COMP1011 Notices | |
Computing 1A 05s2 |
Last updated
Fri 18 Nov 2005 08:46
Mail |
Collecting ass2/ass2_bonus (Posted by meicheng, Fri 18 November) | ||||||||||||
Your assignments are ready to be collected
1011 classrun -collect ass2 1011 classrun -collect ass2_bonus | ||||||||||||
Exam Consultations (Posted by meicheng, Mon 7 November) | ||||||||||||
There are no set consultation times. If you need help before your exam, contact Manuel Chakravarty directly. | ||||||||||||
Lab and Tut marks (Posted by meicheng, Thu 3 November) | ||||||||||||
We are approaching the end of the session.
Check your marks using this command:
1011 classrun -sturec Ask your tutor if you have queries about your marks. | ||||||||||||
Assignment 2 (Posted by chak, Sat 15 October) | ||||||||||||
Assignment 2 has been released. The deadline is 31 October, 11AM. | ||||||||||||
Week #12 exercises (Posted by chak, Mon 10 October) | ||||||||||||
The exercises for Week #12 are now up. | ||||||||||||
Week #11 exercises (Posted by chak, Mon 10 October) | ||||||||||||
The exercises for Week #11 are now up (plus the solutions of previous weeks). | ||||||||||||
Week #9 and Week #10 exercises (Posted by chak, Tue 13 September) | ||||||||||||
The tute and lab exercises for Week #9 & Week #10 are already available, as I will be away for the coming two weeks. | ||||||||||||
Collecting ass1 (Posted by meicheng, Tue 13 September) | ||||||||||||
Your tutors have finish marking ass1. You can collect your
assigments by typing the command below on an xterm:
1011 classrun -collect ass1 The marks are also updated in your sturec record. Check your
ass1 mark with the command below:
| ||||||||||||
Week #8 exercises now available (Posted by chak, Sun 11 September) | ||||||||||||
The tute and lab exercises for Week #8 are now available. | ||||||||||||
Week #7 exercises now available (Posted by chak, Fri 2 September) | ||||||||||||
The tute and lab exercises for Week #7 are now available. | ||||||||||||
Plagiarism in Computing: A Student Guide (Posted by chak, Tue 30 August) | ||||||||||||
Please read Plagiarism in Computing: A Student Guide. If you have any questions regarding the issue of plagiarism or the plagiarism rules in effect, please post to the forum, or see the lecturer. | ||||||||||||
Collecting ass1_draft (Posted by meicheng, Sun 21 August) | ||||||||||||
See how your getCell and setCell functions perform in the autotesting
with this command:
1011 classrun -collect ass1_draft | ||||||||||||
Week #6 exercises now available (Posted by chak, Sun 21 August) | ||||||||||||
The tute and lab exercises for Week #6 are now available. | ||||||||||||
Pattern of Recursion (Posted by chak, Tue 23 August) | ||||||||||||
In the ``Slides'' section of this web site, you can now find the slides of the lecture about Patterns of Recursion and about Higher-order Functions. | ||||||||||||
Week #5 exercises now available (Posted by chak, Sun 21 August) | ||||||||||||
The tute and lab exercises for Week #5 are now available. | ||||||||||||
Slight change to assignment deadline (Posted by chak, Sun 21 August) | ||||||||||||
We changed the assignment deadline to 10AM on Monday 29 August. | ||||||||||||
Additional information on the Life Simulator (Posted by chak, Wed 17 August) | ||||||||||||
It appears as if the LifeClient does not work properly under
Windows. The assignment specification has further information and a function
that converts a World to a pretty printed representation in the
``Simulator'' section.
| ||||||||||||
Lecture material on testing & debugging (Posted by chak, Tue 16 August) | ||||||||||||
I put the slides and example code from the lecture on debugging with
trace online (see the ``Lectures'' link in the menu).
| ||||||||||||
Assignment 1 released (Posted by chak, Sun 14 August) | ||||||||||||
Assignment 1 is now available from the menu on the left. You have two weeks to complete the assignment. Start early, as you may need longer than you think. | ||||||||||||
Week #4 exercises now available (Posted by chak, Sat 13 August) | ||||||||||||
The tute and lab exercises for Week #4 are now available. Make sure to solve as many of the exercises as you can before attending your tute and lab session. | ||||||||||||
Slides concerning Five Steps (Posted by chak, Sat 6 August) | ||||||||||||
The menu to the left now has an entry ``Lectures'', where I will put all material from lectures that is not in the textbook. I just put the slides explaining the Five Steps there. | ||||||||||||
Week #3 exercises now available (Posted by chak, Sat 6 August) | ||||||||||||
The tute and lab exercises for Week #3 are now available. Make sure to solve as many of the exercises as you can before attending your tute and lab session. | ||||||||||||
Week #2 exercises now available (Posted by chak, Mon 1 August) | ||||||||||||
The tute and lab exercises for Week #2 are now available. You can find them via the link "Weekly Exercises" in the right-hand menu. Make sure to solve as many of the exercises as you can before attending your tute and lab session. | ||||||||||||
Lab01 is available (Posted by chak, Mon 25 July) | ||||||||||||
Please make sure to activate your CSE account in Week #1 and go through Lab01 by yourself. The lab will be marked by your tutor the following week. | ||||||||||||
Welcome (Posted by meicheng, Wed 20 July) | ||||||||||||
Welcome to COMP1011 Computing 1A for Session 2 2005
This course aims to introduce you to defining problems, reasoning about and solving problems using logic, abstraction, specification, algorithms and data structures. It includes exposure to a functional programming language (Haskell) for practical experience with these concepts and introduces to software engineering and professional ethics. See the Outline link at left for further details about the course.
Tutorials & labs start in Week 2. Check your class times and locations using Roll and Classes links at left. |