Assignment 2



All important changes to the assignment specification and files will be listed here.

  • [01/04 10:30] Fixed mistake in tests/task3/test3-1.exp. Click here to download the new version.
  • [01/04 22:10] Added alternate correct path to tests/task2/test2-3.exp. Click here to download the new version.
  • [13/04 22:50] Fixed typo in testClimber.c. Click here to download the new version.


contributes 20% towards your final mark (see Assessment section for more details)
see the Submission section
5pm Wednesday Week 10
Late penalty
0.2% per hour or part thereof deducted from the attained mark, submissions later than 5 days not accepted

Prerequisite Knowledge

  • Abstract Data Types
  • Graphs
    • Graph Traversal
    • Directed Graphs
    • Weighted Graphs
    • Shortest Path


You may or may not have heard of bouldering before, but fear no more! After completing this assignment, you will know all about it and will probably even want to try it out. In summary, bouldering is rock climbing without a harness, where the aim is to climb from the bottom of the wall to the top of the wall without falling off. To accommodate for different skill levels, bouldering places offer climbing routes of varying difficulties, indicated by different coloured rocks. For simplicity, in this assignment there are only four levels of routes (which we will now refer to as boulders):

  • Level 0: Green
  • Level 1: Teal
  • Level 2: Pink
  • Level 3: Red

To simplify things for this assignment, we will also assume that climbers hold on to only one rock at a time.

When climbing traditional boulders, you must only climb on rocks of a single colour. This will be relevant to Task 1. There are also special walls called "kilter boards", which can light up rocks with different colours and allow for various unique boulders. Tasks 2 and 3 take inspiration from this, where you will be given walls with multiple coloured rocks and are allowed to climb any of them!


This is not by any means a tutorial on how to boulder, and this assignment is not responsible for injuries or monetary loss when bouldering.

Setting Up

Change into the directory you created for the assignment and run the following command:

unzip /web/cs2521/23T1/ass/ass2/downloads/

If you're working at home, download by clicking on the above link and then unzip the downloaded file.

You should now have the following files:

This controls compilation of the program. You only need to modify this if you create additional files for your implementation.
This is the interface to the Wall ADT. It provides climbers with information about the wall. You must not modify this file.
This is the implementation of the Wall ADT. At the moment it is just a stub file that you will need to implement yourself.
This is the interface to the wall reader, a function which reads the properties of a wall from a file and returns an instance of the Wall ADT. You must not modify this file.
This is the implementation of the wall reader. You must not modify this file.
This is the interface to the boulder climbing algorithms. You must not modify this file.
This is the implementation of the boulder climbing algorithms. At the moment it is just a stub file that you will need to implement yourself.
This is an interactive program that you can use to test the Wall ADT. You should not modify this file unless you know what you're doing.
This is a program that can be used to test the boulder climbing algorithms implemented in climber.c. You must not modify this file.
This is a directory containing wall data files. The format of these files are described below.
This is a directory containing test data files and expected outputs. The files ending with .in are test data files, while the corresponding .exp files contain expected outputs.

First, compile the original version of the files using the make command. This will produce two executables: testWall and testClimber.

Note that in this assignment, you are permitted to create as many supporting files as you like. This allows you to compartmentalise your solution into different files. For example, you could implement a Graph ADT in Graph.c and Graph.h. To ensure that these files are actually included in the compilation, you will need to edit the Makefile; the provided Makefile contains instructions on how to do this.

Wall Data Files

Wall data files contain the details of each wall, including:

  • The dimensions (height and width) of the wall
  • The location and colour of each rock on the wall

Each file is formatted as follows:

  • The first line contains two integers representing the height and width of the wall.
  • Then, for each rock there is a line containing three integers: the row and column the rock is on and its colour (0-3).

If a rock is on row \( X \) and column \( Y \), that means it is \( X \) units above the ground and \( Y \) units from the left edge of the wall. There are no rocks on the border of the wall; this means if the wall has height \( H \) and width \( W \), all rocks will be on rows between \( 1 \) and \( H - 1 \) and columns between \( 1 \) and \( W - 1 \) (inclusive).

For example, consider the following wall data file:

20 25
4 18 0
5 6 0
6 2 0
6 14 0
7 10 0
8 16 0
9 7 0
9 23 0
10 13 0
11 19 0
12 4 0
12 9 0
14 12 0
14 21 0
15 5 0
16 17 0
5 3 1
6 11 1
6 16 1
7 7 1
7 20 1
10 18 1
13 6 1
13 11 1
13 23 1
14 15 1
16 2 1
16 20 1
4 9 2
5 17 2
5 22 2
7 5 2
9 19 2
10 3 2
11 10 2
11 15 2
14 18 2
16 9 2

The first line indicates that the wall has a height of 20 and a width of 25. The remaining lines indicate that there are several green, teal and pink rocks. There are no red rocks. The wall looks like this:

The provided programs will read the data file using the readWall function in wallReader.c, so you won't need to do any file reading yourself, but you should understand the format of the file so that you can create your own walls for testing.

Task 0

In order to start climbing, you will first need to collect some information, such as the height and width of the wall, and the coordinates and colours of each rock on the wall.

Therefore, your first task is to implement the Wall ADT in Wall.c, which stores this information and provides some helpful operations to climbers.

The functions you must implement are:

Function Description
WallNew Creates a new blank wall with the given dimensions
WallFree Frees all memory allocated to a wall
WallHeight Returns the height of a wall
WallWidth Returns the width of a wall
WallAddRock Adds a new rock to the wall. If there was already a rock at the given coordinates, that rock should be replaced.
WallNumRocks Returns the number of rocks on the wall
WallGetAllRocks Stores all rocks in the given rocks array (in any order) and returns the number of rocks stored. Assumes that the rocks array is at least as large as the number of rocks on the wall.
WallGetRocksInRange Stores all rocks that are within a straight-line distance of dist (inclusive) from the given coordinates in the given rocks array (in any order) and returns the number of rocks stored. Assumes that the rocks array is at least as large as the number of rocks on the wall.

Straight-line distance

If two rocks are located at \((r_1, c_1)\) and \((r_2, c_2)\), then the straight-line distance between them is \(\sqrt{(r_1 - r_2)^2 + (c_1 - c_2)^2}\).

WallGetColouredRocksInRange Stores all rocks with the colour colour that are within a straight-line distance of dist (inclusive) from the given coordinates in the given rocks array (in any order) and returns the number of rocks stored. Assumes that the rocks array is at least as large as the number of rocks on the wall.


Task 0 can be tested using the testWall program. The program takes one command-line argument: the name of a wall data file. It reads in the wall data file and creates an instance of the Wall ADT using the functions you implemented. It then accepts commands to interact with this instance using the various Wall ADT functions.

Task 1

The main aim of bouldering is to try and climb to the top of the wall on a given colour.

Your task is to complete the findShortestPath function, which, given the reach of a climber and a rock colour, finds the shortest climbing path (in terms of the number of rocks) from the bottom of the wall to the top of the wall, using only rocks of the given colour.

The climber's reach determines which rocks they can climb to from their current rock, as well as which rocks the climber can start and finish on. If the climber's reach is \( r \), then:

  • They may start at any rock that is at most \( r \) units above the ground
  • Every subsequent rock they climb on must be within \( r \) units of their current rock (straight line distance)
  • They may finish at any rock that is within \( r \) units of the top of the wall

The function should return a path struct where the numRocks field is set to the number of rocks on the shortest path, and the rocks field is set to a dynamically allocated array containing the sequence of rocks on the shortest path.

If there are multiple shortest paths, the function may return any of them. If there is no path from the bottom of the wall to the top of the wall, the function should return a struct where numRocks is set to 0 and rocks is set to NULL.


Consider the following wall:

Suppose the climber's reach is 5.

Then there are two shortest paths for green:

The number of rocks in each path is 4. Therefore, findShortestPath should return a path struct where numRocks is set to 4 and rocks is set to a dynamically allocated array containing one of the following sequences of rocks:

(5, 6, GREEN), (9, 7, GREEN), (12, 4, GREEN), (15, 5, GREEN)
(5, 6, GREEN), (9, 7, GREEN), (12, 9, GREEN), (15, 5, GREEN)

There is one shortest path for teal:

It is not possible to reach the top of the wall by climbing only pink rocks. However, if the climber had a reach of 6, then it would be possible (this is left to the reader as an exercise).

There are no red rocks, so it is not possible to reach the top of the wall by climbing only red rocks.

You can assume that the climber's reach will always be less than the height of the wall, so the shortest path will always require at least one rock.


Tasks 1, 2 and 3 can be tested using the testClimber program. The program takes one command-line argument: the name of a test data file.

Test data files contain the parameters for a test case. The format of a test data file depends on which task is being tested, but it always begins with one integer, which is the number of the task being tested.

You can test Task 1 by running ./testClimber with one of the test data files in the tests/task1 directory. The format of the test data file is as follows:

  • The first line contains the integer 1.
  • The next line contains the name of a wall data file (not including the data/ directory prefix).
  • The next line contains an integer representing the climber's reach.
  • The final line contains an integer representing the colour of the rocks the climber must exclusively climb on.

Here is an example test data file for Task 1:


This means this particular test case uses the wall given in data/, the climber has a reach of 5, and the climber must only climb on green rocks.

This is one of the expected outputs from this test case:

./testClimber tests/task1/

Reach: 5
Colour: Green

-> Green rock at (5, 6)
-> Green rock at (9, 7)
-> Green rock at (12, 4)
-> Green rock at (15, 5)

Total rocks: 4

Since there are two shortest paths for green, the following output is also acceptable:

./testClimber tests/task1/

Reach: 5
Colour: Green

-> Green rock at (5, 6)
-> Green rock at (9, 7)
-> Green rock at (12, 9)
-> Green rock at (15, 5)

Total rocks: 4

Task 2

For Task 2, the rules have slightly changed. Instead of being restricted to climbing only a single colour rock for a given boulder, you are now allowed to climb on any coloured rock. However, there is now an energy cost associated with climbing each colour rock.

For example, suppose the energy cost for each colour rock is:

  • Green: 1
  • Teal: 2
  • Pink: 3
  • Red: 4

If you climb from a green rock to a pink rock, this movement will have an energy cost of 3. Alternatively, if you climb from a teal rock to a pink rock, this movement will ALSO have a cost of 3. Note that the cost of a specific movement is dependent on the rock you are climbing to, not the rock you are climbing from or the distance between the rocks.

Your task is to complete the findMinEnergyPath function, which, given the reach of a climber and the energy costs of each colour rock, finds the least energy-consuming path from the bottom of the wall to the top of the wall.

The climber's reach has the same meaning as in Task 1.

The energy costs are given in an array energyCosts where the energy cost of a colour col can be found at index col. Note that colours can be used to index into the energyCosts array because each colour is simply a constant between 0 and 3 (NUM_COLOURS - 1).

There is no energy cost associated with climbing from the final rock to the top of the wall.

The function should return a path struct where the numRocks field is set to the number of rocks on the least energy-consuming path, and the rocks field is set to a dynamically allocated array containing the sequence of rocks on that path.

As in Task 1, if there are multiple best paths, the function may return any of them. If there is no path from the bottom of the wall to the top of the wall, the function should return a struct where numRocks is set to 0 and rocks is set to NULL.


Consider the following wall:

Suppose the climber's reach is 3, and the energy cost for each colour rock is:

  • Green: 1
  • Teal: 2
  • Pink: 3
  • Red: 4

Then the path that uses the least energy is:

The total energy cost of the path is 10, and the number of rocks on the path is 4. Therefore, findMinEnergyPath should return a path struct where numRocks is set to 4 and rocks is set to a dynamically allocated array containing this sequence of rocks:

(2, 4, TEAL), (4, 5, PINK), (6, 7, GREEN), (8, 8, RED)


You can test Task 2 by running ./testClimber with one of the test data files in the tests/task2 directory. The format of the test file is as follows:

  • The first line contains the integer 2.
  • The next line contains the name of a wall data file (not including the data/ directory prefix).
  • The next line contains an integer representing the climber's reach.
  • The final line contains four integers representing the energy costs of each colour rock (green, teal, pink, then red).

Here is an example test data file for Task 2:

1 2 3 4

This means this particular test case uses the wall given in data/, the climber has a reach of 3, and the energy cost for each colour rock is:

  • Green: 1
  • Teal: 2
  • Pink: 3
  • Red: 4

The expected output from this test case is:

./testClimber tests/task2/

Reach: 3
Energy costs:
- Green: 1
- Teal: 2
- Pink: 3
- Red: 4

-> Teal rock at (2, 4)
-> Pink rock at (4, 5)
-> Green rock at (6, 7)
-> Red rock at (8, 8)

Total energy: 10

Task 3

You have now come up with a new challenge. Instead of trying to climb a specific colour rock, or get to the top in the easiest manner... you now want to climb to the top as quickly as possible.

In your previous climbs, you noticed that climbing a rock always takes the same amount of time, regardless of its colour or distance from the previous rock. Unfortunately, you also discovered that humans get tired while climbing, so you occasionally need to stop to catch your breath.

To find the quickest path to the top, you must therefore take both the number of rocks climbed and the number of rests into account. Here is how resting works:

  • A climber begins with some amount of energy. This is also the maximum amount of energy they can have.
  • Upon climbing each rock, the climber's energy level decreases by the rock's energy cost.
  • If the climber does not have enough energy to climb any nearby (reachable) rock, the climber must rest on their current rock. Climbers can also rest on a rock by choice, even if they have energy to climb another rock.
  • Resting on a rock refills the climber's energy levels completely.
  • Climbing a rock and resting both take the same amount of time, regardless of how much energy the climber had before resting. We will call this unit of time "one turn".

For example, suppose the climber's initial energy level is 10, and the energy cost for each colour rock is:

  • Green: 1
  • Teal: 2
  • Pink: 3
  • Red: 4

If they climb a green rock, their energy level will decrease to 9. Then, if they climb two red rocks in a row, their remaining energy will be 1. If the climber now wants to climb a teal, pink or red rock, they must first rest for a turn, which will result in their energy level being refilled to 10.

Your task is to complete the findMinTurnsPath function, which, given the reach of a climber, the energy costs of each colour rock, and the initial energy level of the climber, finds the path from the bottom of the wall to the top of the wall that takes the minimum number of turns (where turn is defined above).

The function should return a path struct where the rocks field is set to a dynamically allocated array containing the sequence of rocks on the minimum-turns path, and the numRocks field is set to the number of rocks in the array. Note that if your path requires the climber to rest at a particular rock, that rock should appear twice in a row in the rocks array; the first occurrence indicates that the climber should climb to that rock, and the second occurrence indicates that the climber should rest there. See the Examples section for an example.

If there are multiple paths which result in a minimum number of turns taken, the function should return the one which results in the climber having the highest remaining energy at the end of the path. If there are multiple such paths, the function may return any of them. If there is no path from the bottom of the wall to the top of the wall, the function should return a struct where numRocks is set to 0 and rocks is set to NULL.


Consider the following wall:

Suppose the climber's reach is 3, their initial energy level is 10, and the energy cost for each colour rock is:

  • Green: 8
  • Teal: 4
  • Pink: 10
  • Red: 0
Then the path that takes the minimum number of turns is:

This path takes 5 turns:

  1. Climb to the first green rock (remaining energy is 2)
  2. Rest at the green rock (energy is refilled to 10)
  3. Climb to the teal rock (remaining energy is 6)
  4. Rest at the teal rock (energy is refilled to 10)
  5. Climb to the green rock (remaining energy is 2)

Note that the movement from the final rock to the top of the wall is not counted.

Therefore, findMinTurnsPath should return a path struct where numRocks is set to 5 and rocks is set to a dynamically allocated array containing this sequence of rocks:

(2, 7, GREEN), (2, 7, GREEN), (5, 7, TEAL), (5, 7, TEAL), (8, 7, GREEN)

The green rock at (2, 7) and teal rock at (5, 7) are repeated because the climber rests at these rocks.


You can test Task 3 by running ./testClimber with one of the test data files in the tests/task3 directory. The format of the test file is as follows:

  • The first line contains the integer 3.
  • The next line contains the name of a wall data file (not including the data/ directory prefix).
  • The next line contains an integer representing the climber's reach.
  • The next line contains four integers representing the energy costs of each colour rock (green, teal, pink, then red).
  • The final line contains an integer representing the amount of energy the climber starts with, which is also the maximum amount of energy the climber can have.


We have described how to test each task under their respective sections. In summary:

  • Task 0 can be tested by running the ./testWall program.
  • Tasks 1-3 can be tested by running the ./testClimber program with one of the test data files in the tests directory. Files ending in .in are test data files, while the corresponding files ending in .exp contain the expected output of the tests. Note that the expected output files do not include the printout of the wall, since this output contains colour codes that would not display properly in a text editor.

We strongly recommend you to create your own tests, as the given tests are very simple. You can create your own tests by creating new walls in the data/ directory and then creating new test data files, following the formats described under each task.


Debugging is an important and inevitable aspect of programming. We expect everyone to have an understanding of basic debugging methods, including using print statements, knowing basic GDB commands and running Valgrind. In the forum and in help sessions, tutors will expect you to have made a reasonable attempt to debug your program yourself using these methods before asking for help.

You can learn about GDB and Valgrind in the Debugging with GDB and Valgrind lab exercise.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are we allowed to create our own functions? You are always allowed to create your own functions.
  • Are we allowed to create our own #defines and structs? Yes.
  • Are we allowed to #include any other libraries? No. All the libraries required for this assignment are provided already. However, you are allowed to #include your own .h files.
  • Are we allowed to change the signatures of the given functions? No. If you change these, your code won't compile and we won't be able to test it.
  • What errors do we need to handle? You should handle common errors such as NULL returned from malloc by printing an error message to stderr and terminating the program. You are not required to handle other errors.
  • What invalid inputs do we need to handle? You are not required to handle invalid inputs.
  • Is [something] an invalid input? Please use your common sense. For example, can the climber's reach be negative or zero? Obviously not, because that wouldn't make any sense. Use your common sense so we can avoid clogging up the megathread please.
  • Will we be assessed on our tests? No. You will not be submitting any test files, and therefore you will not be assessed on your tests.
  • Are we allowed to share tests? No. Testing is an important part of software development. Students that test their code more will likely have more correct code, so to ensure fairness, each student should independently develop their own tests.


You must submit the files Wall.c and climber.c. In addition, you can submit as many supporting files (.c and .h) as you want. Please note that none of your submitted files should contain a main function, and you must not submit Wall.h, climber.h or wallReader.* as you are not permitted to modify these files. You can submit via the command line using the give command:

give cs2521 ass2 Wall.c climber.c your-supporting-files

You can also submit via give's web interface. You can submit multiple times. Only your last submission will be marked. You can check the files you have submitted here.


You must ensure that your final submission compiles on CSE machines. Submitting non-compiling code leads to extra administrative overhead and will result in a 10% penalty.

Every time you make a submission, a dryrun test will be run on your code to check that it compiles. Please ensure that your final submission successfully compiles, even for parts that you have not completed.

Assessment Criteria

This assignment will contribute 20% to your final mark.


80% of the marks for this assignment will be based on the correctness of your code, and will be based on autotesting. Marks for correctness will be distributed as follows:

Task Weight
Task 0 15%
Task 1 30%
Task 2 20%
Task 3 15%

There are no time complexity requirements. However, this does not mean you can implement an extremely inefficient solution - solutions that are slower than \( O(n^4) \), where \( n \) is the total number of rocks, will risk timing out during autotesting. If a submission times out during an autotest, it will automatically fail that test.

Memory errors/leaks

You must ensure that your submission is completely free of memory errors and leaks, as code that contains memory errors is unsafe and it is bad practice to leave memory leaks in your program. Note that our tests will call WallFree to free the wall at the end of the program. In our tests for Tasks 1-3, we will also free the dynamically allocated rocks array in the returned path struct.

If a submission encounters a memory error or leak during an autotest, it will automatically fail that test. Therefore, you should fix memory errors and leaks as soon as you encounter them during development.


20% of the marks for this assignment will come from hand marking of the readability of the code you have written. These marks will be awarded on the basis of clarity, commenting, elegance and style. The following is an indicative list of characteristics that will be assessed, though your program will be assessed wholistically so other characteristics may be assessed too (see the style guide for more details):

  • Consistent and sensible indentation and spacing
  • Using blank lines and whitespace
  • Using functions to avoid repeating code
  • Decomposing code into functions and not having overly long functions
  • Using comments effectively and not leaving planning or debugging comments

Note that all the code you submit will be assessed for style, including code that does not work. Therefore, you should get into the habit of writing good code from the very beginning, instead of writing bad code and then improving it just before submitting.

The course staff may vary the assessment scheme after inspecting the assignment submissions but it will remain broadly similar to the description above.

Originality of Work

This is an individual assignment. The work you submit must be your own work and only your work apart from the exceptions below. Joint work is not permitted. At no point should a student read or have a copy of another student's assignment code.

You may use any amount of code from the lectures and labs of the current iteration of this course. You must clearly attribute the source of this code in a comment.

You may use small amounts (< 10 lines) of general purpose code (not specific to the assignment) obtained from sites such as Stack Overflow or other publicly available resources. You must clearly attribute the source of this code in a comment.

You are not permitted to request help with the assignment apart from in the course forum, help sessions or from course lecturers or tutors.

Do not provide or show your assignment work to any other person (including by posting it publicly on the forum) apart from the teaching staff of COMP2521. When posting on the course forum, teaching staff will be able to view the assignment code you have recently submitted with give.

The work you submit must otherwise be entirely your own work. Submission of work partially or completely derived from any other person or jointly written with any other person is not permitted. The penalties for such an offence may include negative marks, automatic failure of the course and possibly other academic discipline. Assignment submissions will be examined both automatically and manually for such issues.

Relevant scholarship authorities will be informed if students holding scholarships are involved in an incident of plagiarism or other misconduct. If you knowingly provide or show your assignment work to another person for any reason, and work derived from it is submitted, then you may be penalised, even if the work was submitted without your knowledge or consent. This may apply even if your work is submitted by a third party unknown to you.