// Implementation of binary search tree module #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bst.h" #include "Queue.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static struct node *newNode(int val); static void showBstNode(struct node *t); static void doBstPrint(struct node *t, FILE *out); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Creates a new empty bst struct node *bstNew(void) { return NULL; } // Frees all the memory associated with the given bst void bstFree(struct node *t) { if (t == NULL) { return; } bstFree(t->left); bstFree(t->right); free(t); } // Inserts a new value into the given BST and returns the root of the // updated bst. Does not insert duplicate values. struct node *bstInsert(struct node *t, int val) { if (t == NULL) { return newNode(val); } else if (val < t->value) { t->left = bstInsert(t->left, val); } else if (val > t->value) { t->right = bstInsert(t->right, val); } else { // (val == t->value) /* don't insert duplicates */; } return t; } // Creates a new node containing the given value static struct node *newNode(int val) { struct node *new = malloc(sizeof(*new)); if (new == NULL) { err(EX_OSERR, "couldn't allocate BST node"); } new->value = val; new->left = NULL; new->right = NULL; return new; } // Checks whether a value is in the given bst bool bstFind(struct node *t, int val) { if (t == NULL) { return false; } else if (val < t->value) { return bstFind(t->left, val); } else if (val > t->value) { return bstFind(t->right, val); } else { // (val == t->value) return true; } } // Prints a struct node *to the given file. // Assumes that the file is open for writing. void bstPrint(struct node *t, FILE *out) { doBstPrint(t, out); } // Prints a struct node *to stdout. void bstShow(struct node *t) { bstPrint(t, stdout); } // !!! DO NOT MODIFY THE CODE ABOVE !!! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Returns the number of leaves in the given BST int bstNumLeaves(struct node *t) { // TODO: Task 1 - Implement this function return 0; } // Returns the range of the given BST int bstRange(struct node *t) { // TODO: Task 2 - Implement this function return 0; } // Deletes all of the leaves in the given BST and returns the root of // the updated BST struct node *bstDeleteLeaves(struct node *t) { // TODO: Task 3 - Implement this function return t; } // Returns the value in the BST which is closest to the given value // Assumes that the BST is not empty int bstClosest(struct node *t, int val) { // TODO: Task 4 - Implement this function return -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Prints the in-order traversal of the given BST void bstInOrder(struct node *t) { if (t == NULL) return; bstInOrder(t->left); showBstNode(t); bstInOrder(t->right); } // Prints the pre-order traversal of the given BST void bstPreOrder(struct node *t) { if (t == NULL) return; showBstNode(t); bstPreOrder(t->left); bstPreOrder(t->right); } // Prints the post-order traversal of the given BST void bstPostOrder(struct node *t) { if (t == NULL) return; bstPostOrder(t->left); bstPostOrder(t->right); showBstNode(t); } // Prints the level-order traversal of the given BST void bstLevelOrder(struct node *t) { // TODO: Task 5 - Implement this function } // Prints the value in the given node static void showBstNode(struct node *t) { if (t == NULL) return; printf("%d ", t->value); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // !!! DO NOT MODIFY THE CODE BELOW !!! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ASCII tree printer // Courtesy: ponnada // Via: http://www.openasthra.com/c-tidbits/printing-binary-trees-in-ascii/ // data structures typedef struct asciinode_struct asciinode; struct asciinode_struct { asciinode *left, *right; // length of the edge from this node to its children int edge_length; int height; int lablen; // -1=I am left, 0=I am root, 1=I am right int parent_dir; // max supported int32 in dec, 10 digits max + negative sign char label[12]; }; // functions static void print_level(asciinode *node, int x, int level, FILE *out); static void compute_edge_lengths(asciinode *node); static void compute_lprofile(asciinode *node, int x, int y); static void compute_rprofile(asciinode *node, int x, int y); static asciinode *build_ascii_tree(struct node *t); static void free_ascii_tree(asciinode *node); #define MAX_HEIGHT 1000 static int lprofile[MAX_HEIGHT]; static int rprofile[MAX_HEIGHT]; #define INFINITY (1 << 20) #define MIN(X, Y) (((X) < (Y)) ? (X) : (Y)) #define MAX(X, Y) (((X) > (Y)) ? (X) : (Y)) static int gap = 3; // gap between left and right nodes // used for printing next node in the same level, // this is the x coordinate of the next char printed static int print_next; // prints ascii tree for given Tree structure static void doBstPrint(struct node *t, FILE *out) { asciinode *proot; int xmin, i; if (t == NULL) return; proot = build_ascii_tree(t); compute_edge_lengths(proot); for (i = 0; i < proot->height && i < MAX_HEIGHT; i++) lprofile[i] = INFINITY; compute_lprofile(proot, 0, 0); xmin = 0; for (i = 0; i < proot->height && i < MAX_HEIGHT; i++) xmin = MIN(xmin, lprofile[i]); for (i = 0; i < proot->height; i++) { print_next = 0; print_level(proot, -xmin, i, out); fprintf(out, "\n"); } if (proot->height >= MAX_HEIGHT) { fprintf(out, "(Tree is taller than %d; may be drawn incorrectly.)\n", MAX_HEIGHT); } free_ascii_tree(proot); } // This function prints the given level of the given tree, assuming // that the node has the given x cordinate. static void print_level(asciinode *node, int x, int level, FILE *out) { int i, isleft; if (node == NULL) return; isleft = (node->parent_dir == -1); if (level == 0) { for (i = 0; i < (x - print_next - ((node->lablen - isleft) / 2)); i++) fprintf(out, " "); print_next += i; fprintf(out, "%s", node->label); print_next += node->lablen; } else if (node->edge_length >= level) { if (node->left != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < (x - print_next - (level)); i++) { fprintf(out, " "); } print_next += i; fprintf(out, "/"); print_next++; } if (node->right != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < (x - print_next + (level)); i++) { fprintf(out, " "); } print_next += i; fprintf(out, "\\"); print_next++; } } else { print_level( node->left, x - node->edge_length - 1, level - node->edge_length - 1, out); print_level( node->right, x + node->edge_length + 1, level - node->edge_length - 1, out); } } // This function fills in the edge_length and // height fields of the specified tree static void compute_edge_lengths(asciinode *node) { int h, hmin, i, delta; if (node == NULL) return; compute_edge_lengths(node->left); compute_edge_lengths(node->right); /* first fill in the edge_length of node */ if (node->right == NULL && node->left == NULL) node->edge_length = 0; else { if (node->left == NULL) hmin = 0; else { for (i = 0; i < node->left->height && i < MAX_HEIGHT; i++) rprofile[i] = -INFINITY; compute_rprofile(node->left, 0, 0); hmin = node->left->height; } if (node->right == NULL) hmin = 0; else { for (i = 0; i < node->right->height && i < MAX_HEIGHT; i++) lprofile[i] = INFINITY; compute_lprofile(node->right, 0, 0); hmin = MIN(node->right->height, hmin); } delta = 4; for (i = 0; i < hmin; i++) { int w = gap + 1 + rprofile[i] - lprofile[i]; delta = (delta > w) ? delta : w; } // If the node has two children of height 1, then we allow the // two leaves to be within 1, instead of 2 if (((node->left != NULL && node->left->height == 1) || (node->right != NULL && node->right->height == 1)) && delta > 4) delta--; node->edge_length = ((delta + 1) / 2) - 1; } // now fill in the height of node h = 1; if (node->left != NULL) h = MAX(node->left->height + node->edge_length + 1, h); if (node->right != NULL) h = MAX(node->right->height + node->edge_length + 1, h); node->height = h; } static asciinode *build_ascii_tree_recursive(struct node *t) { asciinode *node; if (t == NULL) return NULL; node = malloc(sizeof(asciinode)); node->left = build_ascii_tree_recursive(t->left); node->right = build_ascii_tree_recursive(t->right); if (node->left != NULL) node->left->parent_dir = -1; if (node->right != NULL) node->right->parent_dir = 1; snprintf(node->label, 12, "%d", t->value); node->lablen = (int) strlen(node->label); return node; } // Copy the tree into the ascii node structre static asciinode *build_ascii_tree(struct node *t) { asciinode *node; if (t == NULL) return NULL; node = build_ascii_tree_recursive(t); node->parent_dir = 0; return node; } // Free all the nodes of the given tree static void free_ascii_tree(asciinode *node) { if (node == NULL) return; free_ascii_tree(node->left); free_ascii_tree(node->right); free(node); } // The following function fills in the lprofile array for the given // tree. It assumes that the center of the label of the root of this tree // is located at a position(x,y). It assumes that the edge_length // fields have been computed for this tree. static void compute_lprofile(asciinode *node, int x, int y) { int i, isleft; if (node == NULL) return; isleft = (node->parent_dir == -1); lprofile[y] = MIN(lprofile[y], x - ((node->lablen - isleft) / 2)); if (node->left != NULL) { for (i = 1; i <= node->edge_length && y + i < MAX_HEIGHT; i++) lprofile[y + i] = MIN(lprofile[y + i], x - i); } compute_lprofile( node->left, x - node->edge_length - 1, y + node->edge_length + 1); compute_lprofile( node->right, x + node->edge_length + 1, y + node->edge_length + 1); } static void compute_rprofile(asciinode *node, int x, int y) { int i, notleft; if (node == NULL) return; notleft = (node->parent_dir != -1); rprofile[y] = MAX(rprofile[y], x + ((node->lablen - notleft) / 2)); if (node->right != NULL) { for (i = 1; i <= node->edge_length && y + i < MAX_HEIGHT; i++) rprofile[y + i] = MAX(rprofile[y + i], x + i); } compute_rprofile( node->left, x - node->edge_length - 1, y + node->edge_length + 1); compute_rprofile( node->right, x + node->edge_length + 1, y + node->edge_length + 1); }