Thanks to all
for giving feedback - below is the result of the survey, with only
identities censored. My comments are in red. |
Survey ID | 1293 |
Title | COMP3231/3891/9201/9283 10s1 |
Description | Course survey for Operating Systems |
Anonymous | Yes |
Fill Ratio | 71% (61/86) |
# Filled | 61 |
# Suspended | 7 |
# Not Filled | 18 |
indicates required field |
Please provide us with as much constructive feedback as you can. We
do read these surveys and act on the information you provide. Thanks for
your input.
Give a high rating if you have a good
opinion of something (e.g. interesting, useful, well-structured, etc.).
Give a low rating if you have a bad opinion of something (e.g. too slow,
confusing, disorganised, etc.)
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Excellent |
Satisfactory |
Poor |
N/F |
Lecturer: Kevin Elphinstone |
48 (79%) |
10 (16%) |
3 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
Lecturer: Leonid Ryzhyk |
5 (8%) |
15 (25%) |
29 (48%) |
8 (13%) |
2 (3%) |
2 (3%) |
General OS lectures |
22 (36%) |
31 (51%) |
8 (13%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
Consultations |
15 (25%) |
15 (25%) |
24 (39%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
7 (11%) |
Your tutor |
27 (44%) |
20 (33%) |
11 (18%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
3 (5%) |
Tutorials |
25 (41%) |
26 (43%) |
7 (11%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
2 (3%) |
Asst1: Synchronisation |
33 (54%) |
18 (30%) |
7 (11%) |
3 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
Asst2: Syscalls |
23 (38%) |
27 (44%) |
6 (10%) |
3 (5%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
Asst3: Virtual Memory |
19 (31%) |
24 (39%) |
11 (18%) |
6 (10%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
Textbook |
17 (28%) |
14 (23%) |
26 (43%) |
1 (2%) |
1 (2%) |
2 (3%) |
OS/161 In general |
14 (23%) |
31 (51%) |
12 (20%) |
3 (5%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
C Language |
20 (33%) |
25 (41%) |
10 (16%) |
4 (7%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
Computing resources |
16 (26%) |
26 (43%) |
14 (23%) |
1 (2%) |
2 (3%) |
2 (3%) |
Course web page |
23 (38%) |
27 (44%) |
10 (16%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
Message Board |
20 (33%) |
24 (39%) |
13 (21%) |
3 (5%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
Wiki |
13 (21%) |
23 (38%) |
17 (28%) |
5 (8%) |
1 (2%) |
2 (3%) |
Help with technical questions |
21 (34%) |
21 (34%) |
13 (21%) |
2 (3%) |
2 (3%) |
2 (3%) |
Lecture slides |
22 (36%) |
30 (49%) |
6 (10%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (2%) |
Operating Systems overall |
28 (46%) |
25 (41%) |
6 (10%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
very similar to the good feedback from previous years. Notable items
are that the wiki introduction was viewed favourably, but not as
favourably as the message boards. I think its content should improve
over time to bring its standing on par with other aspects of the
course. I personally got a much higher approval rating this year - I
suspect this is related to Leonid's satisfactory rating which can be
attributed differing levels of experience. I expect to be viewed more
harshly as Leonid gains more experience.
Please rate which of the following factors influenced your decision to enrol in this course
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Major |
Minor |
No |
N/F |
Interest in operating systems as a field of study |
29 (48%) |
27 (44%) |
5 (8%) |
0 (0%) |
Chance to get hands dirty with low-level code |
27 (44%) |
18 (30%) |
16 (26%) |
0 (0%) |
Jobs propects for OS hackers |
7 (11%) |
26 (43%) |
28 (46%) |
0 (0%) |
Would llike to do OS research |
7 (11%) |
24 (39%) |
30 (49%) |
0 (0%) |
Course is core for me |
20 (33%) |
8 (13%) |
33 (54%) |
0 (0%) |
Friends told me it was good |
13 (21%) |
20 (33%) |
28 (46%) |
0 (0%) |
Chance to do challenging programming assignments |
26 (43%) |
23 (38%) |
11 (18%) |
1 (2%) |
Any other factor that influenced your decision?
Question type : Short-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (25 comments) |
Would you recommend this course to another student such as yourself?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
52 (85%) |
8 (13%) |
N/F |
1 (2%) |
Please provide feedback on the kind of material covered
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Too much |
OK |
Too little |
N/F |
High-level OS issues |
1 (2%) |
9 (15%) |
45 (74%) |
5 (8%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (2%) |
Low-level (implementation) issues |
1 (2%) |
14 (23%) |
38 (62%) |
7 (11%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (2%) |
Unix/Linux |
2 (3%) |
10 (16%) |
33 (54%) |
11 (18%) |
4 (7%) |
1 (2%) |
Windows NT |
1 (2%) |
3 (5%) |
33 (54%) |
16 (26%) |
7 (11%) |
1 (2%) |
OS/161 Internals |
2 (3%) |
9 (15%) |
38 (62%) |
11 (18%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
Other Systems |
0 (0%) |
3 (5%) |
39 (64%) |
13 (21%) |
3 (5%) |
3 (5%) |
Note that there is less of a
desire for more windows coverage than previous years. Wonder if that is
anything to do with the rising popularity of Macs?
What were the best things about this course?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (48 comments) |
What were the worst things about this course?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (47 comments) |
How does the workload in this course compare to workloads in other ...
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Much Lighter |
Similar |
Much Heavier |
N/F |
COMP courses |
0 (0%) |
2 (3%) |
19 (31%) |
26 (43%) |
14 (23%) |
0 (0%) |
INFS courses |
4 (7%) |
2 (3%) |
14 (23%) |
10 (16%) |
23 (38%) |
8 (13%) |
Courses in general |
1 (2%) |
3 (5%) |
13 (21%) |
17 (28%) |
27 (44%) |
0 (0%) |
Did you get the impression that the
staff (lecturer, tutors, consultants) tried their best to answer your
questions and help you? Please tick N/A if you did not attend lecture,
consults, tutes)
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Strongly Agree |
Neutral |
Strongly Disagree |
N/A |
N/F |
Lectures |
40 (66%) |
14 (23%) |
6 (10%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
Tutorials |
35 (57%) |
15 (25%) |
6 (10%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
4 (7%) |
0 (0%) |
Consultations |
17 (28%) |
5 (8%) |
5 (8%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
33 (54%) |
0 (0%) |
How does the quality/value of this course compare to other....
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Among the best |
Average |
Among the worst |
N/F |
Year 3 COMP courses |
32 (52%) |
18 (30%) |
10 (16%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
COMP courses in general |
33 (54%) |
18 (30%) |
8 (13%) |
1 (2%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
Courses in general |
31 (51%) |
17 (28%) |
11 (18%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
What background knowledge do you think you were
missing that would have helped you in this course? Are the official
pre-requisites a suitable preparation?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (37 comments) |
What topics caused you the most difficulty? You can select more than one item
Question type : Multiple answer -- Check Box |
System calls |
9 (15%) |
Processes |
6 (10%) |
Threads |
6 (10%) |
Low-level implementations issues |
23 (38%) |
Synchonisation and concurrency |
11 (18%) |
Deadlock |
10 (16%) |
Memory Management and Virtual Memory |
33 (54%) |
File Systems |
27 (44%) |
I/O Management |
12 (20%) |
Scheduling |
8 (13%) |
Multiprocessor Systems |
7 (11%) |
Security |
6 (10%) |
File systems became hard this year compared to previous. I'll have a closer look as to why.
Which material do you think you will be most useful to you in the future?
Question type : Short-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (48 comments) |
What material related to operating systems, but not currently in the course, would you like to have seen covered?
Question type : Short-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (32 comments) |
Which of the current topics would you like to see scaled back or excluded?
Question type : Short-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (33 comments) |
Is the current mode of lecture delivery, using computer-projected slides, effective?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
59 (97%) |
2 (3%) |
N/F |
0 (0%) |
Was the subject material (lecture
notes, information on the subject web page, textbook, tutorials,
manuals, etc.) sufficient to follow the course?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
19 (31%) |
Most of the time
35 (57%) |
4 (7%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
N/F |
1 (2%) |
Did the explanations in the lecture
help you to understand the subject material? (please choose N/A if you
generally did not attend lectures)
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
17 (28%) |
Most of the time
32 (52%) |
10 (16%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
2 (3%) |
N/F |
0 (0%) |
If you have not been attending lectures, what factors influenced your decision not to attend?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (28 comments) |
Any suggestions for improving lectures?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (28 comments) |
If you used other textbooks other than Tannenbaum
(e.g. Silberschatz, Stallings), how do you think they compare to each
other? Which gives the best explanations, which has the best structure,
Question type : Short-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (14 comments) |
The aim of the tutorials is to help you understand the subject material better. Please convey how they performed in this role
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Strongly Agree |
Neutral |
Strongly Disagree |
N/A |
N/F |
The tutorials helped me understand the material |
31 (51%) |
17 (28%) |
5 (8%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
7 (11%) |
1 (2%) |
The questions were appropriately timed |
14 (23%) |
27 (44%) |
12 (20%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
6 (10%) |
1 (2%) |
The questions were of appropriate difficulty |
12 (20%) |
28 (46%) |
14 (23%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
6 (10%) |
1 (2%) |
The questions should have increased difficulty |
3 (5%) |
11 (18%) |
19 (31%) |
12 (20%) |
9 (15%) |
6 (10%) |
1 (2%) |
The number of questions was appropriate |
10 (16%) |
22 (36%) |
16 (26%) |
6 (10%) |
0 (0%) |
6 (10%) |
1 (2%) |
The number of questions should be expanded |
2 (3%) |
7 (11%) |
23 (38%) |
13 (21%) |
9 (15%) |
6 (10%) |
1 (2%) |
I always prepared for the tutorials |
5 (8%) |
13 (21%) |
16 (26%) |
13 (21%) |
5 (8%) |
8 (13%) |
1 (2%) |
Preparation beforehand improved my understanding of the material |
16 (26%) |
19 (31%) |
11 (18%) |
3 (5%) |
1 (2%) |
9 (15%) |
2 (3%) |
Class participation is important for understanding the material |
20 (33%) |
14 (23%) |
13 (21%) |
2 (3%) |
3 (5%) |
7 (11%) |
2 (3%) |
Please rate how effective your tutor was. Check N/A if you did not deal with the particular tutor.
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Excellent |
OK |
Poor |
N/A |
N/F |
Tutor A
18 (30%) |
10 (16%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
26 (43%) |
5 (8%) |
Tutor B
15 (25%) |
10 (16%) |
6 (10%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (2%) |
21 (34%) |
8 (13%) |
There was a higher degree of
satisfaction for the tutorials this year. I attribute this to two new,
but particularly good tutors.
Any suggestions for improving tutorials?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (17 comments) |
Please rate the level of difficulty of the assignments
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Too easy |
Just right |
Too difficult |
N/F |
Asst1: Synchonisation |
3 (5%) |
19 (31%) |
34 (56%) |
3 (5%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
Asst2: System Calls |
0 (0%) |
2 (3%) |
26 (43%) |
27 (44%) |
6 (10%) |
0 (0%) |
Asst3: Virtual Memory |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
17 (28%) |
27 (44%) |
16 (26%) |
1 (2%) |
How well was each assignment specified
(taking into account a significant part of the assignments is
understanding the environment you solution must work within)?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Very clearly |
OK |
Confusing |
N/F |
Asst1: Synchonisation |
21 (34%) |
18 (30%) |
18 (30%) |
2 (3%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
Asst2: System Calls |
11 (18%) |
12 (20%) |
18 (30%) |
12 (20%) |
8 (13%) |
0 (0%) |
Asst3: Virtual Memory |
9 (15%) |
11 (18%) |
16 (26%) |
11 (18%) |
13 (21%) |
1 (2%) |
Did the supporting material (manuals, notes, comments in code) provide sufficient information for solving the assignment?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Very much |
Somewhat |
Not at all |
N/F |
Asst1: Synchonisation |
20 (33%) |
22 (36%) |
17 (28%) |
1 (2%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
Asst2: System Calls |
5 (8%) |
21 (34%) |
27 (44%) |
7 (11%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
Asst3: Virtual Memory |
8 (13%) |
15 (25%) |
18 (30%) |
14 (23%) |
5 (8%) |
1 (2%) |
Rate which factors (if applicable to you) contributed to the assignments being difficult in your eyes
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Major |
Minor |
No |
N/A |
N/F |
Topics are conceptually difficult |
12 (20%) |
15 (25%) |
18 (30%) |
5 (8%) |
10 (16%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
Implementation is difficult |
10 (16%) |
26 (43%) |
14 (23%) |
4 (7%) |
5 (8%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
Lack of familiarity with C |
5 (8%) |
9 (15%) |
14 (23%) |
6 (10%) |
25 (41%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
Lack of experience with a large code base |
12 (20%) |
21 (34%) |
14 (23%) |
4 (7%) |
7 (11%) |
3 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
Lack of experience debugging C |
10 (16%) |
12 (20%) |
15 (25%) |
5 (8%) |
16 (26%) |
3 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
Lack of previous low-level programming |
7 (11%) |
8 (13%) |
13 (21%) |
7 (11%) |
23 (38%) |
3 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
Lack of familiarity of programming on the UNIX OS |
6 (10%) |
9 (15%) |
11 (18%) |
7 (11%) |
22 (36%) |
4 (7%) |
2 (3%) |
The aim of the assignment work was for you to develop practical skills with the concepts covered in lectures.
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Not really |
Somewhat |
Very much |
N/F |
Did the assignment work help with this? |
1 (2%) |
1 (2%) |
13 (21%) |
20 (33%) |
25 (41%) |
1 (2%) |
We are always evolving the
assignments, especially with the change in structure of the session. We
would appreciate feedback on the following ideas.
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
In-between |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
N/A |
N/F |
ASST0 should be kept as a warm-up |
40 (66%) |
13 (21%) |
6 (10%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
I found ASST0 useful to get started |
31 (51%) |
18 (30%) |
6 (10%) |
4 (7%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
The guided questions in the assigments are useful |
16 (26%) |
25 (41%) |
16 (26%) |
1 (2%) |
2 (3%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
I mostly ignored the guided question part of the assignment an just got started |
1 (2%) |
12 (20%) |
15 (25%) |
19 (31%) |
11 (18%) |
3 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
ASST2 helped me warm up for ASST3 |
4 (7%) |
17 (28%) |
17 (28%) |
15 (25%) |
6 (10%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
Fork() should be put back in ASST2 |
4 (7%) |
9 (15%) |
18 (30%) |
16 (26%) |
6 (10%) |
8 (13%) |
0 (0%) |
Three weeks is enough to attempt an individual assignment |
10 (16%) |
19 (31%) |
18 (30%) |
10 (16%) |
2 (3%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
The assignment -related questions should be dropped from the tutorials |
1 (2%) |
3 (5%) |
11 (18%) |
16 (26%) |
27 (44%) |
3 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
I found the extra lecture on ASST3 useful |
28 (46%) |
16 (26%) |
6 (10%) |
3 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
8 (13%) |
0 (0%) |
The assignments should be worth less of the assessment of the course |
5 (8%) |
4 (7%) |
15 (25%) |
21 (34%) |
15 (25%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
The assignments should be completely automarked to have them marked quicker |
5 (8%) |
10 (16%) |
9 (15%) |
18 (30%) |
18 (30%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
The give submission test should test
completely and tell you your mark each time you submit, and assignments
should be worth much less of the assessment for OS |
5 (8%) |
12 (20%) |
15 (25%) |
16 (26%) |
10 (16%) |
3 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
Complete give submission testing should only be done for the advanced assignments |
2 (3%) |
6 (10%) |
25 (41%) |
10 (16%) |
10 (16%) |
7 (11%) |
1 (2%)
Do you have any specific comments about OS/161
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (29 comments) |
I interpret Q30 as the
assignments run about right. Most of the proposed
"improvements" that aimed at reducing marking delays were
disagreed with. I also happen to thinking waiting longer for human
feedback is preferable, but was curious as to what students thought.
Please indicate whether you (dis)agree with the following statements regarding group assignment work.
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Strongly Agree |
Neutral |
Strongly Disagree |
N/F |
Group work is a better than working as an individual |
25 (41%) |
15 (25%) |
9 (15%) |
7 (11%) |
4 (7%) |
1 (2%) |
Groups reduce the assignment workload |
22 (36%) |
15 (25%) |
11 (18%) |
7 (11%) |
5 (8%) |
1 (2%) |
Groups should be optional, but every submission is marked the same |
11 (18%) |
16 (26%) |
22 (36%) |
7 (11%) |
4 (7%) |
1 (2%) |
Groups are unfair as inevitably one member does all the work |
6 (10%) |
16 (26%) |
24 (39%) |
10 (16%) |
4 (7%) |
1 (2%) |
Larger groups would be better |
7 (11%) |
6 (10%) |
16 (26%) |
14 (23%) |
17 (28%) |
1 (2%) |
Having a partner to help understand the assignment really helps |
24 (39%) |
20 (33%) |
6 (10%) |
5 (8%) |
4 (7%) |
2 (3%) |
What do you think of the advanced assignments?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Great Idea!
15 (25%) |
14 (23%) |
Don't care
30 (49%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (2%) |
N/F |
1 (2%) |
Any suggestions for improving the assignments?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (24 comments) |
7. COMP3891/9283 Extended Operating Systems
Skip this section if you did not do COMP3891/9283 Extended Operating Systems.
How would you rate extended OS as a whole?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
10 (16%) |
6 (10%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
7 (11%) |
N/F |
37 (61%) |
What were the strong points of COMP3891/9283?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (12 comments) |
What were the weak points of COMP3891/9283?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (8 comments) |
Any suggestions for improving COMP3891/9283 Extended OS?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (5 comments) |
Answer the following questions to convey your opinion of the final exam
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
N/F |
The exam overall was too hard |
0 (0%) |
8 (13%) |
27 (44%) |
19 (31%) |
2 (3%) |
5 (8%) |
The exam overall was too short - i.e. it should be 3 hours |
5 (8%) |
10 (16%) |
13 (21%) |
19 (31%) |
8 (13%) |
6 (10%) |
The exam should contain more True/False questions |
4 (7%) |
9 (15%) |
13 (21%) |
26 (43%) |
4 (7%) |
5 (8%) |
The exam gave me the oppurtunity to demonstrate my understanding of operating systems |
4 (7%) |
31 (51%) |
15 (25%) |
6 (10%) |
0 (0%) |
5 (8%) |
I think my exam result will be representative of my operating systems knowledge |
4 (7%) |
25 (41%) |
16 (26%) |
9 (15%) |
2 (3%) |
5 (8%) |
The final assessment should be weight ed more towards the exam |
5 (8%) |
7 (11%) |
24 (39%) |
15 (25%) |
6 (10%) |
4 (7%) |
Do you have any particular comments you would like to make about the exam?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (26 comments) |
The opinion of the exam is very similar to previous years.
We always look for evidence of
cheating in assigments and try or best to catch and penalise cheaters.
Please tell us what you think about the treatment of cheaters in the
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Too soft
2 (3%) |
5 (8%) |
Just right
51 (84%) |
1 (2%) |
Too harsh
0 (0%) |
N/F |
2 (3%) |
What do you think your final result will be for the course?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
10 (16%) |
14 (23%) |
15 (25%) |
13 (21%) |
2 (3%) |
No Idea
7 (11%) |
N/F |
0 (0%) |
| Back to Summary |
Any other factor that influenced your decision?
1: |
Actually, it was quite fun |
2: |
Attention to student feedback (i.e. surveys from past years) |
3: |
Chanllenging myself, as I haven |
4: |
Class clashes and this course turns out to be available with no clashes with my other subjects. |
5: |
Felt general understanding of OS would improve my knowledge as a programmer |
6: |
Gain a greater understanding of the C programming language, and some of its real world uses |
7: |
I read the previous years survey, it reflected well on the course
and showed that the lecturer actually cared about the quality of
teaching |
8: |
I wanted to really challenge myself. |
9: |
Main factor outside of it being a requirement was the interest Kevin takes in improving his course. |
10: |
No |
11: |
No |
12: |
Pure interest in how operating systems work. |
13: |
Seemed interesting |
14: |
Thought it would be a pretty leet course, and would develop my
understanding of writing software in general - esp. how to most
efficiently communicate with the OS (as an application) |
15: |
To know OS |
16: |
To learn about the link between hardware and application software |
17: |
course has a good reputation among cse students and learing OS |
18: |
i think getting deeper insight on os topics will help to be better
programmer in general and is necessary for system progammers/designers |
19: |
just want to learn |
20: |
mistakenly thought subject was core novel!!
21: |
n/a |
22: |
no |
23: |
no |
24: |
no |
25: |
non |
What were the best things about this course?
1: |
- Good consults |
2: |
Actually understanding alot of the content |
3: |
Applying the theory to a practical scenario |
4: |
Assignments were tricky and challenging but also rewarding. |
5: |
Assignments, tough but interesting.
Lectures, humorous and interesting. |
6: |
Challenge assignments |
7: |
Challenging. Explains a lot of mysteries about computers |
8: |
Extension lectures & Assignments |
9: |
Extensive and challenging topic covered |
10: |
Gave a good general look into OS design and programming. Engaging
Assignments. Liked the fact that we are given the chance to use svn.
Good that the lectures were recorded, as i couldn't make them all, and
this way i could catch up.
I'm really curious
about lecture recording (as I personally think I'd be boring in mp3
format). I should have really asked about this, but I'm glad somebody
found it useful.
11: |
Great assignments and OS system to play with. Excellent support via the forums and lecturer. |
12: |
Hacker security (final lecture) |
13: |
I really liked the lectures. They were really interesting and
informative about an area of computing I had relatively no experience
in. |
14: |
Interesting coding assignments
Strong conceptual challenegs |
15: |
Interesting subject matter. |
16: |
It was very informative and very detailed. The assignments were excellent. The lectures were mostly engaging and understandable. |
17: |
Kevin is a good lecturer |
18: |
Kevin is great as a lecturer for this course. |
19: |
Know better about operating system. |
20: |
Lecture and Tutorial |
21: |
Lecturer explained everything clearly and concisely, easy to understand content after going to consultation and lectures. |
22: |
Lectures and Assignments! |
23: |
Loved the lectures and assignments |
24: |
Most fun assignments I've had since early second year (2 years ago) |
25: |
Programming on OS |
26: |
Provides very useful knowledge with regards to OS internal workings. |
27: |
The assignment is challenging,and we should have a consolidate concept and read a lot of codes. |
28: |
The consultations were amazing, wouldn't have made it without
them. The lecture notes also make the course very learnable, I like the
dot point formatting, they're almost like study notes which saves me the
trouble of making my own. |
29: |
The course, for me, covered some quite interesting topics. I never
really struggled that much understanding the topics at hand as they
were interesting and relatively intuitive. |
30: |
The feeling of understanding the concepts that seemed impossible
at the time. Being able to understand the errors I see in real world os
systems. |
31: |
The material covered was presented in an interesting way -
analogies really help. Lecturer was also obviously passionate about this
material :) |
32: |
The programming assignments were both challenging and intriguing.
They prompted further investigation, which is the first time an
assignment has had that effect for me. |
33: |
The topic of the course itself. |
34: |
To be able to learn important concept within computer engineering degree. |
35: |
Took it to learn programming skills in general with a practical
environment for heavy coding. Course and assignment feedback helped
greatly, was able to write, browse, and debug code over 5 times faster
than before I started. Excellent introduction to synchronization as
well. |
36: |
Very In depth, challenging assignments, super awesome late penalty
allowed time management and didnt dismiss students that had the ability
to do the assignment but didnt have the time to do so. Lecturer made it
clear what was required, gave lots of handy hints. |
37: |
Very well structured. Small tute with good discussion. Satisfying to get the assignments out. |
38: |
We learned alot about the way in which operating systems worked
and now I know what is truly happening when I write userland programs
and what the issues. I now understand better what the barriers to
writing faster code are. |
39: |
While the concepts are low level, understanding them greatly assists in writing effective high-level code. |
40: |
Wonderful assignments, there are very few courses where I've liked
all the assignments - but this is definitely one of them. They were all
very fun and hands on.
Very interesting lectures, very skillful tutors. |
41: |
assignments are just perfect |
42: |
challenge |
43: |
covered in deep and all aspects of the technologies about OS |
44: |
great lecturer, great help |
45: |
learning OS |
46: |
os is pretty interesting, great lecturer |
47: |
very interesting and well taught |
48: |
well structured lectures, assignments and tutorials + forum |
What were the worst things about this course?
1: |
-Not enough explanation of what to do in the Assignment 3 spec
-Bad lecture times
Lecture timing is literally a lottery each year that I have little influence over. This year we lost.
2: |
A lot of content, sometimes hard to keep up |
3: |
Assignment 3! |
4: |
Assignment marking. |
5: |
Assignment workloads. 75% understanding means that assignment
partner does a really hacky job with the code at the start, and when it
finally clicks in, the deadline's due. |
6: |
Assignments after Asst1 were almost impossible prior to
consultations. E.g. Banged head against asst2 for days on end,
post-consult it was completed within a few hours. Simply too inefficient
to try and figure out the concepts and tiny technical details
preventing progress without a consult.
The consult are there
for that reason. Most don't need them, but when one hits a mental block
in the big picture or in the little details, we are there to help.
7: |
Assignments take a long time to get marked. |
8: |
Assignments took many days to debug. |
9: |
Asst1: Synchronisation |
10: |
Challenge assignments |
11: |
Debugging the assignments seemed like a hopeless cause sometimes,
it was often either a "get it right or do it again" thing for our group. |
12: |
Difficult and sometimes vague assignments, spec was sometimes (asst3) unclear. |
13: |
Exam |
14: |
Extensive and challenging topic covered |
15: |
Hard for me to coding. |
16: |
Hard to grasp and understand. |
17: |
Hard work, and lots of time on assignments, but well worth it.
Leonid lectures were not as easy to follow than Kevin's. I think this is
just because maybe Kevin's had more experience lecturing, though also
Leonid's accent made it harder to follow the lecture. |
18: |
I can't really understand Leonid. |
19: |
It was difficult getting help with os161 code besides the
consultations, there is a lot of code to go through and some problems
are hard to explain over the message board |
20: |
It would be nice - if at all possible, if assignments were marked
quicker. In particular, feedback from earlier assignments should be
available before the next assignment is due - otherwise some of the same
mistakes are bound to be repeated. |
21: |
Lack of feedback on assignments |
22: |
Lack of study can creep up very easily on you |
23: |
Large amount of course material. |
24: |
Lecture is at night 6-8 |
25: |
Liked most of it |
26: |
More linux kernel examples would have been nice but it was well
done for the time that we had. Also, sometimes dodgy assembly hacks were
being hidden by C wrappers, like the trap calls, which I did not see
but would have been more natural to see in assembly. Sometimes making
things 'prettier' with C code instead of assembly was actually less
intuitive because I expect things like scope to hold true in C. |
27: |
OS161 is horrible of what I saw. Emulating an OS in a terminal is
nothing like what I wanted to learn when I decided to do the course. In
my opinion you should start with a bootloader and build directly from
there, whilst throwing the sucks of code that just takes time at us when
we need them. Then you could use vmware to develop it, but also run it
native. I wanted it to be so that after the course you could sit in a
room a blank computer and write windows from scratch if you had infinite
time. |
28: |
Some of the resources/instructions were straight copy and paste
(especially concerning setup at home and for eclipse). Tell Leonid that
he needs to speak a little more clearly when lecturing. Also, the last
assignment felt a little rushed and last minute. |
29: |
Some of the things in the assignment were a little unclear. A few
more implementation details might have been better, or maybe talk about
some of the tricky cases and also a more general implementation
overview. |
30: |
Starting the assignments was quite daunting. Late lecture after a full day at uni was quite hard as well. |
31: |
The course was actually quite good, I don't really have any complaints |
32: |
The last assignment is a little tough. Time is not enough coz every course has the same due day. We have to work all day |
33: |
The latter assignments were confusing, even though the OS concepts they employed were easily understood. |
34: |
The low level os161 code was presented in little amounts such that connecting the general concepts to the os161 was difficult. |
35: |
The main reason why you get through so few assignments in this
course is the simply lack of focus on them.
Having studied at a US university assignment 0 would be something done
in O week or week one and assignment 1 directly after that. I think if
you made the course much more os161 centric and stopped lecturing in
such a general sense you would be able to achieve much more in terms of
assignment completion.
It really is not a case of us being, and I quote the lecturer "mere
mortals" and people at Harvard being some super race of students. They
just have the expectation to be doing os161 work every lecture and every
This of course would imply the exam be worth far less, say 20-30%. And
the assignments being worth more.
FYI: Harvard provide
less os161 support in lectures then we do and the focus on general OS
concepts like us. The course would be too narrow if it was an OS/161
course. One of the reasons they can get through more of the material is
they have more teaching assistant support to sheperd students through -
we simply don't have the same resources, especially as I had 300
students doing OS at points in time. Harvard students doing it also do
it as an elective, by choice, so one can expect more commitment from
them than a core course. So "super-race" no, I'd say equivalent to the
top 20% or so UNSW OS students (i.e. the students that would be left if
I increased the workload), and with more resources.
36: |
This wasn't particularly bad, but maybe making sure the tutors were very familiar with OS161. |
37: |
Too much workload. |
38: |
Using C for programming.
Workload is too much. |
39: |
Very hard assignments for people who does not really familiar with
the UNIX environment, so when it is hard to deal with UNIX, doing the
programme in C quite challenging as well. |
40: |
Very hard to understand, especially programming part. Not every student is good in programming. |
41: |
assignments were quite hard if partner slacked off |
42: |
level of difficulty |
43: |
no labs? |
44: |
sometimes its hard to start an assignment because the lectures cover mostly theory |
45: |
the class conflicts with my other class |
46: |
too many time-slots
i am a 9283 student, but i also sit in the tutorial. So i have 4 time-slots a week (2 lec, 1 tut, 1 ext).
i hope i can have some continious studying period. |
47: |
too much implementation details. spend a little on design problems. device derivers are not covered well. |
background knowledge do you think you were missing that would have
helped you in this course? Are the official pre-requisites a suitable
1: |
As an elec student i had only done the elec2141 and comp1921
prerequisites, which i did quite well in. Whilst these provided enough
prior knowledge for me to understand the OS theory. I did find the
coding somewhat intimidating initially as a i had no experience working
with large code bases. I was able to pick this up quikly but i could see
this being an issue for some elec students. |
2: |
As long as you know c this course is do-able. Computer architecture may be a useful pre-requisite |
3: |
Better coding skills would help me a lot for this course. |
4: |
Could use stronger C knowledge, but my fault for being ELEC. Maybe
some warm up assignments/programming challenges on assumed C knowledge
with no marks might be helpful. |
5: |
Good at debug |
6: |
Having students understand assembly mips code was a plus in this
course. Greater understanding of debug methods would help those students
who aren't leet. |
7: |
Hmm, maybe a little more background in concurrency would've helped for the first assignment? |
8: |
I didn't have much experience on programming using system calls
(especially the fork execv ...) of os. so i did poor in assignment 2.
9: |
I have done enough computing courses to have good expectations for
this course.
Doing this course and Computer Architecture (COMP3211) together was the
Best options as aot of content was similar, but stil different as OS
covers the software side and CompArch covers the hardware.
I think however, if I did compilers as well. Then that would have been
the complete deal. |
10: |
I think I was sufficiently prepared before the course. |
11: |
I think they are sufficient |
12: |
I think they are, yes. |
13: |
I'm an international student and I got exemption for the first
year computing course and I'm an ELEC student. The background knowledge
that I get is not detail enough to understand half of the course
content, therefore, it is very new to me. I really hope I can do well in
the exam cause I didn't really perform well with the assignments and
tutorial session. |
14: |
Just more warning of the workload
I repeat this in lectures, it is a common theme in the surveys I publish - I think I'll get a T-shirt printed next year?
15: |
N/A |
16: |
None really. As long as you have done a couple of low level
courses in preparation then you should of covered most of the basics. |
17: |
None. |
18: |
Nothing else really, COMP3211 helped but it was definitely not needed. |
19: |
Nothing, the official pre-requisites are good, IMO the official
prerequisite should be reading the first few chapters of the textbook.
That book is solid gold. |
20: |
Official Pre-requisites good.
Coming in from a elec a lot of the computer jargon confused me, e.g.
often talked about cache's but didn't learn till much later on. |
21: |
Official prerequisites are fine. Me and a few friends come from
Electrical Engineering, our last comp course was COMP1921, and we were
not disadvantaged at all. |
22: |
Pre requisite knowledge was sufficient |
23: |
Pre-reqs seemed ok to me |
24: |
Pre-requisites are fine |
25: |
Pre-requisites are suitable |
26: |
Programming skill |
27: |
The official prerequisites were fine. |
28: |
UNIX. The course seems quite UNIX focussed and I knew nothing
about how operating systems let alone the specifics of UNIX file systems
etc. |
29: |
Yes, it is suitable. However, since I did ENGG1811 in first year
instead of 1911, I found that the C programming was too much. Maybe not
anyone else who did 1911. |
30: |
backgroud knowledge is alright for this course |
31: |
computer architecture |
32: |
n/a |
33: |
none |
34: |
not missing an background knowledge.
official pre-requisites were suitable preparation. |
35: |
os 161 |
36: |
probably a weekly lab |
37: |
proficient listening skill of English |
Which material do you think you will be most useful to you in the future?
1: |
All of it seems useful. |
2: |
All of it. |
3: |
All! |
4: |
Concurrency |
5: |
Concurrency programming |
6: |
Everything |
7: |
Everything this is useful. gave mea better understand of what we program on. |
8: |
Everything to do with Sync. and multi-processor systems, threads and multi-threaded programming in general. Also system calls. |
9: |
File System |
10: |
File Systems, Multiprocessor System |
11: |
Materials from other unis |
12: |
Memory Management |
13: |
Memory management |
14: |
Memory management, device drivers, file systems |
15: |
Most of them. |
16: |
Nearly all, except threads |
17: |
Not sure |
18: |
Not sure - not looking into OS-related work in the future |
19: |
OS concepts in general |
20: |
Overall strategy to approaching problems |
21: |
Scheduling |
22: |
Scheduling and Synchronisation |
23: |
Scheduling, Security, Synchronization |
24: |
Security |
25: |
Security |
26: |
Security, system calls, virtual memory, low level |
27: |
Sync and Concurrency, Processes, I/O management |
28: |
Synch and concurrency |
29: |
Synchonisation and concurrency |
30: |
Synchonisation and concurrency |
31: |
Synchonisation and concurrency , Multiprocessor systems, security |
32: |
Synchronisation, deadlock, threads, I/O. |
33: |
Threads |
34: |
Um, the textbook is good. I |
35: |
VM, deadlocks and security |
36: |
all of them, especially concurrency and virtual memory |
37: |
concurrency |
38: |
concurrency and scheduling |
39: |
concurrency, scheduling, multiprocessor |
40: |
concurrency, syscalls and virtual memory |
41: |
high-level OS knowledge |
42: |
i/o management |
43: |
lecture notes |
44: |
more focus on os161 and less general info |
45: |
probably security i guess... but all of it was really interesting |
46: |
the code of OS161 |
47: |
the general knowledge on os |
48: |
the text book, lecture notes and the assignment |
What material related to operating systems, but not currently in the course, would you like to have seen covered?
1: |
- |
2: |
A more general approach, tweaking linux kernel, |
3: |
All is enough |
4: |
Bit more on OS in embedded systems. |
5: |
Hacking |
6: |
How OS'es deal with different hardware configurations |
7: |
I don't know |
8: |
I don't really know about the computer science stuff cause I am an
ELEC student, so I'm pretty sure I have no idea for other materials
that should be covered in this course. I'm sorry. |
9: |
Mac OS,linux, win... compare those systems on how they implement different technologies |
10: |
More about how linux does the things discussed in lectures. |
11: |
More coverage of real time systems |
12: |
More delving into the linux kernel. |
13: |
More on device drivers. boot sectors |
14: |
N/A |
15: |
N/A |
16: |
Not sure |
17: |
Not sure. |
18: |
Scalability |
19: |
Unsure |
20: |
Windows os |
21: |
can not think |
22: |
examples of various real OS |
23: |
history |
24: |
linux internals or lions comments on unix... |
25: |
n/a |
26: |
networking support of an os |
27: |
no |
28: |
no idea |
29: |
none |
30: |
none |
31: |
not sure |
32: |
virtualization |
Which of the current topics would you like to see scaled back or excluded?
1: |
All of the topics are fine for me. I mean, in order to get the general idea of what OS is. |
2: |
Assignment two and three to merge? (yes big call) |
3: |
Concurrency - make COMP3151 a prereq :P |
4: |
File Systems |
5: |
I/O Management |
6: |
Low-level implementations issues |
7: |
Maybe security, but only because I |
8: |
Memory management content was repeated a bit too much; something else could probably have fit |
9: |
Most of the multiprocessor stuff was covered in synchonisation and concurrency |
10: |
Multi-thread |
11: |
Multiprocessor Systems |
12: |
Multiprocessor Systems |
13: |
N/A |
14: |
No |
15: |
None, just nice |
16: |
None. |
17: |
None. They are all required and equally important. |
18: |
Security |
19: |
Security |
20: |
Security not really os related |
21: |
They all seem fairly relevant, no idea. |
22: |
all good to learn |
23: |
anything not diurectly relating to our os161 implementations |
24: |
deadlocks. good theory, but how oftern in practice do you know the
maximum resources needed in advance (so is it worth going over the
bankers algorithm?)? (if there are actually many situations which I may
have overlooked, please give us these examples.) |
25: |
filesystems(either cut back or more practical implementation) |
26: |
n/a |
27: |
n/a |
28: |
non |
29: |
none |
30: |
security |
31: |
security |
32: |
virtual memory (asst3), it still doesnt make sense to me :( |
33: |
what I learn this year was a good amount |
If you have not been attending lectures, what factors influenced your decision not to attend?
1: |
-Time was really inconvenient
-Other assignments |
2: |
Assignments |
3: |
Attend all. |
4: |
Attended all, except the last tutorial. Would have attended if it
didn't mean walking 40 minutes in 8 degrees Centigrade for an hour of
tutorials on something I understood.
Also skipped one of the two hour lectures (on UNIX file systems) halfway
through because was too sleep deprived to understand it. |
5: |
Being particularly busy at the time (as a general rule, I try to attend lectures). |
6: |
Busy workload. Lecture slides are very good so allow you to miss a
lecture here and there if you have to. However it is still a
disadvantage not to. |
7: |
Clashes with COMP3121(algorithms)!!!!
Seriously who would schedule the two of the most popular 3rd year courses on top of each other!?
A computer random number, oops, I mean timetable generator. Yes, it's a
pain how little influence we have of clashing electives.
8: |
Clashes, only time other subject was run and was harder to catch up on. |
9: |
I didn't understand Leonid. |
10: |
I enjoyed Kevin's lecturing style and entuszium |
11: |
I fell sick on some ocassions.
and other was because I had a huge deadline at work.
and the other times it was because I was working on assignments. |
12: |
I missed a few because I work all day prior to the evening lecture
- and often even when I came in, I was too tired to absorb anything.
Also I found the general lecture content not hard to catch up on.
I missed a few intentionally as I had done concurrency and the overlap
was large.
I also missed many due to a class clash. |
13: |
I missed a few due to later starting times. 12pm-2pm would be great. |
14: |
I'v attend all the lectures |
15: |
Inconvenient lecture time (Thursday 1 hr lecture was my only class on thursdays) |
16: |
It was hard to hear Leonid. When people couldn't hear him they
started talking, which made it even harder to hear him if you weren't up
the front. The lecture was also at an annoying time. |
17: |
Lecture finish late. I mean, the timing factor. We finish at 8pm and that's quite late. |
18: |
Lots of clashes with other classes
Late night lectures weren't too nice |
19: |
Not sure if I chose the right option in the previous question. I
attended the lectures I could, but missed quite a lot. Ones I attended
were good though.
Anyway, Leonid was a little difficult to understand. I wasn't able to
make it to the Wednesday lecture which made the Thursday lecture a bit
hard to follow. But that's my fault. |
20: |
The times for the lectures were VERY inconvenient, 8pm finish
really gave the course a bad name, although the course in general was
very good. |
21: |
There wasn't any factor for me not to attend lectures. |
22: |
Time (too late). |
23: |
Tiredness at the end of the day, other commitments at the time |
24: |
Work commitments
Bus timetables (late classes)
Previous class running overtime |
25: |
class conflict |
26: |
failed to work out a feasible schedule for spending time on assignments and job beside attending all classes. |
27: |
some times the lecture is a bit late ,and hv to work on assignment cannot come |
28: |
works from other courses, late hour lecture time, and (as always) being lazy |
Any suggestions for improving lectures?
1: |
Being able to understand lecturer would be good. The other guy mainly. |
2: |
Better timeslot! But I know that's not your fault... |
3: |
Better timeslots. |
4: |
Give Leonid a microphone. I guess I should have asked him to use one early on. |
5: |
Go slower. I often feel that Kevin has moved on to another slide
while I was still trying to understand the previous slide/concept. |
6: |
Have a morning hours for lectures and provides more information or
guidance to help ELEC students who is not really good in using UNIX. |
7: |
Have some live example of code/os161. |
8: |
I guess I can't really provide a good opinion here but I will say the lecture notes are really good. |
9: |
I liked how you used your laptop tablet functionality (draw). |
10: |
Lectures are some of the best I have seen in comp. Was very happy with the way they were presented. |
11: |
Lectures given by Leonid are difficult to hear and understand. |
12: |
Make concurrency a prereq? Give students more money from
centrelink so they don't need to work as hard to pay rent and eat decent
food? |
13: |
Maybe this is great enough. |
14: |
Maybe when explaning a concept, it is better to attach some code, It's more straightforward, |
15: |
More side tracking on interesting topics |
16: |
None. |
17: |
Not anything i can think of. |
18: |
Potentially make the lecture notes more concise. As i was
studying and reviewing over the lecture notes, i found that they didn't
always explain the complete concept. |
19: |
Some labs |
20: |
Sometimes I don't think going straight of slides is so useful.
Especially for things that require working through a problem, going
through it on the board might be better. |
21: |
The short breaks are an excellent idea. |
22: |
Timing could be earlier in the day.
Also not to clash with other major courses such as algorithms. |
23: |
Try to cover less materials. The pace is too fast. |
24: |
Um, don't hold them late at night when everyone is asleep. ;) ...
So it's a scheduling problem right, just rewrite the class scheduler. :)
Pretend the uni is an OS and make that assignment one. |
25: |
audio recording if possible
We did ?
26: |
catering |
27: |
give a summary slice after each topic |
28: |
please not held at night |
If you used
other textbooks other than Tannenbaum (e.g. Silberschatz, Stallings),
how do you think they compare to each other? Which gives the best
explanations, which has the best structure, etc....
1: |
- |
2: |
I didn't use textbook |
3: |
I just used textbook only. |
4: |
I'm using Tannenbaum, they're great :) |
5: |
N/A |
6: |
N/A |
7: |
N/A |
8: |
NA |
9: |
No others |
10: |
Tannenbaum is awesome! |
11: |
Tannenbaum's textbook |
12: |
This is a one line input field...and the Tannenbaum book rules. |
13: |
n/a |
14: |
your suggested book is the best |
Any suggestions for improving tutorials?
1: |
-Less focus on class participation and more focus on learning...
Alot of time was wasted waiting for someone to answer the question when
clearly no one was sure of the answer or didnt understand the question. |
2: |
Evenly distribute tutorial questions as some tutorials tend to
have too many questions to go through in an hour, other times there are
too few questions. |
3: |
I did the advanced course. |
4: |
Just fyi I rated both tutors because Dave filled in for Bernard
once and he seemed pretty good. Harsh assignment marker though...
Bernard was pretty great, not sure what to improve. |
5: |
Keep the mandatory tutorials, they were tough but people HAD to
attend them. Also saw two different styles of tutoring when my usual
tutor was not there (sick). One tutor answered all the questions, the
other made sure EVERYONE answered a question. Whilst the latter made me
sweat on knowing everything it was VERY effective. I say use that method
more. |
6: |
Maybe introduce some case study questions into the tutorial.
7: |
More questions |
8: |
My tutor is really good, so, keep up the good work :) |
9: |
N/A |
10: |
None. |
11: |
Nothing. |
12: |
Perhaps more practical examples as opposed to theoretical ones |
13: |
The tutorial questions may not all covered by last week's lecture. |
14: |
Tutorials were great.
However, more participation would be nice. Most of the participants appear to be scared to answering questions. |
15: |
Would like to cover all the Qs if possible. |
16: |
nope |
17: |
show us some cool hackings stuff people did to the banks NASA or government for example. |
Do you have any specific comments about OS/161
1: |
Amazing comments |
2: |
Fairly large amounts of code to read but overall it was plain old C. |
3: |
Good system to learn on. Fairly simple, however appears to provide most of the core aspects needed to teach the course. |
4: |
HARD to understand |
5: |
Hated it. When I think of an OS i think of Windows, Mac, *nix,
iOS, other embedded device OS's. Not one I've never understood before
and is messy to use |
6: |
Having the harvard assignment comments was confusing. |
7: |
I like it for the programming part. |
8: |
I suggest to have one lecture to get us familiar with OS/161. |
9: |
I understand the concept of heavily applying the assignment part
to be effective in this course, using a harmonic average only stretches
the distribution of fail/pass to the absolute maximum which I don't find
completely fair. |
10: |
It is a good testing operating system. |
11: |
It is fun to work with once you understand them well. |
12: |
It is very clearly implemented and easy to follow. |
13: |
It was difficult to find which parts of the code were relevant to the assignments considering there was so much. |
14: |
Its really not easy to read and understand, it's better to have some class to lead students read codes |
15: |
Its structure is confusing, especially since there are so many files and directories with identical names. |
16: |
Marking did take a long time |
17: |
More time and practice asst should be given to familiarise with os/161 and gdb. |
18: |
N/A |
19: |
Perhaps the most frustrating thing about os/161 was that quite a
lot of the internal code comments about matters or situations seemingly
relevant to our course or assignments were not actually relevant at all
or even correct in regards to what we had to do in assignments.
At best this was an annoyance, at worst it was downright confusing. |
20: |
Some code comments are not sufficient |
21: |
Some give testing would be nice. But i would not have all marks
based of those tests. Alternatively some more tests cases for assignment
2 and 3 would be helpful as it can be quite a challenge to develop you
own. Especially for assignment 3. |
22: |
Still today I find it quite mind boggling |
23: |
The submission should over write the files before running the
compile check so we can fix any problems that may arise from
accidentally changing files |
24: |
There were, as stated in the lectures, a lot of unexpected booby
traps to work around, but I imagine that's true of all operating systems
you'd have to work with. Also, I found the high level of abstraction,
while also helpful, meant that I spent a lot of time figuring out which
parts of the os' functionality I was supposed to implement for myself
and which parts were there for me to use if only I could find where they
were hidden. |
25: |
hopefully, we can get a documentation of the solution (like, data
structure, algorithm, tricky coding parts, or even pesudo code)
moreover, i hope to have some documentation about the uncovered parts of
os161, such as the networking |
26: |
no |
27: |
nope~! |
28: |
sure we have comments in the code, but are there any documents
which give a general overview of how os/161 works?
is there a better way to test rather than just using userland programs
running on os/161. would unit tests which plug directly into os/161 work
better? |
29: |
the system makes me dizzy...I think it's better for some one
clearly shows the structure and walk through the codes for each
assignment |
Any suggestions for improving the assignments?
1: |
...not really. |
2: |
Assignemnet in general are hard.
I think the Design part is marked way too harshly. |
3: |
Assignment specifications seemed rather vague. Takes a whole day
to understand what exactly to do, often longer.. would greatly cut down
on the workload if they were clearer.
Assignments also don't allow well for synchronous coding as full
knowledge of one part of the assignment is required for the others.
Group members get left behind. Larger groups may make it more likely to
get a useful group member, especially for the groups aiming for PS/CR. A
one-person group might be best because the HD/DN students will be more
likely to hang around the forum and rub off their knowledge on the
weaker students. |
4: |
Divide assignments into milestones, ie, submit a frame table
implementation for asst2a, then submit page table implementation for
asst2b, etc
Faster feedback! |
5: |
Don't make it too hard and give more hints. *hehehe* |
6: |
Explanations of how they fit into OS/161 would be helpful. Ass
3's lecture was immensely helpful, and something similar would have made
a big difference for Ass 2.
Considering how much they're worth, they should focus more on the
systems being implemented and less on OS/161 (if that's possible).
Figuring out where to make changes took way too much time and effort. |
7: |
If the spec was clearer the wiki FAQ wouldn't be necessary and could potentially reduce my reliance on consultations. |
8: |
Include a peer assessment to make sure members who slack off are penalised |
9: |
Just a comment: Trying to understand the HUGE code before actually writing my own is really difficult. |
10: |
Just wish I had more time to do then :(
Since they are not marked straight away anyway, perhaps increase the
deadline to be 5 days or a week after the deadline of the normal
assignment. |
11: |
12: |
Keep the groups. Provide more of an introduction to the
assignments and more starting pointers. These assignments can take a lot
of time to determine where to start. A small introduction outlining
the important files really helps here. |
13: |
Larger groups |
14: |
Mark is too slow and no mark criteria given,so we dont know how to do to fullfill the criteria of the assignment |
15: |
Mark them sooner to avoid repeat of mistakes! |
16: |
More explanation for assignment 3 |
17: |
Nope~! |
18: |
Possibly release the last three assignments all together, and
allow us to do them as we build up our knowledge required for their
completion. |
19: |
Provide some lecture time to explain what to do in an assignment. |
20: |
Reduce the difficulty of the assignments. |
21: |
Seemed just right to me - most of the difficulty was in actually deciding what was required. |
22: |
Some labs before assignments to know OS well practically. |
23: |
getting lost in that much code was fun under pressure. Debugging was a nightmare. |
24: |
make it simpler if possible |
What were the strong points of COMP3891/9283?
1: |
Going into detail about the interesting things. |
2: |
I found the lectures on scheduling and lectures on virtual processes very interesting |
3: |
Interesting topics that we otherwise would not have covered. |
4: |
It covered strong concepts which other universities dont cover, it
was indepth, it was simple and easy to understand as lots of examples
were displayed on screen with step throughs. |
5: |
Its not commerce :) Plus I got to play around in an OS and get a feel for the field in general. |
6: |
Lectures! |
7: |
More interesting topics |
8: |
Smaller class focused on learning for interest, rather than for assessment |
9: |
Strong Lectures and Tutes |
10: |
The few lectures I went to, I enjoyed. Going in-depth into a few different topics was quite interesting. |
11: |
The lectures. Really interesting and engaging |
12: |
it's very enlightened |
What were the weak points of COMP3891/9283?
1: |
Can be difficult to get started on a couple of things. |
2: |
Didn't get to talk about some of the tut questions |
3: |
Got boring fast :(, night lectures were a killer, lecture note slide allllll look the same... need a bit more colour :P |
4: |
Lecture was on a Friday - not many other classes then, usually didn't attend |
5: |
No tutorials |
6: |
We missed a few classes I think because of various events. That was unfortunate. |
7: |
can not go into the some depth of a topic |
8: |
time is short and I would like to learn more |
Any suggestions for improving COMP3891/9283 Extended OS?
1: |
I'd say have extended students attend regular tutorials where
assignments are explained, instead of spending ext. lectures explaining
the OS assignments, so that more time could be devoted to other things
or perhaps explaining the extended part of assignments. |
2: |
It would nice to have tutorials in addition to the extra OS lecture |
3: |
Maybe having a tutorial every few weeks with questions could be
interesting. It would mean that there would be more engagement with the
course. |
4: |
Not making it last thing on a friday. :) Content was great,
perhaps more linux kernel stuff or latest technologies talk; like work
done on SSD's. |
5: |
we can also have a look at how people work on the OS currently in the industrial world if possible |
Do you have any particular comments you would like to make about the exam?
1: |
Fair questions, the TRUE/FALSE penalty marking is a bit rough though. |
2: |
Have not done it yet. |
3: |
I found a few of the true/false questions very unclear. Ie the
first question:
the operating system provides an interface to low level hardware" t/f?
an interface TO the hardware for the hardware to use, or an interface to
the hardware for the user to use? I answered for the former, however
with an automarked system there is no way for me to clarify my
intepretation. To lose 2 marks for this (1 for getting it wrong, 1 for
not getting the mark) is very extreme.
I don't mind true/false, but I think there should be room for
justification to get the full potential from students.
Also, I was expecting high-level questions on page tables, not low level
translations - Normally I would look that sort of thing up (the
translations). I found being tested on what normally would be looked up
in a manual, rather than the complexity of the data structures,
perplexing. |
4: |
I haven't done it yet, but won't have time to fill out the survey after the test before the deadline. |
5: |
I just do not like any exams. But this is one that people would love to take. |
6: |
I personally think some questions is difficult to understand for
some international students such as myself. For answering the questions,
there is difficulty for people whose English is poor to explain and
describe answer as clear as expected. |
7: |
I think the exam was quite fair, with probably a little bit too much focus on rote |
8: |
I was expecting some calculation question in the exam and I don't think I perform well in the exam. |
9: |
Im just basing it on the sample exam so my survey will most likely change after sitting the final exam |
10: |
It is hard in an exam situation to write a longer response which
we feel covers everything you are looking for, yet is concise.
Though I understand that you don't want us to waste time rambling on,
nor do you want to waste time reading excessive answers, so I'm not sure
what you could try instead. |
11: |
It was a little easy, but a pretty fair test of os knowledge. Oh,
but some of the true/false questions were a bit vague (I felt I could've
answered more if I was more certain about what they were asking) |
12: |
It was a pretty fair exam in my opinion. |
13: |
It was just right, especially after you walkthrough all Sample questions. |
14: |
No comment. |
15: |
Seemed to me that some major parts of the course like resource allocation and scheduling were left out |
16: |
Some of the true/false questions seemed a bit vague, but it could just be my lack of knowledge. |
17: |
Some of the true/false questions were too ambiguous and one could argue either way |
18: |
The TLB translation question worth a bit too much mark. |
19: |
The exam generally wasn't too challenging. However, i felt that a
lot of the questions, in particular the true/false ones were worded
ambiguously, and were hard to confidently feel like i had answered them
correctly. |
20: |
The exam was well set; if you had studied then you should have
done well. Maybe just one much harder question in there, just for those
that really know what they are doing. |
21: |
The number of questions should increased and each could be worth
less marks, to make sure that more topics on OS can be covered in the
final exam |
22: |
There should be options like do 1 of A or B parts.. because its
sometimes hard to study everything and there are small gaps in
knowledge. |
23: |
To the best of my recollection the front page did not state there
were 6 questions. I'm aware some students didn't check the back cover. |
24: |
Yes, as a matter of fact I do:
https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~forums/support/viewtopic.php?t=12131 |
25: |
exams can rarely test the "real" understanding of os. |
26: |
its favours people with better writing skills and with stronger memory. |