//This is the header file for the Stack //This file describes the functions that should be implemented for the stack //Sasha Vassar Week09 Lecture 15 #define MAX 100 //This function creates the initial stack, so it will return a pointer to the //stack it has created, and we input nothing into it, as we are just creating //an empty stack struct stack *create_stack(void); //This function pushes an item onto the stack - the function does not return //anything, but is given the stack onto which the item is being pushed and the //item to be pushed void push_stack(struct stack *s, int data); //This function pops an item off the stack - the function returns an //int because it returns the value of the item it popped off and is given //the stack from which they will be removing the item int pop_stack(struct stack *s); //This function returns the size of the stack (so how many items are there //in this stack) - this means we are returned an int. And we give the //function the stack that we want the size of. int size_stack(struct stack *s); //This function destroys the whole stack and will free the space that //was allocated initially - the function is given the stack to destroy //and does not return anything void destroy_stack(struct stack *s); //This function prints the stack void print_stack(struct stack *s);