Week 3 Tutorial
In the tutorial this week, you are going to discuss how functions work.
As a class, write up a program which uses functions to convert numbers into words for numbers between -10 and 10.
Code Review and Craftsmanship
Next, we’ll look at the confusing code task and performing a code review.
How a code review works:
- The class and tutor (the reviewers) give feedback, ask questions, make suggestions. You tutor will show you how to do this at first but then will expect the other reviewers to take over.
- Reviewers are NOT negative, a review is to be supportive and constructive and helpful to the reviewees.
- The reviewees should speak very little, just give a brief overview of the code they want reviewed.
- Reviewees show the code on the projector and place their code on their blog.
- Let everyone have a turn to speak, don’t dominate the conversation.
- Contribute and participate, don’t be silent. If you don’t understand anything then that doesn’t mean be silent - it means ASK for an explanation. By asking you are helping the coders to see how to be clearer.
- At the end of the exercises write in your blog briefly what you did in the review and what you learned from the review.
This week, the tutor will lead the code review (as Julian seems to have disappeared and is nowhere to be found).
If there is time in the tutorial, see if any student pair would like to do a 10 minute code review on the leap year task from week 2.
The code review for next week will be sort 3 numbers activity. Select a student pair who will present their code next week for code review.
Your tutor will then spend the remainder of the tutorial revising topics you
would like help with. Let them know if you have questions about branching with
, else
and else if
or functions. This is also a good chance to discuss
the first assignment.