3 kinds

Array of edges:

Array containing struct that store edges between verticies.

Adjacency Matrix:

2D array where the indexes correspond to the edges of the array, and the value at those indexes is the weight of the edge

Adjacency list

Array of linked lists which have what edges the index is connected to

Graph Implementations

There are essentially three graph implementations, listed below

  1. Adjacency Matrix: An adjacency matrix is a two-dimensional array where each cell (i, j) represents whether there is an edge between node i and node j. If the graph is weighted, the cell can store the weight of the edge. The value in the cell can be a boolean (for unweighted graphs) or a number (for weighted graphs).


  • Constant-time O(1) access to check if an edge exists between two nodes.
  • Efficient for dense graphs (graphs with many edges).
  • Suitable for graphs with a fixed number of nodes.


  • Consumes more space for sparse graphs (graphs with few edges).
  • Adding or removing nodes requires resizing the matrix, which can be costly.
  1. Adjacency List: An adjacency list is a data structure where each node is associated with a list (or array) of its neighboring nodes. For a weighted graph, each element in the list can store the weight of the edge.


  • Memory-efficient for sparse graphs.
  • Efficient for graph algorithms that involve traversing neighbors.
  • Adding or removing nodes/edges is more efficient than with an adjacency matrix.


  • Slower edge existence check (requires traversing the adjacency list).
  • May consume more memory for dense graphs.
  1. Array of Edges (Edge List): An array of edges represents the graph as an array where each element represents an edge. Each edge is defined by its two endpoints (nodes) and possibly a weight.


  • Minimal memory overhead.
  • Simple structure, suitable for basic graph representations.
  • Good for storing just the essential information about the graph.


  • Edge existence check can be inefficient if the array is not sorted or indexed.
  • Traversing neighbors may require additional data structures.



Analysis Breakdown




Tutorial questions


Overall Comparison of all 3

Overall Comparison of all 3

Adjacency List Pseudocode

 g.nV = V // #vertices (numbered 0..V-1)
 g.nE = 0 // #edges
 allocate memory for g.edges[]
 for all i=0..V-1:
     g.edges[i]=newList() // empty list
 return g

insertEdge(g,(v,w)): if not ListMember(g.edges[v],w): // (v,w) not in graph ListInsert(g.edges[v],w) ListInsert(g.edges[w],v) g.nE=g.nE+1

removeEdge(g,(v,w)): if ListMember(g.edges[v],w): // (v,w) in graph ListDelete(g.edges[v],w) ListDelete(g.edges[w],v) g.nE=g.nE-1

showEdges(g): for all i=0 to g.nV-1: for all v in g.edges[i]: if i < v: print i"—"v

Adjacency Matrix Pseudocode

 g.nV = V // #vertices (numbered 0..V-1)
 g.nE = 0 // #edges
 allocate memory for g.edges[][]
 for all i,j=0..V-1:
     g.edges[i][j] = 0 // false
 return g

insertEdge(g,(v,w)): if g.edges[v][w] = 0: // (v,w) not in graph g.edges[v][w]=1 // set to true g.edges[w][v]=1 g.nE=g.nE+1

removeEdge(g,(v,w)): if g.edges[v][w] ≠ 0: // (v,w) in graph g.edges[v][w]=0 // set to false g.edges[w][v]=0 g.nE=g.nE - 1

for all i=0 to g.nV-1:
for all j=i+1 to g.nV-1:
if g.edges[i][j] ≠ 0 then
print i"—"j

Array of Edges Pseudocode

 g = new Graph with V verticies
 g.nV = V // #vertices (numbered 0..V-1)
 g.nE = 0 // #edges
 allocate enough memory for g.edges[]
 return g

while i < g.nE and g.edges[i] ≠ (v,w):
    i = i + 1
    if i = g.nE: // (v,w) not found
    g.edges[i] = (v,w)
    g.nE = g.nE + 1 

removeEdge(g,(v,w)): i = 0 while i < g.nE and g.edges[i] ≠ (v,w): i = i + 1 if i < g.nE: // (v,w) found g.edges[i] = g.edges[g.nE-1] g.nE = g.nE - 1

for all i=0 to g.nE-1:
(v,w) = g.edges[i]
print v"—"w Array of Edges Cost:


DFS (Graph g, int src) {

int visited;

dfs(g, src, visited);



dfs(g,v,visited) {

visited[v] = 1;

for (all w) {

if (Adjacent(g, v, w) && !visited[w]) {

dfs(g, w, visited);




Graph detect Cycle

#include <stdbool.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "Graph.h"

// Declare any helper functions you need here.

bool stackHasNode(int stack[], int stackSize, int node);


* Determines whether the given graph has a cycle.


* Input:

* - Graph g: An unweighted, undirected, connected graph

* represented using an adjacency matrix. Has at least one vertex.

* Output:

* - bool: true if the graph has a cycle, false otherwise.


bool graphDetectCycle(Graph g) {

bool hasCycle = false;

// declare visited array

bool visited[MAX_NUM_VERTICES] = {};

// declare stack and initialise with first node

int toVisitStack[4*MAX_NUM_VERTICES] = {};

toVisitStack[0] = 0;

int stackTop = 1;

while (!hasCycle && stackTop > 0) {

int node = toVisitStack[--stackTop];

if (!visited[node]) {

visited[node] = true;

for (int otherNode = 0; otherNode < numVertices(g); otherNode++) {

if (otherNode == node || !adjacent(g, node, otherNode)) {



// printf("Checking %d's neighbour %d\n", node, otherNode);

if (!visited[otherNode]) {

if (stackHasNode(toVisitStack, stackTop, otherNode)) {

// If we plan to visit a node that we already planned

// to visit from a different node, we have a cycle.

hasCycle = true;


} else {

// Neighbour has not been visited yet and there is

// presently no plan to visit it - make a plan

// to visit it.

toVisitStack[stackTop++] = otherNode;






return hasCycle;


bool stackHasNode(int stack[], int stackSize, int node) {

for (int i = 0; i < stackSize; i++) {

if (stack[i] == node) {

return true;



return false;


implementation comparisons

  • array of edges → list of (v,w) vertex pairs
    • used if graph has very few edges (other representations would be waste of space)
    • if lots of edges, array is harder to search through to find which vertices are connected
    • gets much longer for directed matrix with some bidirectional edges
    • to store weighted graph, add extra value to each array
  • adjacency matrix → edges defined by value in V*W matrix
    • easier to search for paths in directed graph
    • can store 0 vs. 1 for undirected OR weight for directed graph
  • adjacency list → array of graph values, with each value as a pointer to linked list of nodes it’s connected to
    • saves space if graph has fewer edges
    • easier to find edges than in array of edges (can jump to value, then move through list)
    • to store weighted graph, would include value in list node
  • time complexity comparison:


Consider a connected undirected graph with 6 vertices and no self-loops.

The minimum possible number of edges would occur when the vertices are connected in a single line, which is 6 - 1 = 5 edges.

The maximum possible number of edges would occur when the graph is complete, which is (5 x 6)/2 = 15 edges.

Creating a New Graph

typedef struct graph {
    int nV;         // #vertices
    int nE;         // #edges
    double **edges; // adjacency matrix storing positive weights
                    // 0 if nodes not adjacent
} *Graph;
Graph GraphNew(int nV) {
    assert(nV > 0);
    Graph g = malloc(sizeof(*g));
    if (g == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error: out of memory\n");
    g->nV = nV;
    g->nE = 0;
    g->edges = malloc(nV * sizeof(double *));
    if (g->edges == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error: out of memory\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < nV; i++) {
        g->edges[i] = calloc(nV, sizeof(double));
        if (g->edges[i] == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: out of memory\n");
    return g;