COMP2521 Sort Detective Lab Report

by Name1 (zID), Name2 (zID)

In this lab, the aim is to measure the performance of two sorting programs, without access to the code, and determine which sorting algorithm each program uses.

If you worked in a pair: We used NameX's (zID) sorting programs.

Experimental Design

We measured how each program's execution time varied as the size and initial sortedness of the input varied. We used the following kinds of input ...

We used these test cases because ...

Because of the way timing works on Unix/Linux, it was necessary to repeat the same test multiple times ...

We also investigated the stability of the sorting programs by ...

We also investigated ... any other relevant properties ...

Experimental Results

For Program A, we observed that ...

These observations indicate that the algorithm underlying the program ... has the following characteristics ...

For Program B, we observed that ...

These observations indicate that the algorithm underlying the program ... has the following characteristics ...


On the basis of our experiments and our analysis above, we believe that


Any large tables of data that you want to present ...