Week 09 Tutorial Questions

  1. Your tutor has asked a lab pair to present their week 8 work.

    Discuss the good, the bad and the ugly aspects of their code.

    Please be gentle in any criticism - we are all learning!

  2. How are you progressing with the assignment?

    Do you have any questions? Have you learned anything that would be useful to share with the rest of the tutorial?

  3. What does malloc() do?

    What are its inputs and output and what do they mean?

    Describe a function that will allocate memory for a struct and assign a pointer to the result.

  4. What does free() do?

    What is the input to free and how does it help it do what it needs to do?

  5. What is a use after free error? Give an example.

    Discuss why these are extremely dangerous, one of the worst causes of bugs in C programs and a major source of security vulnerabilities.

  6. What is a memory leak?

    What does dcc --leak-check do?

  7. Implement a function list_append which appends its second argument to its first. Treat both inputs as if they are lists and may have more than one node. It should have this prototype:
    struct node *list_append(struct node *list1, struct node *list2);
    As usual, struct node has this definition:
    struct node {
        int          data;
        struct node *next;
    It should not create (malloc) any new list elements.

    It should just change the appropriate next field in the first list.

  8. This and following questions use this datatype from lectures:
    struct node {
        int data;
        struct node *next;

    See list_empty.c and list.h for this weeks linked list tute questions, and test_list.c for autotests. Alternatively download all three files as tut_list_files.zip.

  9. Implement a function copy which returns a copy of a linked list. It should have this prototype.
    struct node *copy(struct node *head);
    It should call malloc to create a new linked list of the same length and which contains the same data.
  10. Implement a function identical that returns 1 if the contents of the two linked lists are identical (same length, same values in data fields) and otherwise returns 0. It should have this prototype:
    int identical(struct node *head1, struct node *head2);
  11. Implement a function set_intersection which given two linked lists in strictly increasing order returns a new linked list containing a copy of the elements found in both lists.

    The new linked list should also be in strictly increasing order. It should include only elements found in both lists.

    set_intersection should call malloc to create the nodes of the new linked list.

    set_intersection should have this prototype:

    struct node *set_intersection(struct node *set1, struct node *set2);