Week 02 Tutorial
Analysis of Algorithms
  1. (Counting primitive operations)

    The following algorithm

    Count the number of primitive operations (evaluating an expression, indexing into an array). What is the time complexity of this algorithm in big-O notation?

    for all i = n down to 1 do
        for all j = n down to i do
            print A[i] A[j]
        end for
    end for
    statement# primitive operations
    for all i = n down to 1 do \( n+(n+1) \)
    for all j = n down to i do \( 3+5+\cdots+(2n+1) = n(n+2) \)
    print A[i] A[j] \( (1+2+\cdots+n)\cdot 2 = n(n+1) \)
    end for
    end for

    This totals to \( 2n^2+5n+1 \), which is \( O(n^2) \)

  2. (Algorithms and complexity)

    Develop an algorithm to determine if a character array of length n encodes a palindrome — that is, it reads the same forward and backward. For example, racecar is a palindrome.

    1. Write the algorithm in pseudocode.

    2. Analyse the time complexity of your algorithm.

    3. Implement your algorithm in C. Your program should accept a single command line argument, and check whether it is a palindrome. Examples of the program executing are

      ./palindrome racecar
      ./palindrome reviewer

      Hint: You may use the standard library function strlen(3), which has prototype size_t strlen(char *), is defined in <string.h>, and which computes the length of a string (without counting its terminating '\0'-character).

        Input  array A[0..n-1] of chars
        Output true if A palindrome, false otherwise
        i = 0; j = n-1
        while i < j do
            if A[i] ≠ A[j] then
                return false
            end if
            i = i + 1; j = j - 1
        end while
        return true

    Time complexity analysis: There are at most \( \lfloor n/2 \rfloor \) iterations of the loop, and the operations inside the loop are \( O(1) \). Hence, this algorithm takes \( O(n) \) time.