Trees and Search Trees ♢ COMP2521 ♢ (23T1)

COMP2521(23T1) ♢ Trees, search trees ♢ [0/45]
❖ Searching

Search is an extremely common application in computing

Applications:  Google,  databases, .....
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❖ ... Searching

Many approaches have been developed for the "search" problem

Different approaches determined by properties of data structures:

Search costs:

Array List File
Unsorted O(n)
(linear scan)
(linear scan)
(linear scan)
Sorted O(log n)
(binary search)
(linear scan)
O(log n)
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❖ ... Searching

Maintaining arrays and files in sorted order is costly.

Search trees are efficient to search but also efficient to maintain.

Example: the following tree corresponds to the sorted array [2,5,10,12,14,17,20,24,29,30,31,32]:


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❖ Tree Data Structures

Trees are connected graphs


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❖ ... Tree Data Structures

Trees are used in many contexts, e.g.


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❖ ... Tree Data Structures

Real-world example: organisational structure


Diagram from "Data Structures and Algorithms in Java" (6th ed) by Goodrich et al
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❖ ... Tree Data Structures

Real-world example: hierarchical file system  (e.g. Linux)


Diagram from "Data Structures and Algorithms in Java" (6th ed) by Goodrich et al
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❖ ... Tree Data Structures

Real-world example: structure of a typical book


Diagram from "Data Structures and Algorithms in Java" (6th ed) by Goodrich et al
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❖ ... Tree Data Structures

Real-world example: a decision tree


Diagram from "Data Structures and Algorithms in Java" (6th ed) by Goodrich et al
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❖ ... Tree Data Structures

A binary tree is either


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❖ ... Tree Data Structures

Other special kinds of tree

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❖ Binary Search Trees

Binary search trees (or BSTs) are ordered trees


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❖ ... Binary Search Trees

Level of node = path length from root to node

Height (or depth) of tree = max path length from root to leaf


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❖ ... Binary Search Trees

Some properties of trees ...


Perfectly-balanced tree Height-balanced tree
Note:  time complexity of a balanced tree algorithm is typically O(height)
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❖ ... Binary Search Trees

Operations on BSTs:

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❖ ... Binary Search Trees

Examples of binary search trees:


Shape of tree is determined by order of insertion.

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❖ Insertion into BSTs

Steps in inserting values into an initially empty BST


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❖ ... Insertion into BSTs


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❖ ... Insertion into BSTs


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❖ ... Insertion into BSTs


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❖ Representing BSTs

Binary trees are typically represented by node structures

Most tree algorithms move down the tree.
If upward movement needed, add a pointer to parent.


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❖ ... Representing BSTs

Typical data structures for trees …

// a Tree is represented by a pointer to its root node
typedef struct Node *Tree;

// a Node contains its data, plus left and right subtrees
typedef struct Node {
   int  data;
   Tree left, right;
} Node;

// some macros that we will use frequently
#define data(node)  ((node)->data)
#define left(node)  ((node)->left)
#define right(node) ((node)->right)

Here we use a simple definition for data ... just a key

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❖ ... Representing BSTs

Abstract data vs concrete data …


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❖ Searching in BSTs

Most tree algorithms are best described recursively:

|  Input  tree, key
|  Output true if key found in tree, false otherwise
|  if tree is empty then
|     return false
|  else if key < data(tree) then
|     return TreeContains(left(tree),key)
|  else if key > data(tree) then
|     return TreeContains(right(tree),key)
|  else         // found
|    return true
|  end if

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❖ Insertion into BSTs

Insert an item into a tree;  item becomes new leaf node

|  Input  tree, item
|  Output tree with item inserted
|  if tree is empty then
|     return new node containing item
|  else if item < tree->data then
|     tree->left = TreeInsert(tree->left,item)     
|     return tree
|  else if item > tree->data then
|     tree->right = TreeInsert(tree->right,item)     
|     return tree
|  else
|     return tree    // avoid duplicates
|  end if
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❖ Tree Traversal

Iteration (traversal) on …

For binary Trees, several well-defined visiting orders exist:
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❖ ... Tree Traversal

Consider "visiting" an expression tree like:


NLR:  + * 1 3 - * 5 7 9    (prefix-order: useful for building tree)
LNR:  1 * 3 + 5 * 7 - 9    (infix-order: "natural" order)
LRN:  1 3 * 5 7 * 9 - +    (postfix-order: useful for evaluation)
Level:  + * - 1 3 * 9 5 7    (level-order: useful for printing tree)

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❖ ... Tree Traversal

Traversals for the following tree:


NLR (preorder):   20   10   5   2   14   12   17   30   24   29   32   31

LNR (inorder):   2   5   10   12   14   17   20   24   29   30   31   32

LRN (postorder):   2   5   12   17   14   10   29   24   31   32   30   20

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❖ ... Tree Traversal

Pseudocode for NLR traversal

|  Input tree t
|  if t is not empty then
|  |  print data(t)
|  |  showBSTreePreorder(left(t))
|  |  showBSTreePreorder(right(t))
|  end if

Recursive algorithm is very simple.

Iterative version less obvious ... requires a Stack.

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❖ ... Tree Traversal

Pseudocode for NLR traversal (non-recursive)

|  Input tree t
|  push t onto new stack S
|  while stack is not empty do
|  |  t=pop(S)
|  |  print data(t)
|  |  if right(t) is not empty then
|  |     push right(t) onto S
|  |  end if
|  |  if left(t) is not empty then
|  |     push left(t) onto S
|  |  end if
|  end while

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❖ Joining Two Trees

An auxiliary tree operation …

Tree operations so far have involved just one tree.

An operation on two trees:   t = TreeJoin(t1,t2)

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❖ ... Joining Two Trees

Method for performing tree-join:

Advantage: doesn't increase height of tree significantly

x ≤ height(t) ≤ x+1, where x = max(height(t1),height(t2))

Variation: choose deeper subtree; take root from there.

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❖ ... Joining Two Trees

Joining two trees:



Note: t2' may be less deep than t2

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❖ ... Joining Two Trees

Implementation of tree-join:

|  Input  trees t1,t2
|  Output t1 and t2 joined together
|  if t1 is empty then return t2
|  else if t2 is empty then return t1
|  else
|  |  curr=t2, parent=NULL
|  |  while left(curr) is not empty do     // find min element in t2
|  |     parent=curr
|  |     curr=left(curr)
|  |  end while
|  |  if parent≠NULL then
|  |     left(parent)=right(curr)  // unlink min element from parent
|  |     right(curr)=t2
|  |  end if
|  |  left(curr)=t1
|  |  return curr                  // curr is new root
|  end if
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❖ ... Joining Two Trees

Example tree join:


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❖ Deletion from BSTs

Insertion into a binary search tree is easy.

Deletion from a binary search tree is harder.

Four cases to consider …

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❖ ... Deletion from BSTs

Case 2: item to be deleted is a leaf (zero subtrees)


Just delete the item

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❖ ... Deletion from BSTs

Case 2: item to be deleted is a leaf (zero subtrees)


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❖ ... Deletion from BSTs

Case 3: item to be deleted has one subtree


Replace the item by its only subtree

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❖ ... Deletion from BSTs

Case 3: item to be deleted has one subtree


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❖ ... Deletion from BSTs

Case 4: item to be deleted has two subtrees


Version 1: right child becomes new root, attach left subtree to min element of right subtree

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❖ ... Deletion from BSTs

Case 4: item to be deleted has two subtrees


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❖ ... Deletion from BSTs

Case 4: item to be deleted has two subtrees


Version 2: join left and right subtree

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❖ ... Deletion from BSTs

Case 4: item to be deleted has two subtrees


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❖ ... Deletion from BSTs

Pseudocode (version 2):

|  Input  tree t, item
|  Output t with item deleted
|  if t is not empty then          // nothing to do if tree is empty
|  |  if item < data(t) then       // delete item in left subtree
|  |     left(t)=TreeDelete(left(t),item)
|  |  else if item > data(t) then  // delete item in left subtree
|  |     right(t)=TreeDelete(right(t),item)
|  |  else                         // node 't' must be deleted
|  |  |  if left(t) and right(t) are empty then 
|  |  |     new=empty tree                   // 0 children
|  |  |  else if left(t) is empty then
|  |  |     new=right(t)                     // 1 child
|  |  |  else if right(t) is empty then
|  |  |     new=left(t)                      // 1 child
|  |  |  else
|  |  |     new=TreeJoin(left(t),right(t))  // 2 children
|  |  |  end if
|  |  |  free memory allocated for t
|  |  |  t=new
|  |  end if
|  end if
|  return t
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Produced: 25 Feb 2023