COMP1911 Lab Assessment

You should normally get your lab work assessed during the week for which it is scheduled (i.e. you must complete the week 3 lab exercise during the week 3 lab). If you don't finish it during the lab, you may continue working on it during the week, but you must submit it (using give) by the following Sunday at 8pm in order to get any marks for it. You must then also demonstrate your work to your tutor during the first hour of the following week's lab.

Summary: to obtain any lab marks for the Week X lab, you must do 2 things:

You cannot obtain marks by e-mailing lab work to tutors.

Lab exercises will be assessed using the following grade system:

Grade Criteria
A (1.25 marks)Complete, correct, and clear solution - if there are advanced questions a good attempt on these must be made
B (1.00 mark)Competent solution to core (non-advanced) part of lab - any problems or bugs must be minor
C (0.50 mark)Incomplete solution, or complete with significant defects or obvious bugs
D (0.25 mark)Partial solution only, minimal achievement; or inability to explain solution
E (0 mark)Not attempted (submitted empty file)
. (0 mark)Not submitted

Advanced exercises may be specified for some labs.

There will be more lab marks available than necessary to obtain full marks for the 10% lab component. In other words total lab marks will be capped.

If you cannot complete the exercise by the end of the lab you may complete it in your own time and submit it using the give command by 19:59:59 Sunday in the week after the lab. Your can then demonstrate it your tutor in next week's lab and they will mark the submitted code. Only the submitted code can be assessed.