Connected components:

Hamiltonian vs Euler

Hamiltonian vs Euler:

hamiltonian path and circuit

  • hamiltonian path → path connecting two vertices (v,w) in graph G such that the path includes each vertex exactly once
  • hamiltonian circuit → hamiltonian path where starting vertex = ending vertex (e.g. bus route – want to go to each stop exactly once + end up back at bus depo)
  • approach (similar to recursive DFS path-finding, but tracking lengths):
    • generate all possible simple paths (e.g. using DFS)
    • keep counter of vertices visited in current path
    • stop when path found containing V vertices
  • pseudocode:


connected components

  • how many connected subgraphs are there?
  • (is the graph entirely connected, or are there disconnected subgraphs?)
  • easiest solution: create a componentOf array, where each index refers to a vertex + the value at that index refers to which graph it’s in
    • start at a node + do a DFS traversal
    • any nodes that have been visited must be in in the same subgraph, so set each of their values in componentOf array to the same number
    • repeat for one of the unvisited nodes, with different subgraph number
    • repeat until all nodes have been visited
  • pseudocode:


cycle checking

  • is there a cycle in a particular graph, or is it just a tree?
  • true if at any point in the graph…
    • path of length > 2
    • start vertex = end vertex
    • no edge used more than once
  • can do DFS in tree – if you ever reach a node you’ve already visited (incl. start node), then there is a cycle
  • pseudocode:


for better error checking, modify hasCycle to

if (!visited[v] && doHasCycle(g, v, v, visited)) {
result = true;

Hamiltonian Paths

A simple graph with n vertices (n ≥ 3) is Hamiltonian if every vertex has degree n / 2 or greater

Euler Paths

A graph has an Euler circuit if and only if the <g-bubble> degree </g-bubble> of every vertex is even and it is connected.

A graph has a Euler circuit if and only if it is connected and ALL vertices have an even degree.

fixed. thanks for that.

Kruskal's Algorithm

// The following is the pseudocode for Kruskal's Algorithm, which find the minimum spanning tree of a graph.

  MST=empty graph
  sort edges(G) by weight
  for each e ∈ sortedEdgeList:
    MST = MST ∪ {e}  // add edge
    if MST has a cyle:
      MST = MST \ {e}  // drop edge 
    if MST has n-1 edges:
      return MST

Prim's Algorithm

// The following is the pseudocode for Prim's algorithm, which finds the minimum spanning tree of a graph.

  MST = empty graph
  usedV = {0}
  unusedE = edges(g)
  while |usedV| < n:
    find e = (s,t,w) ∈ unusedE such that {
       s ∈ usedV ∧ t ∉ usedV 
         (∧ w is min weight of all such edges)
    MST = MST ∪ {e}
    usedV = usedV ∪ {t}
    unusedE = unusedE \ {e}
  return MST

Dijkstra's Algorithm

// This is the pseudocode for Dijkstra's Algorithm, which finds the shortest path from a source vertex
to all other vertices

  dist[]  // array of cost of shortest path from s
  pred[]  // array of predecessor in shortest path from s
  vSet    // vertices whose shortest path from s is unknown
  initialise all dist[] to ∞
  initialise all pred[] to -1
  vSet = all vertices of G
  while vSet is not empty:
    find v in vSet with minimum dist[v]
    for each (v,w,weight) in edges(G):
      relax along (v,w,weight)
    vSet = vSet \ {v}

Time complexity
* Each edge needs to be considered once, which is O(E).
* The outer while loop has O(V) iterations.
* If you try to find the shortest path for every vertex...
* We have a cost of O(E) to go through each edge.
* To find the shortest path from the source to somewhere that costs O(V).
* If we try to do that for each vertex - $V$ times - then the total cost is O(E + V^2), ergo O(V^2).
* E gets simplified because E < V^2 always.

Non pseudocode version of the same logic:

-> add all paths from current node to queue, marking the current node as expanded and make note of the cumulative cost to get to each of the new destinations

-> then make the current node the shortest cost non-expanded path of all items in the queue and repeat

-> once the destination node has been expanded, the shortest path to it has been found

if dist[v] + weight(v, w) < dist[w]:

dist[w] <- dist[v] + weight(v, w)

pred[w] <- v