# A list of commonly used python packages. # Misc tabulate # Print tables easily python-dateutil # Powerful date processing natsort # Sorting mixed numeric and text data Faker # Generate fake data xeger # Generate data that matches a regex progress # Print progress bars ipython # Better python REPL z3-solver # Satisfiability solver psutil # utilities for working with processes more-itertools # more itertools frozendict # Immutable dictionary click # Better argument parsing # Image processing Pillow # for when you need nuclear reactor regex # more powerful than PCRE wcmatch # bash style globs # code formatting black autopep8 yapf # static type checking and linting mypy pytype pyre-check pyright pyanalyze pyflakes pylint prospector # runtime type checking typeguard beartype # testing pytest # networking requests beautifulsoup4 html5lib urllib3 selenium # data analysis numpy scipy sympy pandas # visualization matplotlib seaborn # data formats json5 toml ruamel.yaml strictyaml PyYAML omegaconf # coloured output termcolor colorama blessings rich