Explore Memory

This is a pair exercise and must be competed in your tutorial or lab with your partner.

This activity is to experiment with memory and see where your C compiler stores variables and how much memory it uses for different types.

In this activity, you will look at various types used to store data in C. We call these types the primitive types. The types, and the % sequence needed to display them in printf, are:

Each of these types can actually be used to store numbers.

Important note

You will need to use gcc for this activity, not dcc.

This is because dcc has all sorts of neat features to stop you from accidentally making certain types of mistakes in your programs – but for this exercise, we want to make those “mistakes”, to see what’s really happening.

If you are curious, you could try compiling your program with both dcc and gcc, and comparing the differences.


  1. Download and save explore.c
  2. Edit the program to conduct experiments to answer the questions below
  3. Record the answers on your blog – if you prefer, you could write them in a text file (e.g. using gedit) as you go, and then copy to your blog when you’re finished.

In my solution I put in lots of printfs to display information I needed such as the addresses of variables

Q1: Size of types

Use sizeof find out the number of bytes that C uses on your system to store the various types used in the program below.

Q2: Location of variables

Print out the address of the various variables used in the program and see if you can deduce how C places them in memory, e.g. what things are placed near each other, what things are placed far away?

Are adjacent variables placed next to each other in memory or are there gaps? (consider the results you found using sizeof above to help you answer this)

Q3: Overflowing and Underflowing

What are the maximum and minimum values you can store in each of the types in the program below? What happens when you edit the program below to overflow them by 1, and what happens when you underflow them by 1? Cut and paste output from the edited program showing what you discover.


Write up a blog post detailing your discoveries. Write down the size, minimum, and maximum for each type and explain where in memory the variaous variables were located as well as any other interesting findings.

To run Styl-o-matic:

$ 1511 stylomatic explore.c
Looks good!

You’ll get advice if you need to make changes to your code.

Submit your work with the give command, like so:

$ give cs1511 wk04_exploreMemory

Or, if you are working from home, upload the relevant file(s) to the wk04_exploreMemory activity on Give Online.