COMP1511 17s2
— Lecture 20 —
The Missing Link

Andrew Bennett

more linked lists
stacks + queues

Don’t panic!

we’re nearly there…

assignment 2 in progress

player.c released this week

don’t forget to check SPOTS

MandelbrArt voting is up! (ends Sunday 23:59:59 this week)

more linked lists

what if… we had multiple lists?

working with multiple lists

comparing two lists?

combining two lists?

appending one list onto the other?

don’t forget: look out for NULL!

memory allocation can fail

you could be passed a NULL pointer

don’t forget: look out for NULL!

memory allocation can fail

Node newNode () {
    Node new = calloc(1, sizeof (struct _node));
    // What if calloc fails?
    new->value = 17;

you could be passed a NULL pointer

void someListFunction(List list) {
    // What if list is NULL??
    list->head->value = 17;

don’t forget: look out for NULL!

memory allocation can fail

Node newNode () {
    Node new = calloc(1, sizeof (struct _node));
    // What if calloc fails?
    if (new == NULL) {
        // ... do something.
    new->value = 17;

you could be passed a NULL pointer

void someListFunction(List list) {
    // What if list is NULL??
    assert (list != NULL);

    list->head->value = 17;

what if the list is empty?

list == NULL vs
list->head == NULL

one of these is bad

one of these is a valid case to consider

a list can have nothing in it

[  ] -> X


[  ] -> 3 -> 1 -> 4 -> X


in order to understand recursion,
you must first understand recursion

What is recursion?

in C programming: a function that calls itself

What’s wrong with this code:

int doSomething (int input) {
    return doSomething (input);

Classic example: factorial

n! = n * n-1 * n-2 * n-3 * … * 2 * 1

Classic example: fibonacci

fibonacci(n) = fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

Two cases: base case, recursive case

base case: when to stop

recursive case: how to keep going

Two cases: base case, recursive case

base case: when to stop
1! = 1

recursive case: how to keep going
n! = n * n-1!

Two cases: base case, recursive case

base case: when to stop
fib(0) = fib(1) = 1

recursive case: how to keep going
fib(n) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

Working with Linked Lists recursively

some things can be a lot easier with recursion