Computer Systems Fundamentals

Print size and min and max values of floating point types
$ ./floating_types
float        4 bytes  min=1.17549e-38   max=3.40282e+38
double       8 bytes  min=2.22507e-308  max=1.79769e+308
long double 16 bytes  min=3.3621e-4932  max=1.18973e+4932

#include <stdio.h>
#include <float.h>

int main(void) {

    float f;
    double d;
    long double l;
    printf("float       %2lu bytes  min=%-12g  max=%g\n", sizeof f, FLT_MIN, FLT_MAX);
    printf("double      %2lu bytes  min=%-12g  max=%g\n", sizeof d, DBL_MIN, DBL_MAX);
    printf("long double %2lu bytes  min=%-12Lg  max=%Lg\n", sizeof l, LDBL_MIN, LDBL_MAX);

    return 0;
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    double d = 4/7.0;

    // prints in decimal with (default) 6 decimal places
    printf("%lf\n", d);        // prints 0.571429

    // prints in scientific notation
    printf("%le\n", d);       // prints 5.714286e-01

    // picks best of decimal and scientific notation
    printf("%lg\n", d);       // prints 0.571429

    //  prints in decimal with 9 decimal places
    printf("%.9lf\n", d);    // prints 0.571428571

    //  prints in decimal with 1 decimal place and field width of 5
    printf("%10.1lf\n", d);  // prints        0.6

    return 0;

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main(void) {

    double x = 1.0/0.0;

    printf("%lf\n", x); //prints inf

    printf("%lf\n", -x); //prints -inf

    printf("%lf\n", x - 1); // prints inf

    printf("%lf\n", 2 * atan(x)); // prints 3.141593

    printf("%d\n", 42 < x); // prints 1 (true)

    printf("%d\n", x == INFINITY); // prints 1 (true)

    return 0;

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main(void) {

    double x = 0.0/0.0;

    printf("%lf\n", x); //prints nan

    printf("%lf\n", x - 1); // prints nan

    printf("%d\n", x == x); // prints 0 (false)

    printf("%d\n", isnan(x)); // prints 1 (true)

    return 0;

The value 0.1 can not be precisely represented as a double
As a result b != 0
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    double a, b;

    a = 0.1;
    b = 1 - (a + a + a + a + a + a + a + a + a + a);

    if (b != 0) {  // better would be fabs(b) > 0.000001
        printf("1 != 0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1\n");

    printf("b = %g\n", b); // prints 1.11022e-16

    return 0;

Demonstrate approximate representation of reals producing error. sometimes if we subtract or divide two approximations which are very close together we can can get a large relative error correct answer if x == 0.000000011 (1 - cos(x)) / (x * x) is very close to 0.5 code prints 0.917540 which is wrong by a factor of almost two
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main(void) {

    double x = 0.000000011;
    double y = (1 - cos(x)) / (x * x);

    // correct answer y = ~0.5
    // prints y = 0.917540
    printf("y = %lf\n", y);

    // division of similar approximate value
    // produces large error
    // sometimes called catastrophic cancellation
    printf("%g\n", 1 - cos(x)); // prints  1.11022e-16
    printf("%g\n", x * x); // prints 1.21e-16
    return 0;

- 9007199254740993 is $2^{53} + 1$ \
  it is smallest integer which can not be represented exactly as a double
- The closest double to 9007199254740993 is 9007199254740992.0
- aside: 9007199254740993 can not be represented by a int32_t \
  it can be represented by int64_t

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {

    // loop looks to print 10 numbers but actually never terminates
    double d = 9007199254740990;
    while (d < 9007199254741000) {
        printf("%lf\n", d); // always prints 9007199254740992.000000

        // 9007199254740993 can not be represented as a double
        // closest double is 9007199254740992.0
        // so 9007199254740992.0 + 1 = 9007199254740992.0
        d = d + 1;

    return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

$ dcc double_not_always.c -o double_not_always
$ ./double_not_always 42.3
d = 42.3
d == d is true
d == d + 1 is false
$  ./double_not_always 4200000000000000000
d = 4.2e+18
d == d is true
d == d + 1 is true
$ ./double_not_always NaN
d = nan
d == d is not true
d == d + 1 is false

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    assert(argc == 2);

    double d = strtod(argv[1], NULL);

    printf("d = %g\n", d);

    if (d == d) {
        printf("d == d is true\n");
    } else {
        // will be executed if d is a NaN
        printf("d == d is not true\n");

    if (d == d + 1) {
        // may be executed if d is large
        // because closest possible representation for d + 1
        // is also closest possible representation for d
        printf("d == d + 1 is true\n");
    } else {
        printf("d == d + 1 is false\n");

    return 0;

Print the underlying representation of a float
The float can be supplied as a decimal or a bit-string
$ dcc explain_float_representation.c -o explain_float_representation
$ ./explain_float_representation

0.15625 is represented in IEEE-754 single-precision by these bits:
sign | exponent | fraction 0 | 01111100 | 01000000000000000000000
sign bit = 0 sign = +
raw exponent = 01111100 binary = 124 decimal actual exponent = 124 - exponent_bias = 124 - 127 = -3
number = +1.01000000000000000000000 binary * 2**-3 = 1.25 decimal * 2**-3 = 1.25 * 0.125 = 0.15625
$ ./explain_float_representation -0.125
-0.125 is represented as a float (IEEE-754 single-precision) by these bits:
sign | exponent | fraction 1 | 01111100 | 00000000000000000000000
sign bit = 1 sign = -
raw exponent = 01111100 binary = 124 decimal actual exponent = 124 - exponent_bias = 124 - 127 = -3
number = -1.00000000000000000000000 binary * 2**-3 = -1 decimal * 2**-3 = -1 * 0.125 = -0.125
$ ./explain_float_representation 150.75
150.75 is represented in IEEE-754 single-precision by these bits:
sign | exponent | fraction 0 | 10000110 | 00101101100000000000000
sign bit = 0 sign = +
raw exponent = 10000110 binary = 134 decimal actual exponent = 134 - exponent_bias = 134 - 127 = 7
number = +1.00101101100000000000000 binary * 2**7 = 1.17773 decimal * 2**7 = 1.17773 * 128 = 150.75
$ ./explain_float_representation -96.125
-96.125 is represented in IEEE-754 single-precision by these bits:
sign | exponent | fraction 1 | 10000101 | 10000000100000000000000
sign bit = 1 sign = -
raw exponent = 10000101 binary = 133 decimal actual exponent = 133 - exponent_bias = 133 - 127 = 6
number = -1.10000000100000000000000 binary * 2**6 = -1.50195 decimal * 2**6 = -1.50195 * 64 = -96.125
$ ./explain_float_representation inf
inf is represented in IEEE-754 single-precision by these bits:
sign | exponent | fraction 0 | 11111111 | 00000000000000000000000
sign bit = 0 sign = +
raw exponent = 11111111 binary = 255 decimal number = +inf
$ ./explain_float_representation 00111101110011001100110011001101 sign bit = 0 sign = +
raw exponent = 01111011 binary = 123 decimal actual exponent = 123 - exponent_bias = 123 - 127 = -4
number = +1.10011001100110011001101 binary * 2**-4 = 1.6 decimal * 2**-4 = 1.6 * 0.0625 = 0.1
$ ./explain_float_representation 01111111110000000000000000000000 sign bit = 0 sign = +
raw exponent = 11111111 binary = 255 decimal number = NaN $ ```

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <string.h>

void display_float(char *argument);
uint32_t get_float_bits(float f);
void print_float_bits(uint32_t bits);
void print_bit_range(uint32_t value, int high, int low);
void print_float_details(uint32_t bits);
uint32_t extract_bit_range(uint32_t value, int high, int low);
uint32_t convert_bitstring_to_uint32(char *bit_string);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    for (int arg = 1; arg < argc; arg++) {
    return 0;

// Define the constants used in representation of a float in IEEE 754 single-precision
// explains format

#define N_BITS             32
#define SIGN_BIT           31
#define EXPONENT_LOW_BIT   23
#define FRACTION_LOW_BIT    0

#define EXPONENT_OFFSET   127
#define EXPONENT_INF_NAN  255

void display_float(char *argument) {
    uint32_t bits;

    // is this argument a bit string or a float?
    if (strlen(argument) > N_BITS - 4 && strspn(argument, "01") == N_BITS) {
        bits = convert_bitstring_to_uint32(argument);
    } else {
        float number = strtof(argument, NULL);
        bits = get_float_bits(number);
        printf("\n%s is represented as IEEE-754 single-precision by these bits:\n\n", argument);


void print_float_details(uint32_t bits) {
    uint32_t sign_bit = extract_bit_range(bits, SIGN_BIT, SIGN_BIT);
    uint32_t fraction_bits = extract_bit_range(bits, FRACTION_HIGH_BIT, FRACTION_LOW_BIT);
    uint32_t exponent_bits = extract_bit_range(bits, EXPONENT_HIGH_BIT, EXPONENT_LOW_BIT);

    int sign_char, sign_value;

    if (sign_bit == 1) {
        sign_char = '-';
        sign_value = -1;
    } else {
        sign_char = '+';
        sign_value = 1;

    int exponent = exponent_bits - EXPONENT_OFFSET;

    printf("sign bit = %d\n", sign_bit);
    printf("sign = %c\n\n", sign_char);
    printf("raw exponent    = ");
    print_bit_range(bits, EXPONENT_HIGH_BIT, EXPONENT_LOW_BIT);
    printf(" binary\n");
    printf("                = %d decimal\n", exponent_bits);

    int implicit_bit = 1;

    // handle special cases of +infinity, -infinity
    // and Not a Number (NaN)
    if (exponent_bits == EXPONENT_INF_NAN) {
        if (fraction_bits == 0) {
            printf("number = %cinf\n\n", sign_char);
        } else {
            printf("number = NaN\n\n");

    if (exponent_bits == 0) {
        // if the exponent_bits are zero its a special case
        // called a denormal number
        implicit_bit = 0;

    printf("actual exponent = %d - exponent_bias\n", exponent_bits);
    printf("                = %d - %d\n", exponent_bits, EXPONENT_OFFSET);
    printf("                = %d\n\n", exponent);

    printf("number = %c%d.", sign_char, implicit_bit);
    print_bit_range(bits, FRACTION_HIGH_BIT, FRACTION_LOW_BIT);
    printf(" binary * 2**%d\n", exponent);

    int fraction_size = FRACTION_HIGH_BIT - FRACTION_LOW_BIT + 1;
    double fraction_max = ((uint32_t)1) << fraction_size;
    double fraction = implicit_bit + fraction_bits / fraction_max;

    fraction *= sign_value;

    printf("       = %g decimal * 2**%d\n", fraction,  exponent);
    printf("       = %g * %g\n", fraction, exp2(exponent));
    printf("       = %g\n\n", fraction * exp2(exponent));

union overlay_float {
    float f;
    uint32_t u;

// return the raw bits of a float
uint32_t get_float_bits(float f) {
    union overlay_float overlay;
    overlay.f = f;
    return overlay.u;

// print out the bits of a float
void print_float_bits(uint32_t bits) {
    print_bit_range(bits, 8 * sizeof bits - 1, 0);
    printf("sign | exponent | fraction\n");
    printf("   ");
    print_bit_range(bits, SIGN_BIT, SIGN_BIT);
    printf(" | ");
    print_bit_range(bits, EXPONENT_HIGH_BIT, EXPONENT_LOW_BIT);
    printf(" | ");
    print_bit_range(bits, FRACTION_HIGH_BIT, FRACTION_LOW_BIT);

// print the binary representation of a value
void print_bit_range(uint32_t value, int high, int low) {
    for (int i = high; i >= low; i--) {
        int bit = extract_bit_range(value, i, i);
        printf("%d", bit);

// extract a range of bits from a value
uint32_t extract_bit_range(uint32_t value, int high, int low) {
    uint32_t mask = (((uint32_t)1) << (high - low + 1)) - 1;
    return (value >> low) & mask;

// given a string of 1s and 0s return the correspong uint32_t
uint32_t convert_bitstring_to_uint32(char *bit_string) {
    uint32_t bits = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < N_BITS && bit_string[i] != '\0'; i++) {
        int ascii_char = bit_string[N_BITS - 1 - i];
        uint32_t bit = ascii_char != '0';
        bits = bits | (bit << i);
    return bits;