Draw Bot
For this activity, you’ll be creating a basic A.I. for the Final Card-Down.
We’ll start out with the most basic A.I. possible: one that simply draws a card, and then ends their turn, called Draw Bot.
Remember that it’s always valid at the start of the game to draw a card (whether or not you have a valid card that you could play).
Write your first A.I. for the Final Card-Down in a file called
Base your code on the provided drawBot.c
stub code:
or copy it into your current directory on a CSE system by running
$ cp /web/cs1511/17s2/week12/files/drawBot.c .
However, Draw Bot isn’t a very interesting A.I. – since it only ever draws cards, and never plays cards, it doesn’t stand a chance of winning the game.
So, in this activity, you’ll be trying to make Draw Bot a little bit more interesting….
We have provided you with six stubs for helper functions that will help Draw Bot play the Final Card-Down more successfully:
static int findMatchingCardColor (Game game, color color);
The findMatchingCardColor
function finds a card in the player’s hand
that matches the specified color, if such a card exists.
It returns the card index, or NOT_FOUND if no matching card was found.
static int doCardsMatch (Card first, Card second);
The doCardsMatch
function compares two cards to determine
whether they match on at least one of color, suit, or value.
It returns TRUE if they match on any of the above features, and FALSE if they do not match on any of the above features.
static int canDrawCard (Game game);
The canDrawCard
function determines whether the player can currently
draw a card.
It returns TRUE if they can, and FALSE if they can’t.
(If they can’t draw a card, they should probably end their turn…)
static int shouldSayUNO (Game game);
static int shouldSayDUO (Game game);
static int shouldSayTRIO (Game game);
The shouldSayUNO
, shouldSayDUO
, and shouldSayTRIO
determine whether the current player should SAY_UNO / SAY_DUO /
There are two different situations where it could be a valid move to
(or DUO or TRIO) – for now just deal with the simple
situation: “claim card”. (see the diagram for more details).
Note: there are several different approaches you could take to determine whether or not the player should currently SAY_UNO / SAY_DUO / SAY_TRIO.
Once you have completed these functions, you might want to put together a better version of Draw Bot, which can do more than just drawing cards.
A few suggested strategies you could implement using the functions above:
- Is there a card in my hand that matches the top card on the discard
- If yes, then play it.
- Should I say UNO/DUO/TRIO?
- If yes, then say it.
Do not include a main function in your file.
To run some simple automated tests:
$ 1511 autotest drawBot
To run Styl-o-matic:
$ 1511 stylomatic drawBot.c Looks good!
You’ll get advice if you need to make changes to your code.
Submit your work with the give command, like so:
$ give cs1511 wk12_drawBot
Or, if you are working from home, upload the relevant file(s) to the wk12_drawBot activity on Give Online.