- |
28: |
N/A |
29: |
Other assignments due |
30: |
The lecture slides were sufficient to
follow the course. |
21. |
suggestions for improving lectures
(including the lecture video captures)? |
1: |
Maybe the occasional practical demo - eg.
Here's a view of what happens with vm and
paging in a running system under load. Don't
know how this could be accomplished, but
would be interesting. |
2: |
Video lectures were awesome. My lecture
attendance didn't drop because the lectures
were bad, it dropped because being able to
rewind a few minutes is infinitely useful
and doesn't inconvenience the other students
in the lecture by interrupting. On that same
note, can I suggest taking a more hardline
stance with lecture interruptions? There was
one student in particular who constantly
interrupted to uh 'contribute his knowledge'
for no good reason, and part of the reason I
switched to video lectures was because I
could skip over his interruptions. I was
pretty impressed with how patient you were
with the interruptions though so kudos for
Also (sorry for wall of text) it would be
nice if the notes were up earlier. I
couldn't decide 'do i need to attend this
topic in person or will notes suffice'
because they were up so late. Minor quibble
though, mitigated later in the semester by
video lectures. |
3: |
If they are pre-recorded, they can be
carefully structured and more concise.
Labelled bookmarks (possible in YouTube in
the info section) would be extremely useful
to be able to quickly find specific
information or examples. |
4: |
The slides should be uploaded before the
lectures. Students have time to read it and
prepare before attending the lecture. |
5: |
N/A |
6: |
Better sound quality. Thursday lectures
was quite difficult to understand in the
video as the voice echoed. |
7: |
Perhaps slightly clearer audio.
Specifically when students provide input or
ask questions. This was usually not quite
understandable, but not a major issue
really. |
8: |
No, they seem fairly solid |
9: |
Try a better microphone. Sometimes the
volume varied very wildly. |
10: |
Having different methods in topics
introduced somewhat chronologically, kind of
like "people tried this first, but found
this and this disadvantage so then x was
developed". This is sometimes done and
sometimes not, but I find that it helps with
understanding more than "these are all the
things available to us right now".
Links to suggested reading material.
11: |
Less slides and 'death by powerpoint'. |
12: |
A better lecture theatre? One where you
are closer to the audience so its less scary
to try and ask questions? |
13: |
Better lecture theatre, or use the PA
system (I know this isn't necessarily under
your control, but the science theatre is
awful to have a lecture in without
amplification - it's very difficult to hear) |
14: |
More up-to-date preparation from Kevin;
the occasional "oh, that's what I have
coming up next" pauses were a bit awkward. |
15: |
Continue to do this from the start of the
course, as the lecture notes are near
impossible to follow without the aid of the
capture. |
16: |
better sound quality |
17: |
Sometimes sound quality could be improved
in certain parts of some captures. |
18: |
prevent a particular student from
answering the questions from other students
and intercepting the lectures. |
19: |
Improve sound quality, when a student asks
a question, possibly repeat the question
again yourself before answering (student's
voice aren't very clear in the recordings) |
20: |
Start recording from day one. Allow
lecture notes to be released before
lectures. |
21: |
It seemed to cover it pretty well, I can't
suggest anything major I would change. |
22: |
The lectures are already very good, I
would have enjoyed more story time/tales
from industry. |
23: |
More explanation through hand writing |
24: |
None. |
25: |
Wireless mic? Bluetooth headset attached
to your top pocket? |
26: |
Continue using the videos. |
27: |
Was difficult to hear any questions that
the audience would ask, perhaps repeat it to
the mic? |
28: |
maybe split lectures to 1hour slots? I
found it difficult to follow sometimes
during the 2hour slot. |
29: |
- |
30: |
combien videos in lecture ntoes. |
31: |
possibly engaging the class a little bit
more, but they were generally very good |
32: |
None |
33: |
none |
34: |
Not sure. |
35: |
More low level implementation examples to
help with assignments. |
36: |
It would be better if Extended OS lectures
were in the same room. |
37: |
No. |
38: |
Lecturer could repeat student questions so
that they can be heard clearly on the video
captures, because the microphone doesn't
pick them up when spoken by the students. |
39: |
Try some hands on in-OS161 demos? Just a
possibility. |
40: |
It would be better if Extended OS lectures
were in the same room. |
41: |
More practical things in the industry
could be included because the provided
materials is sufficient for basic studying.
Microphone can be used for recording.
In general, seems
the videos are popular. I've looked into
the wireless lapel mic, and the set up is
not trivial - products out there are
mostly professional analog (requiring too
much set up time), or mobile phone
bluetooth headsets. If anybody knows of a
USB-based, wirless lapel/lavalier
microphone, drop me a line. |
22. |
you used other textbooks other than
Tannenbaum (e.g. Silberschatz, Stallings),
how do you think they compare to each
other? Which gives the best explanations,
which has the best structure, etc.... |
1: |
None used |
2: |
Didn |
3: |
N/A |
4: |
N/A |
5: |
N/A |
6: |
N/A |
7: |
- |
8: |
I read part of Silberschatz and Tannenbaum
is better |
9: |
N/A |
10: |
N/A |
11: |
No need. Tannenbaum is fantastic. |
12: |
n/a |
13: |
I think Tannenbaum |
14: |
n/a |
15: |
N/A |
16: |
n/a |
17: |
N.A. |
18: |
N/A |
25. |
suggestions for improving tutorials?
1: |
Tutor can explain some back ground
knowledge to the question again but making
the assumption that we all have reviewed and
prepared for the tutorials.
Sorry, we expect
you to prepare for tutorials. |
2: |
Post answers for assignment tutorial
questions as well. |
3: |
N/A |
4: |
N/A |
5: |
There should be more tutorial questions. |
6: |
Have tutorials for the extended course? :P
7: |
tutors should not rush through
straightforward answers to questions in 35
minutes. take more time to tease things
apart (and allow fuller notes to be taken) |
8: |
please upload tutorial answers at the end
of every week. |
9: |
N/A |
10: |
have less repeated questions, like the
temperal and spatial locality ones |
11: |
More questions, often finished 20-25 mins
early and could have been used to further
understanding. |
12: |
A little more questions for each week |
13: |
nope |
14: |
I did not attend tutorials but I read the
sheets and they were helpful for
understanding the material. |
15: |
Sometimes the tutes and the lectures were
out of sync. Probably needs a conditional
variable somewhere in there |
16: |
wi-fi access in there. This is a computing
class, and sometimes it's beneficial to look
something up to further understand what the
tutor is saying.
Sorry, I have
little influence on the scheduling lottery
that occurs each year. |
17: |
More examples with calculation questions
would improve some tutorials. |
18: |
Probably upload information from the code
reading tutorial onto the wiki for future
reference. |
19: |
N/A |
20: |
Didn't go to tutorials but I did enjoy the
extension lectures. I just wish the lecture
videos were more consistent for the
extension lectures |
21: |
N/A |
22: |
In our tutor room the projector wasn't
working making the code walkthroughs
Also my tute was early in the week,
sometimes was difficult to prepare for the
code walkthroughs due to limited time. |
23: |
Please make it sync with lecture. |
24: |
Nothing comes to mind. |
25: |
Ensure all tute questions get covered.
Anna was good at this! |
26: |
maybe provide answers for assignment
questions would be good |
27: |
Tutorials often ended early, more
questions, and indeed some more challenging
questions would be amazing. |
28: |
Weekly handins |
29: |
For the shorter tutorials add in coding
examples. Eg. an equivalent of writing lseek
syscall on a system which is just missing
this functionality and explaining the
surrounding structures and syscalls would
give substance to the theoretical
explanations in lectures. (Though pick a
topic which is not already an assignment) |
30: |
None. |
31: |
Do not have them in the Goldstein
buildings as they do not have uniwide wifi. |
32: |
Nope can't think of any, David was a
excellent tutor! |
33: |
No. |
34: |
Fix the projector. |
35: |
Dave only gave me tutoring once.He
explained everything in detail and guided
class to understand the core of question not
question itself.Best tutorial I have had.I
wish I had him as the tutor. |
36: |
in general tute should not end 15-20
minutes early. comment on what are common
pitfalls/mistakes. comment on what are
bad/good style constructions. |
31. |
you have any specific comments about
OS/161 |
1: |
Too many university uses the same
assignments for their OS courses. |
2: |
No |
3: |
Good OS to do uni work on. |
4: |
good |
5: |
Tough but rewarding core course (would not
choose for elective. Just my personal
preference. Probably reflected in some of my
answers) |
6: |
Code base is rather big, need a good
walkthrough. |
7: |
Some comments in the code which are more
relevant to the advanced assignment (or
non-UNSW assignments?) can sometimes confuse
the spec/requirements. |
8: |
Great platform to get started learning
about UNIX-derived operating systems! |
9: |
Very great concept and execution as a
learning tool. |
10: |
It often makes simplifications on what
would happen in a real production OS. This
makes it hard to decipher which parts of it
are full-featured and which ones would need
changes for use in a PC or server class OS.
Often the comments help with this a lot, but
not in all cases. |
11: |
Scale of what we needed to understand was
fairly big for certain assignments. Maybe
too much? But challenges are good. |
12: |
For the most part the comments were great,
but on occasion the comments seemed to
contradict what was asked of us in the
assignment specs, which I think was because
the comments were from the Harvard
I think the comments should be removed,
altered or clarifications in the spec should
be made to avoid confusion. |
13: |
The wiki could be expanded to include some
more helpful notes. |
14: |
Reasonable code scale for studying OS
especially for low-level programming
starters. |
15: |
I dont like that there are implementations
available online. It makes me less happy
about the work i did do on the assignments. |
16: |
Second time doing this course and I
thoroughly enjoyed it again. Really good
course with a fantastic lecturer and great
tutors. I think this might be perhaps the
only course that has really really good
lecturer and tutors. Material is superb and
should stay as it is. Exclusion of security
topics from the exam this year was a
surprise but that's OK. Thanks Kevin, Anna
and Dave! |
17: |
Seems quite well written, a valuable tool.
Has the occasional surprise or rough edge,
but that's expected. |
18: |
Not really. |
19: |
Compared to other kernels, it was a joy. |
20: |
Not enough test cases. |
21: |
No. |
22: |
Not really |
23: |
Excellent theoretical content - especially
the memory, multiprocessing and scheduler
parts. |
24: |
25: |
No |
26: |
not really, it's quite a cool little code
base |
27: |
Very good for teaching OS |
28: |
self-exercises with os/161 please.... |
29: |
The codebase could be better documented,
system calls had a lot of guessing with the
VOP layer. Not a huge issue, the OS seems
like a really good educational tool, being
able to test quickly is great. |
30: |
Very great concept and execution as a
learning tool. |
31: |
good as a teaching OS, good amount of
visibility for the most part, except for the
one issue of attempting to follow VFS_XXX
functions |
32: |
Its large coding base may be too daunting,
so for weaker students the code walkthrough
could be done the first time together with
tutor/lecturer. |
35. |
suggestions for improving the assignments?
1: |
N/A |
2: |
maybe a little more real examples of
help understanding in a more practical way |
3: |
I was actually very keen on doing the
advanced assignments. But time constraints
meant you were typically given a week to do
the standard assignment before you were
allowed to do the advanced assignment. Then
you had a week to do the advanced part.
Do-able, but I couldn't managed that |
4: |
More tests. No early "bonus". No 1 week
early requirement for doing advanced.
Maybe make just make advanced assignments
mandatory for extended course. |
5: |
tutors to help us get started/general
assistance, more lab-like |
6: |
In the second assignment, I found
implementing the syscall exit useful, but as
this was not part of the assignment I was a
bit sure how to do so and ran into some
problems with it, would like if that was
already implemented or part of the spec.
With the extended assignments I would
suggest them being worth less but with a
later due date. I was interested in
attempting the extended parts for the last
assignment, but as I had 2 other assignments
due at the same time this was not possible. |
7: |
Perhaps a few guided labs at the start of
the semester to get comfortable working with
such a large database of files and the
0S/161 OS. And as an opportunity to choose
an assignment partner in person. |
8: |
Nuke the % awarded for the bonus, even
down to 0%. I feel like if the bonuses were
'marked' less casually (maybe even with your
tutor who students might be more comfortable
with sitting with), the incentive shifts to
'showing off' what you have come up with
rather than marks. Maybe even a competitive
element, who's process management system is
the most robust/efficient? etc..
I was very interested in the topics and the
bonus for the second assignment, however ran
out of time at the end of semester for any
of the assignment 3 bonus tasks.
The obsession with marks at university
drives me crazy, I wish people valued their
actual understanding over their marks.
I wish marks were
less of a focus also, but unfortunately,
it is. |
9: |
More cover on the lecture slides, I felt
like doing a lot of google search and
wikipedia for every assignment
Lecture slides are
intended to guide you through the
material, not be the only source of
information. Thats why we have textbooks,
and various internet resources. |
10: |
not enough time. somehow more time? |
11: |
Perhaps allow dropping partners if they
are not doing any/sufficient work on the
assignments. |
12: |
It would be great if the advanced
assignments had an extra week to the
standard. I wanted to try the advanced
assignments but didn't finish either
assignment 2 or 3 more than a week before
the due date. |
13: |
N/A |
14: |
In the first assignment my group forgot to
format the design.txt before submitting. And
as a result, our marker said our design.txt
was unreadable and had to be ignored. Our
mark was significantly impacted because of
I understand this is a mistake on our part
but would really appreciate if the marker
could be granted the permission to correct
the formatting since it will only take
literally a minute. |
15: |
Mark them a little bit faster. ;) Other
than that, perhaps automarking shouldn't
count so much to total assessment. I'm not
sure how it normally works in other COMP
courses, having never done any, but in other
subjects you can get quite a lot of marks
for working, even if the final submission
isn't 100% perfect. |
16: |
Some tips on using Sub-Versioning (svn).
Specify which parent folders/directories
that the user/programmer can reference as
resources, i.e. there are more than one
'vm.c/vm.h' files in the OS/161 assignment. |
17: |
As mentioned before earlier and more
feedback would be great. |
18: |
none but re:
"The advanced assignments are intended as on
opportunity for students to delve deeper,
and not as an opportunity to scrounge marks.
There is a general trend towards less of the
former, and more of the latter."
Maybe its the people I interact with but all
the people I know that attempted them seemed
to be in it for interest/preparation for
AOS. |
19: |
More time on last assignment. No penalty
for late submission for last assignment. |
20: |
I think needing to complete the standard
assignment a week in advanced to apply for
the advanced component made it difficult to
schedule my study time well. e.g. I started
ass2 6 days before it was due and finished
it wwith 4 days to spare. If I could have
done the advanced component, I would have. |
21: |
More documentation on the TLB. I'm
probably dense, but I couldn't find enough
information on it to be 100% sure as to what
it needed. |
22: |
nope |
23: |
- |
24: |
Don't make advanced worth more, some
people just aren't up to it, and it will
reduce the marks of those who are already
really trying hard in the standard ones.
Plus, the standard ones already took up a
lot of time, and if the amount of time
required to do the advanced part becomes
compulsory, it will put a much larger load
on the students. |
25: |
try and make the assignment questions tuts
close to when the assignment comes out, like
put the assignment out just before the
weekend and then have the tut that week on
the assignment questions |
26: |
Perhaps moving the wiki notes to the
actual site of the assignment specification
would help. Or at least have direct link to
it from the assignment specification page.
Only noticed there was useful information on
it when you sent an email about it. |
27: |
Give more time for the later assignments |
28: |
Bonus for anything interesting.
e.g. porting OS161 to the nintendo 64 |
29: |
No. |
30: |
We ran into time pressures sometimes, and
would have been able to complete the
advanced parts more thoroughly with a few
more days. Hard to avoid, but it happens. |
31: |
broken up into smaller achievable (but
perhaps dependent) chunks with definite
tests that can be used to help for each one
(not that the tests should define the
assignment). |
32: |
I think they're perfect. Once the concept
was perfectly understood, the assignment did
not seem as difficult. |
33: |
Modify OS161 so it isnt the same as the
one online. So people cant copy others
code/read how tos.
I will make it
clear next year, the online versions are
not exactly the same, and the guides are
not completely correct. Students who
followed one particular guide actually
attempted a more difficult approach to the
assignments, that was not correct. They
are also easy to spot, and a significant
number of student were penalised for
various degrees of plagiarism. |
34: |
The warm-up asst0 was given 4 weeks to
finish which is too much. It could be shrunk
to 2 or 3 weeks and move the extra 1 or 2
weeks for the VM asst3. |
35: |
Assignment feedback; still don't think
I'll get ANY feedback by the time the exam
is over. Assignment 1 marking was also
wrong, the tutors pointed out non existent
'mistake' for the testcase failing, which
was disappointing.
Did you raise the
issue with the mark, or myself? We are not
perfect, and can't see issues that we are
not made aware of. |
36: |
Definitely deliver the assignment 3
information lecture to the whole cohort and
not just the extended students, that was a
major help. When I found out that the
extended students had been delivered an
information lecture on assignment 3 before
the standard students, I was quite
flabbergasted and thought it should have
been the other way around.
The extended
students got a very brief intro, and then
the focus was on issues related to the
advanced version. The standard student got
much more depth on the basic assignments.
The ordering could have been better, but I
don't view it as particularly problematic. |
37: |
Give better directions on how to get
started |
38: |
there should be more test explanations on
conceptually how to solve the bug in our
code if we can not pass the test |
39: |
More detailed "How to start" guide. I
found a lot of trouble starting each
assignment (very large code base and
difficult concepts to wrap my head around). |
40: |
The first concurrency assignment was
perhaps a bit too constrained/ |
37. |
were the strong points of COMP3891/9283? |
1: |
interesting talks - sometimes. |
2: |
Assignments that relate directly to the
material, rather than some theoretical
waffle. |
3: |
Doesn't sugar coat it, if you are capable
it lets you go further.
Very good way to introduce yourself to OS
concepts. |
4: |
the tangents |
5: |
I loved the parts that extended the normal
course content knowledge (scheduler
activations, etc) as well as the parts which
linked closer to the real world. |
6: |
Interesting additional material. It was
great to explore case studies of actual
implementations of the concepts discussed in
lectures. |
7: |
Lots of interesting information! |
8: |
cool material |
9: |
I enjoyed the extra topics |
10: |
It was rather interesting to delve deeper
into many more advanced OS topics. |
11: |
Relevant background info and examples,
real life examples. Great lecturing. Deeper
and more rounded treatment of content was
good. |
12: |
Interesting topics |
13: |
Virtual machines. |
14: |
Extension lectures were interesting |
15: |
In general, everything was just really
interesting. Having a smaller environment to
interact with the lecturer was nice, and
being lead on random tangents was
particularly interesting. |
16: |
No forced tutorial participation |
17: |
Interactive lectures, interesting
material. |
18: |
Assignments that relate directly to the
material, rather than some theoretical
waffle. |
19: |
More advanced/complex content and research
topics. |
20: |
- |
21: |
Almost free discussion |
22: |
Deeper look at a wide range of topics |
23: |
Extra knowledge |
24: |
Going above and beyond normal OS improved
my appreciation of operating systems |
38. |
were the weak points of COMP3891/9283? |
1: |
Ordinary lectures can get slow. |
2: |
- |
3: |
A bit too specific/technical at times |
4: |
Didn't pay much attention |
5: |
Not as many topics that I thought there
would be |
6: |
None that I can think of. |
7: |
I do not think there was enough time spent
on the ext topics. |
8: |
sometimes a bit over my head - I would
consider myself above average ability. |
9: |
It was unclear at times what was
assessable. |
10: |
Not really guided all too well, unsure of
what was going to be in the exam/what we're
learning |
11: |
Too much to process/understand sometimes.
More extended lecture time would be good? |
12: |
Mainly the infrastructure surrounding it,
the website etc. |
13: |
I felt the one hour lectures just were not
enough to get much covered. |
14: |
I don't like how eOS now being examinable
made it so you had to dash through some of
the more interesting topics to get to the
assessed ones. |
15: |
The "advanced" topics were often on
technologies already obselete, like upcalls.
The principles still apply, but mention of
equivalents actually in use, like
epoll/select on a I/O worker thread would
make it more practical. |
16: |
Lack of feedback in general, and slow
extended assignment marking.
The concepts covered were really specific to
certain designs, and explored a bit too
slowly. |
17: |
The lectures didn't feel that flowing,
they seemed just random topics |
18: |
The smaller environment meant that
interaction with the lecturer sometimes
tended towards being more students talking
than the lecturer talking, which is not
always preferred. |
19: |
None that I can think of. |
20: |
Extension lectures weren't as consistent
as the standard lectures with the lecture
recordings. I skipped a few extension
lectures assuming I would be able to watch
the recording later and was then
disappointed to miss out. |
21: |
No option to answer the standard question
in the final exam? |
22: |
Didn't always sync up well with the
standard lectures(in terms of content) |
39. |
suggestions for improving COMP3891/9283
Extended OS? |
1: |
- |
2: |
Some 'questions for thought' or tutorial
style problems we can think about in our own
time. |
3: |
A better structure for the overall
lectures |
4: |
Maybe discuss the latest article on LWN or
something. |
5: |
While the theoretical component alone was
fine for interest - I felt that perhaps
extended should have a distinct separate
extended assignment option. (e.g. either do
the normal or the extended version). This
was primarily due to time constraints not
allowing me to attempt the advanced parts
properly along with normal assignments -
despite a strong interest to do so. |
6: |
More extended lecture time. |
7: |
Don't teach to the loud minority. Perhaps
separate the courses more because it doesn't
seem like doing extended meant anything
except that you lose the tutorial and gain a
here's some cool things "lecture". perhaps
separate assignments or substitute tasks
etc. |
8: |
More hours? |
9: |
Better classroom. |
10: |
more structured I guess |
11: |
Maximise time in the lecture by having it
in the same room as the normal lecture. |
12: |
More stories. Kevin's examples from his
experience were some of the most interesting
content in the course. |
13: |
Maximise time in the lecture by having it
in the same room as the normal lecture. |
14: |
Maybe have the lectures run a little
longer. |
41. |
you have any particular comments you would
like to make about the exam? |
1: |
Past papers |
2: |
It was just right |
3: |
The length was good, but the multiple
choice questions are annoying when they feel
very ambiguous and you don't get a chance to
explain your answer, which could allow us to
demonstrate we do actually know about the
topic, but can't decipher your one sentence
question. |
4: |
It was a fair exam. |
5: |
Slightly ambiguous multiple choice
questions are annoying (though I suppose
that's the entire point), but it was
counterbalanced by humourous ones :)
Overall I'm happy with the exam, thought it
covered most of the topics quite well. |
6: |
A 3 hour exam with a few more questions
wouldn't hurt as there's just so much
material in this course to cover. An exam
barely scrapes the surface which introduces
an element of luck as to whether you spent
more time revising the right bits. |
7: |
Describing algorithms or approaches and
then asking students to talk about issues
with applying them to particular
circumstances would probably be a better
indicator of understanding than just asking
them to describe an algorithm. |
8: |
Too many multiple choice questions. |
9: |
Weighted harmonic mean is bad |
10: |
It was a well rounded exam of theory and
application. |
11: |
I made a silly mistake of implying that
data compression will make it larger :)
I liked the required terseness of answers.
Made me think a bit, and provide (hopefully)
high-quality answers without the fluff. |
12: |
T/F section seemed a bit of a shallow
testing method. It would be better to maybe
extend it to 3 hours, and just ask more
questions. But that costs marking time,
which might not be acceptable. |
13: |
Did not expect the high concentration of
UNIX specific questions. Would have thought
that the exam would be more OS161 specific
as an indicator of who actually properly
attempted the assignments |
14: |
the exam questions are very good.
just hope I had a bit more time, 30 minutes
will do. |
15: |
It was a standard exam, I got caught out
by a single blind spot that was worth a lot
(the TLB question) even though I did a
significant amount of work understanding it
in assignment 3 so I'm kind of annoyed at
that. The marking scheme was a tad wonky.
i.e. A question worth 8 seemed less than
twice the work as a question marked 4. |
16: |
- |
17: |
Exam is very easy, perhaps at least one or
two more challenging questions for some of
the more capable standard OS students.
Overall very happy with the exam, I got to
show everything I knew, and it seems fitting
that most of the course effort is shifted to
the assignments. Would prefer if the exam
was not weighted as highly. Exam was well
written. |
18: |
In my humble opinion, practical
assignments are much more important for
writing exam. I do not want to memorise the
concepts, instead I'd like to know how to
implement it. |
19: |
the true/false answers scare me, I feel
like you should just tell people if they
guess only true the whole way through or
something they'll get 0, not dock marks
because some of those questions are very
ambiguous and I could argue either way, in
fact we all did after the exam |
20: |
T/F questions are somewhat
tricky.Sometimes even I understand the whole
topic I will choose wrong if I skip reading
one specific word.T/F should be replaced by
real "MCQ"e.g one out from four choices. |
21: |
Would prefer more questions with less
marks assigned to it. |
22: |
No |
23: |
The word "quantum" for the round robin
scheduling question. Got stuck on that
question for quite a while thinking about
what it means. |
24: |
I felt the number of topics covered in the
exam was not very broad. I don't like the
True False questions, I don't feel as if
they are testing my knowledge, more trying
to trick me. |
25: |
Some of the true/false questions had
ambiguous wording. |
26: |
No. |
27: |
Overall it seemed reasonably balanced with
content and difficulty - perhaps it could
have had more Extended specific marks &
questions. You could probably easily make it
a 3-hr exam and fit more content coverage in
it to allow a greater representation of
student knowledge on each topic. |
28: |
true/false with a penalty is a very
limited measure and discourages attempts to
answer. if short answers are needed at all,
fuller multiple choice without a penalty (or
only a minor penalty) is far more
approachable. |
29: |
Needs more sample papers to prepare us for
the layout.. |
30: |
I felt the multiple choice questions
didn't test my knowledge as much as try to
trick me. I feel this section would be
better replaced with a section like the
others. |
31: |
Too much things to remember. Exam range
could be made more specific so that we can
review with a clear focus. More operative
questions could be included instead of
concept reciting questions. |
32: |
A bit too short. 2.5 will be good |
33: |
Maybe should have been a bit more
challenging. |
34: |
The exam felt right. It wasn't difficult,
but it assessed knowledge and the difficult
part of the course was really the
assessment. |
35: |
I was annoyed that I couldn't make a
genuine attempt a some of the True/False
questions at risk of losing a mark for
"guessing" despite being 70% sure. |
36: |
The question where some parts were for
non-extended, some for extended, and some
for all was confusing. |
37: |
Maybe 2.5 hours.
Losing marks for wrong multiple choice was a
little harsh given the very ambiguous
wording - perhaps a way to justify your
answer in order to get 0 instead of -1 |
38: |
I prefer the questions where you have to
work with existing code (e.g. with
deadlocks) or demonstrate that you know how
page table lookups / TLB lookups etc - more
calculation / coding, less writing |
39: |
I forgot what "quantum" meant in the
context of schedulers. I would have
remembered if the term "time slice" was
used. Not sure what to make of that. |
40: |
not yet |
41: |
I believe parts of the exam was too
heavily focused on assignments and
programming. The exam should cover material
outside of assignments, in my opinion. |
42: |
the virtual memory part was annoying to
fill in, repetitive and confusing
(hex/decimal etc).
It was too easy to write question 6 and 7 in
the same booklet! by the time I realised, it
was too late and i couldn't afford to
rewrite it in a different booklet. |
43: |
The exam was thorough and a good length |
44: |
Losing a mark on the true false questions
is cruel |
43. |
is your opinion on an equitable approach
to evaluating practical student work? |
1: |
I think less points should be deducted
from the automarking tests because sometimes
it's hard to make an idea working all right
with the whole system when practically
implementing it. |
2: |
I like the idea of oral reporting. This
also means people who understand the
content, but have a small bug are less
penalised. |
3: |
I think the system is fine as is |
4: |
Oral exams/demonstrations seem like a
reasonable way to assess student familiarity
with their work. Shifting more value to
exams penalises students who understand the
material but perform poorly in closed book
Open book exams might also be helpful?
Regarding question 44, as the approach is
not transparent I can't really comment... |
5: |
In ENGG1811, we weigh the assignments very
little, and target exam questions at the
first assignment to deter the huge number of
plagiarists. |
6: |
a 10 minutes demo similar to COMP3331 |
7: |
Oral exams would take forever for you to
mark, but they'd be optimal. Give it a shot
one year. |
8: |
Fine as is. Perhaps more tentative checks
for plagiarism. Oral examinations would be
bad because some people require a long time
to contemplate the problem and arrive at a
solution. |
9: |
Marking based on student understanding is
more important than marking code. This
favours oral tests, targeted exam questions,
weekly labs, etc.
Too much weighting on the exam increases
margin for error in grading students (Smart
students can have a bad exam and vica versa)
Students reading blog articles on the topic
is not always a bad thing as they are still
learning from them. |
10: |
Huge assignments with weekly labs maybe
better |
11: |
Combination of auto marking and manual
marking (possibly only in cases where auto
marking performance is poor), assignments
should also have peer assessment. |
12: |
Abolishing harmonic marking. |
13: |
In ENGG1811, we weigh the assignments very
little, and target exam questions at the
first assignment to deter the huge number of
plagiarists. |
14: |
Reduce the workload on the assignments and
make them individual assignments. |
15: |
Oral presentation of OS |
16: |
Having them do many small deliverables
which will finally result in the entire
assignment's worth of task. This not only
prevents students from just following other
people's blogs, but actually understand the
flow of logic to get to a particular state
in the assignment. |
17: |
Automarking + code design mark.
Regarding question below, we were never told
how they were treated. |
18: |
I like the weekly deliverables, perhaps
including a small amount of the marks being
"Tutor insight" and their opinion of whether
they believe the student learnt the content
or not.
Probably difficult for extended OS students
since they don't have a tute, but maybe
during the lecture? |
19: |
Introduce some practical labs (which don't
have to be every week, but only the weeks
where assessment is required) and place
students under "exam" conditions (i.e. no
talking, no internet access, etc., but allow
whispering among groups if group work is
permitted). The work during these lab
sessions would need to be challenging enough
for assessment purposes, but not too
challenging as to not allow for a solution
to be formulated and tested within the time
frame. |
20: |
Oral exams / interrogation is extremely
effective, as a demonstrator for ELEC
subjects I know how competent a student is
within the first few sentences that come out
of their mouth :)
I am aware of the public blogs / github
repos that are available online, and I agree
they pose a threat to the integrity of the
practical work. It's all a game of how best
to allocate the tutor's hours, my only
suggestion there is to maximise the tutor's
one on one involvement with the students
An idea could be to have students write up
notes / material and collaborate on a
course-wide level- and tutors assess their
work. Students could also come up with short
presentations or tutorial questions and
demonstrate them during a tutorial. |
21: |
more oral understanding, but not
necessarily exam. More incentives for
tutorial involvement, maybe with assignment
understanding milestones |
22: |
Ideally it should be two fold. By having
the assignments, it forces revision of
content and reinforces concepts (easiest way
to know why something is done a certain way
is to do it) and students are rewarded for
effectively doing revision. Win-Win.
I like the idea of oral questioning,
although I am concerned about the time
required (and the man power, for that
matter) to get all the programming
groups/pairs tested to a reasonable level.
This isn't even considering that some people
are nervous when interviewed, which will put
a damper on the oral plan.
Maybe do the equivalent of an oral spot
check? If you take the micro assignments
route, give people a heads up a couple of
days before that they also need to do an
interview on their assignment? You'll have
to deal with the mess that is timetabling,
but ideally not give cheaters enough time to
prepare. |
23: |
Maybe additional coding tasks? Smaller
chunks you can knock over in a night that
test something interesting about OS
knowledge. |
24: |
I think weekly labs with an oral delivery
of each deliverable along with code would
ensure understanding |
25: |
maybe introduce a practical/lab
examination? |
26: |
Re last item in #42: ensure weekly
progress of all students? Cheaters tend to
do the assignment last-minute. Run
plagiarism detection on each lab, too.
Oral evaluations might be appropriate, but
it will take time and effort to assess every
student pair. |
27: |
I have some "wild" ideas too...
- Create brand new assignments for next year
onwards, and make all the students sign NDAs
that bind... for life.
- For anyone that cheated in Assignment 1,
make the perpetrators stand up in front of
the class and bring back the cane, to set an
example just before Assignment 2.
Oh, well, just in case there are laws
against those methods, I would agree that a
combination of an oral exam and some normal
marking will work well. It's proven to work
extremely well in ELEC2142 (a coding
subject). While it probably won't squash
plagiarism entirely, at least those that do
will be compelled to really understand the
code they've plagiarised and get better at
understanding the course anyway? Dubious,
but better than weighting the exam to equal
all assessment. For the sake of the sanity
of next year's students, please do NOT do
this. Unless the exam is open book. I
couldn't do the assignments without
Tannenbaum and your lecture notes by my
side. |
28: |
Auto-marking. Points can be awarded for
style and design as long as it's not a large
portion of the final assignment mark.
Targeted exam questions are fair as long as
students are warned that they will exist
(preferably on the assignment spec as well
as the lecture slides and the course
website). |
29: |
divide it up, so there are works to be
done each week.
Leading to a step-by-step completion of
assignments, thus no need to plagiarise. |
30: |
i feel interviews give the best impression
of your knowledge of the task. |
31: |
I think that the important thing is that
students still do both. If assignments were
optional then half the graduates would have
only a grasp of OS theory, and half would
have a very in depth understanding of the
implementation. I believe the assignments
need to stay to some degree otherwise
graduates from the same course will be
wildly differing in ability depending on
whether they did the assignments or not.
Reducing the marks doesn't solve it, it just
makes students more likely to give up on an
assignment and say 'I'll make back the marks
in the exam'. I think the best option is to
still do auto marking, and verify that they
have come up with a working solution, but to
ensure that it is actually the students
solution, verify it with targeted exam
questions. |
32: |
I think it's important not to place too
much weight on a single assessment ie the
exam - it's easy to stuff up an exam even
when you know the content, if you're having
a bad day. I also think that you need to
give people the opportunity to fiddle with
the practical component to understand why
certain approaches won't work, and there
might not be time to do that if weekly labs
are given.
So I think the oral assessment is a good way
to prevent plagiarism without reducing the
fairness and value of the assignments - but
I understand that orally assessing everyone
is going to take a lot more time and staff. |
33: |
This is a hard question and is a problem
for every university in the world. I guess
its just a fact of life and should just deal
with it. Its not the university's loss, but
rather the student's loss. The final exam is
a good way of assessing a student's
knowledge so the exam mark is a good
indicator of OS knowledge. However, for some
students (either the minority of the
majority), the assignment weightings should
remain the same because it teaches A LOT!
Everything comes into place when the
assignments are attempted. So, just leave it
as it is. |
34: |
I think that developing assignments for
students is better. Nowadays, there are
plenty of information on the internet.
If you make assignments that cant find on
the internet, this problem would be solved. |
35: |
weekly labs is a great idea. small
completion mark each week and then target
test in exam. |
36: |
Not so fond on the ones that don't provide
marks for assignments (first and 5th options
of previous question) since I'm not good
under exams compare to assignments. Also,
from previous courses that have assignment
targeted exam questions, they tend to still
not provide an adequate representation of
the things you learn doing practical
assignments (except barring Buckland's "take
your project and make these new changes!"
cs2911 format).
37: |
I believe adding an oral marking component
would be a great idea for both:
- identifying cheater
- Helping students solidify understanding of
the material by critiquing their assignments
an knowledge in person. |
38: |
I feel that an oral exam in addition to
automarking is the best approach. The
practical components were definitely very
useful and from my experience of extended
assignment marking oral seems like a great
way of assessing knowledge. I don't think
many people would like the idea of a final
exam being the sole determiner. |
39: |
more milestones, and central journal/log.
legit development work should be step by
step with some mistakes and how it was
corrected. pick those who don't contribute
to tute discussion to higher scrutiny with
oral exam on assignment |
40: |
I think the oral exams are a good idea,
could even help against partners who do not
do their fair share of the work.
The weekly labs could also work but I feel
the challenge of understanding all the
source code would be too hard (and I don't
want this to be removed as it is a somewhat
unique challenge for the course). |
41: |
Automarking and checking through the
assignment manually. |
42: |
Not sure this is different to what we're
doing now. |
43: |
Student's understanding has to be final
determinant. Removing practical work relies
too much on exam performance (a personal
weak point). Oral assessments would be a
good solution. |
44: |
If it becomes weekly labs I think the
difficulty can be too easy or too hard to
finish during one week. |
45: |
I would say oral exams are ok but keep in
mind that, some people may feel
uncomfortable when speaking out loud which
could affect their ability to perform
well(Nervous much?). Assignments on the
other hand should be fine, given a certain
time frame. In the end, their understanding
should be tested in the final exam from
which they learned from the assignments and
course materials. One cannot simply rote
learn for the final exam, it requires a good
understanding to do well on it. |
46: |
There should be oral exam on understanding
.It sounds cool. |
47: |
As a weekly deliverable with feedback |
48: |
How about provide some materials(like
papers, some hints or sample codes) about
how to implement the assignments. Because
the assignment is too difficult, not much
student can finish, provide help too some
extent will much helpful and if student can
find help from course, they wouldn't try to
find code online. |
49: |
Assess the assignments mainly on
understanding. |
Basically, the course continues
to run smoothly, and positively challenge students,
especially on the practical side.
Capturing the lectures was viewed overwhelmingly
positively. I plan to continue experimenting with the
technology. I'll see what I can do with the audio quality.
At a high-level though, Extended OS has become an issue.
It is intended to be selected topics from seminal research
papers, or deeper examination of selected OS topics. It is
intended to be an informal discussion, where students are
expected to contribute, with the research papers
themselves being the fall-back reference for study. The
intended audience is students who find the standard
material quite easy to grasp, even boring. Historically
10% of students did extended. I make this clear at the
start of semester!
However, the number a students has grown dramatically over
the past few years to > 40% of the course, and the
expectations seem to have become spoon feeding very
specific topics, taught slowly for the students who find
the standard course challenging enough, and most scary of
all, some motivation is avoiding participation marks
in the standard tutorials.
This is undermining the purpose of extended, and
restricting the level of the material. The aim is to
challenge the brighter students, not provide an extra hour
of the standard lectures and avoid the tutorials.
Unfortunately, my only approach to discouraging "free
riders" is to differentiate the assessment, and make
extended much more challenging. I have been doing this,
but it seems I need to differentiate more to allow
extended to remain challenging.
Regarding addressing plagiarism in practical assignments.
I think I do as much as can reasonably be done with the
resources available to me. Oral assessment of assignment
is viewed favourably, but with such a large class, it is
too resource intensive to be practical. Feedback is
consistent with my expectation that students appreciate
being rewarded for work put into practical work. However,
the harmonic mean will remain despite being unpopular -
consistent practical and exam performance is required, and
indirectly makes it harder for cheaters to free-ride through
the course.
Overall, thanks for the generally positive feedback for
the course.
- Kevin