#include #include #include #include struct node { struct node *next; int data; }; // Return number of nodes in the list containing value. int count(int value, struct node *head) { // REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR CODE return 0; } // Return a pointer to the node in position n in the list. // Position 0 is the first node in the list. // Return NULL if the list has no n-th node. struct node *get_nth(int n, struct node *head) { // REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR CODE return head; } // Delete the node in position n in the list. // The deleted nodes is freed. // The first node in the list is in position 0. // Do nothing if there is no position n in the list. // The head of the list is returned. struct node *delete_nth(int n, struct node *head) { // REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR CODE return head; } // Delete all nodes in the list containing odd numbers. // Any deleted nodes are freed. // The head of the list is returned. struct node *delete_odd(struct node *head) { // REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR CODE return head; } // Insert new_node before position n in the list. // The first node in the list is in position 0. // If n == length of the list, new_node is appended to list. // Otherwise do nothing if there is no position n in the list. // The head of the list is returned. struct node *insert_nth(int n, struct node *new_node, struct node *head) { // REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR CODE return head; } // THE CODE BELOW HERE IS TO TEST YOUR FUNCTIONS // DO NOT CHANGE IT void print_list(struct node *head); struct node *reverse(struct node *list); struct node *create_node(int data, struct node *next); int length(struct node *head); struct node *last(struct node *head); struct node *append(struct node *head, int value); void free_list(struct node *head); static void check_list(struct node *head, char *name, int original_list_length, struct node *original_nodes[], int original_data_fields[]); #define MAX_LINE 4096 // simple main function to test delete_first, delete_last, delete_contains, reverse int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char line[MAX_LINE]; struct node *list_head = NULL; while (1) { // save state of of list so we can check student functions // only perform permitted operations int list_length = length(list_head); struct node *nodes[list_length+1]; // ensure non-zero length for VLA int data[list_length+1]; int j = 0; struct node *n = list_head; while (n != NULL) { nodes[j] = n; data[j] = n->data; n = n->next; j++; } printf("list = "); print_list(list_head); printf("\n"); printf("> "); if (fgets(line, MAX_LINE, stdin) == NULL) { // free memory even though program is exiting // so we can check for memory not freed by other functions // by running dcc --leak-check free_list(list_head); return 0; } int i = 0; while (isalpha(line[i]) || line[i] == '_') { i++; } int argument = atoi(&line[i]); line[i] = '\0'; if (strcmp(line, "append") == 0) { list_head = append(list_head, argument); continue; // need to skip check_list } else if (strcmp(line, "count") == 0) { printf("count(%d) returns %d\n", argument, count(argument, list_head)); } else if (strcmp(line, "get_nth") == 0) { struct node *n = get_nth(argument, list_head); if (n == NULL) { printf("get_nth(%d) returned NULL\n", argument); } else { printf("get_nth(%d) returned a pointer to a node containing %d\n", argument, n->data); } } else if (strcmp(line, "delete_nth") == 0) { list_head = delete_nth(argument, list_head); } else if (strcmp(line, "insert_nth") == 0) { // insert a node containing 42 struct node *new_node = create_node(42, NULL); list_head = insert_nth(argument, new_node, list_head); // include new node in nodes given to check_list nodes[list_length] = new_node; data[list_length] = new_node->data; list_length++; } else if (strcmp(line, "delete_odd") == 0) { list_head = delete_odd(list_head); } else if (strcmp(line, "") != 0) { printf("Unknown command: '%s'\n", line); } check_list(list_head, "returned list", list_length, nodes, data); } } // print contents of list in Python syntax void print_list(struct node *head) { printf("["); for (struct node *n = head; n != NULL; n = n->next) { printf("%d", n->data); if (n->next != NULL) { printf(", "); } } printf("]"); } // return pointer to last node in list // NULL is returned if list is empty struct node *last(struct node *head) { if (head == NULL || head->next == NULL) { return head; } return last(head->next); } int length(struct node *head) { int len = 0; for (struct node *n = head; n != NULL; n = n->next) { len++; } return len; } // create a new list node containing value // and append it to end of list struct node *append(struct node *head, int value) { // new node will be last in list, so next field is NULL struct node *n = create_node(value, NULL); if (head == NULL) { // new node is now head of the list return n; } else { // change next field of last list node // from NULL to new node last(head)->next = n; /* append node to list */ return head; } } // Create a new struct node containing the specified data, // and next fields, return a pointer to the new struct node. struct node *create_node(int data, struct node *next) { struct node *n; n = malloc(sizeof (struct node)); if (n == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n"); exit(1); } n->data = data; n->next = next; return n; } void free_list(struct node *head) { if (head != NULL) { free_list(head->next); free(head); } } // You are not expected to understand the following code. // It uses complex internal compiler features to // print informative messages for student errors. // detect clang address-sanitizer #ifdef __has_feature #if __has_feature(address_sanitizer) // clang address-sanitizer #define HAVE_ASAN #endif #endif // detect gcc address-sanitizer #ifdef __SANITIZE_ADDRESS__ #define HAVE_ASAN #endif #ifdef HAVE_ASAN #include #include #include // return NULL if p appears to be a valid pointer to a malloc'ed region of size size // otherwise return string describing pointer static char *check_address_is_heap_pointer(void *p, size_t size) { if (!p) return NULL; if ((sizeof(p) == 8 && (uintptr_t)p == 0xbebebebebebebebe) || (sizeof(p) == 4 && (uintptr_t)p == 0xbebebebe)) return "uninitialized"; if (__asan_region_is_poisoned(p, size)) return "invalid"; char name[8]; // unused but required by __asan_locate_address void *region_address; size_t region_size; if (strcmp(__asan_locate_address(p, name, sizeof name, ®ion_address, ®ion_size), "heap") != 0) return "invalid (not from malloc)"; return NULL; } // Use address-sanitizer and other methods to detect invalid pointers in a malloc'ed linked list // name should be a string describing the list // If original_nodes != NULL then every node is checked to ensure it is the array original_nodes // If original_data_fields != NULL then every data field is checked to see if matches the element // of original_data_fields at the same index as it node appears in original_nodes // original_nodes and original_data_fields should be of length original_list_length static void check_list(struct node *head, char *name, int original_list_length, struct node *original_nodes[], int original_data_fields[]) { char *pointer_description; if ((pointer_description = check_address_is_heap_pointer(head, sizeof *head))) { fprintf(stderr, "\nError: the head of %s is %s (%p)\n", name, pointer_description, head); exit(1); } int position = 0; for (struct node *n = head; n != NULL; n = n->next, position++) { // If you're getting an error here, // you have returned an invalid list int error = 0; if ((unsigned)n->data == 0xbebebebe) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s is invalid.\n", name); fprintf(stderr, " The data field of node %d is uninitialized.\n", position); error = 1; } if ((pointer_description = check_address_is_heap_pointer(n->next, sizeof *(n->next)))) { if (!error) fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s is invalid.\n", name); fprintf(stderr, " The next field of node %d is %s (%p).\n", position, pointer_description, n->next); error = 1; } if (error) { if (position) { fprintf(stderr, " The data fields of nodes 0..%d in the list contain: [", position); for (struct node *m = head; m != n; m = m->next) { fprintf(stderr, "%d, ", m->data); } fprintf(stderr, "%d]\n", n->data); } exit(1); } int position1 = 0; for (struct node *o = head;; o = o->next, position1++) { if (o == n->next) { if (position == position1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s is invalid.\n", name); fprintf(stderr, " The next field of node %d points to itself\n", position); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s is invalid.\n", name); fprintf(stderr, " The next field of node %d points to node %d.\n", position, position1); fprintf(stderr, " In other words, %s is circular.\n", name); } exit(1); } if (o == n) break; } if (original_list_length && original_nodes) { int i; for (i = 0; i < original_list_length; i++) { if (original_nodes[i] == n) break; } if (i == original_list_length) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s is invalid.\n", name); fprintf(stderr, " The node in position %d is not in the list it was given.\n", position); fprintf(stderr, " Do not create new nodes with malloc\n"); exit(1); } if (original_data_fields && original_data_fields[i] != n->data) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s is invalid.\n", name); fprintf(stderr, " The node in position %d data field has been changed from %d to %d.\n", position, original_data_fields[i], n->data); fprintf(stderr, " Do not change the data fields of nodes\n"); exit(1); } } } } #else static void check_list(struct node *head, char *name, int original_list_length, struct node *original_nodes[], int original_data_fields[]) { } #endif