Week 04 Tutorial Questions

ADTs, Binary Search Trees

  1. A classic problem in computer science is the problem of implementing a queue using two stacks. Consider the following stack ADT interface:

    // Creates a new empty stack
    Stack StackNew(void);
    // Frees all memory allocated to the stack
    void StackFree(Stack s);
    // Pushes an item onto the stack
    void StackPush(Stack s, int item);
    // Pops an item from the stack and returns it
    // Assumes that the stack is not empty
    int StackPop(Stack s);
    // Returns the number of items on the stack
    int StackSize(Stack s);

    Use the stack ADT interface to complete the implementation of the queue ADT below:

    #include "Stack.h"
    struct queue {
    	Stack s1;
    	Stack s2;
    Queue QueueNew(void) {
    	Queue q = malloc(sizeof(struct queue));
    	q->s1 = StackNew();
    	q->s2 = StackNew();
    	return q;
    void QueueFree(Queue q) {
    void QueueEnqueue(Queue q, int item) {
    	// TODO
    int QueueDequeue(Queue q) {
    	// TODO
Binary Search Trees

For the questions below, use the following data type:

struct node {
	int value;
	struct node *left;
	struct node *right;
  1. (Binary Search Trees)

    For each of the sequences below

    • start from an initially empty binary search tree
    • show the tree resulting from inserting values in the order given
    1. 4 6 5 2 1 3 7
    2. 5 2 3 4 6 1 7
    3. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    Assume new values are always inserted as new leaf nodes.

  2. (Binary Search Trees)

    Consider the following tree and its values displayed in different output orderings:

    What kind of trees have the property that their in-order traversal is the same as their pre-order traversal?

    Are there any kinds of trees for which all output orders will be the same?

  3. (Binary Search Trees)

    Write a recursive function to count the total number of nodes in a tree. Use the following function interface:

    int bstNumNodes(struct node *t) { ... }
  4. (Binary Search Trees)

    Implement the following function that counts the number of odd values in a tree. Use the following function interface:

    int bstCountOdds(struct node *t) { ... }
  5. (Binary Search Trees)

    Implement the following function to count number of internal nodes in a given tree. An internal node is a node with at least one child node. Use the following function interface:

    int bstCountInternal(struct node *t) { ... }
  6. (Binary Search Trees)

    Write a recursive function to compute the height of a tree. The height of a tree is defined as the length of the longest path from the root to a leaf. The path length is a count of the number of links (edges) on the path. The height of an empty tree is -1. Use the following function interface:

    int bstHeight(struct node *t) { ... }
  7. (Binary Search Trees)

    Implement the following function that returns the level of the node containing a given key if such a node exists, otherwise the function returns -1 (when a given key is not in the binary search tree). The level of the root node is zero. Use the following function interface:

    int bstNodeLevel(struct node *t, int key) { ... }
  8. (Binary Search Trees)

    Implement the following function that counts the number of values that are greater than a given value. This function should access as few nodes as possible. Use the following function interface:

    int bstCountGreater(struct node *t, int val) { ... }