to all for giving feedback - below is the result of the survey,
with only identities censored. My comments are in red. |
Survey ID | 1299 |
Title |
Description |
Anonymous | Yes |
Fill Ratio | 72% (65/90) |
# Filled | 65 |
# Suspended | 11 |
# Not Filled | 14 |
indicates required field |
Please provide us with as much constructive feedback as you can. We
do read these surveys and act on the information you provide. Thanks
for your input.
a high rating if you have a good opinion of something (e.g.
interesting, useful, well-structured, etc.). Give a low rating if you
have a bad opinion of something (e.g. too slow, confusing,
disorganised, etc.)
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Excellent |
Satisfactory |
Poor |
N/F |
Lecturer: Kevin Elphinstone |
37 (57%) |
22 (34%) |
5 (8%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (2%) |
Lecturer: Leonid Ryzhyk |
5 (8%) |
24 (37%) |
23 (35%) |
6 (9%) |
2 (3%) |
5 (8%) |
General OS lectures |
20 (31%) |
36 (55%) |
6 (9%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
2 (3%) |
Consultations |
13 (20%) |
22 (34%) |
20 (31%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
9 (14%) |
Your tutor |
22 (34%) |
16 (25%) |
11 (17%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
14 (22%) |
Tutorials |
19 (29%) |
16 (25%) |
17 (26%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
12 (18%) |
Asst1: Synchronisation |
27 (42%) |
26 (40%) |
9 (14%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (2%) |
Asst2: Syscalls |
24 (37%) |
26 (40%) |
8 (12%) |
4 (6%) |
2 (3%) |
1 (2%) |
Asst3: Virtual Memory |
23 (35%) |
26 (40%) |
11 (17%) |
3 (5%) |
1 (2%) |
1 (2%) |
Textbook |
13 (20%) |
13 (20%) |
28 (43%) |
3 (5%) |
3 (5%) |
5 (8%) |
OS/161 In general |
16 (25%) |
36 (55%) |
11 (17%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (2%) |
C Language |
22 (34%) |
31 (48%) |
10 (15%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (2%) |
Computing resources |
16 (25%) |
31 (48%) |
12 (18%) |
3 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
3 (5%) |
Course web page |
20 (31%) |
31 (48%) |
13 (20%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (2%) |
Message Board |
31 (48%) |
18 (28%) |
10 (15%) |
4 (6%) |
0 (0%) |
2 (3%) |
Wiki |
19 (29%) |
21 (32%) |
17 (26%) |
6 (9%) |
1 (2%) |
1 (2%) |
Help with technical questions |
25 (38%) |
15 (23%) |
16 (25%) |
6 (9%) |
1 (2%) |
2 (3%) |
Lecture slides |
19 (29%) |
28 (43%) |
14 (22%) |
3 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (2%) |
Operating Systems overall |
28 (43%) |
31 (48%) |
5 (8%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (2%) |
The seems very similar to the favourable view of the course of previous years.
Please rate which of the following factors influenced your decision to enrol in this course
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Major |
Minor |
No |
N/F |
Interest in operating systems as a field of study |
29 (45%) |
27 (42%) |
8 (12%) |
1 (2%) |
Chance to get hands dirty with low-level code |
28 (43%) |
22 (34%) |
14 (22%) |
1 (2%) |
Jobs propects for OS hackers |
5 (8%) |
27 (42%) |
32 (49%) |
1 (2%) |
Would llike to do OS research |
5 (8%) |
27 (42%) |
32 (49%) |
1 (2%) |
Course is core for me |
13 (20%) |
5 (8%) |
46 (71%) |
1 (2%) |
Friends told me it was good |
32 (49%) |
10 (15%) |
22 (34%) |
1 (2%) |
Chance to do challenging programming assignments |
35 (54%) |
13 (20%) |
16 (25%) |
1 (2%) |
is similar to previous years except the significant rise in "Friends
told me it was good" from 21% to 49%. I can only speculate why?
Any other factor that influenced your decision?
Question type : Short-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (27 comments) |
Would you recommend this course to another student such as yourself?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
60 (92%) |
4 (6%) |
N/F |
1 (2%) |
Please provide feedback on the kind of material covered
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Too much |
OK |
Too little |
N/F |
High-level OS issues |
0 (0%) |
13 (20%) |
46 (71%) |
4 (6%) |
0 (0%) |
2 (3%) |
Low-level (implementation) issues |
0 (0%) |
13 (20%) |
38 (58%) |
12 (18%) |
0 (0%) |
2 (3%) |
Unix/Linux |
1 (2%) |
7 (11%) |
42 (65%) |
9 (14%) |
4 (6%) |
2 (3%) |
Windows NT |
1 (2%) |
4 (6%) |
29 (45%) |
21 (32%) |
7 (11%) |
3 (5%) |
OS/161 Internals |
3 (5%) |
13 (20%) |
34 (52%) |
10 (15%) |
2 (3%) |
3 (5%) |
Other Systems |
1 (2%) |
1 (2%) |
40 (62%) |
16 (25%) |
4 (6%) |
3 (5%) |
Again, very similar to previous years.
What were the best things about this course?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (58 comments) |
What were the worst things about this course?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (50 comments) |
How does the workload in this course compare to workloads in other ...
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Much Lighter |
Similar |
Much Heavier |
N/F |
COMP courses |
1 (2%) |
3 (5%) |
11 (17%) |
40 (62%) |
8 (12%) |
2 (3%) |
INFS courses |
1 (2%) |
2 (3%) |
14 (22%) |
14 (22%) |
20 (31%) |
14 (22%) |
Courses in general |
0 (0%) |
3 (5%) |
8 (12%) |
35 (54%) |
17 (26%) |
2 (3%) |
you get the impression that the staff (lecturer, tutors, consultants)
tried their best to answer your questions and help you? Please tick N/A
if you did not attend lecture, consults, tutes)
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Strongly Agree |
Neutral |
Strongly Disagree |
N/A |
N/F |
Lectures |
34 (52%) |
20 (31%) |
4 (6%) |
1 (2%) |
1 (2%) |
4 (6%) |
1 (2%) |
Tutorials |
23 (35%) |
14 (22%) |
3 (5%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
23 (35%) |
1 (2%) |
Consultations |
16 (25%) |
5 (8%) |
6 (9%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
35 (54%) |
2 (3%) |
The Tutorial mark is lower than previous years, but this is due to the much larger enrolment in extended - N/A is much higher.
How does the quality/value of this course compare to other....
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Among the best |
Average |
Among the worst |
N/F |
Year 3 COMP courses |
35 (54%) |
23 (35%) |
3 (5%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
3 (5%) |
COMP courses in general |
30 (46%) |
25 (38%) |
6 (9%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
2 (3%) |
Courses in general |
32 (49%) |
23 (35%) |
7 (11%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (2%) |
2 (3%) |
background knowledge do you think you were missing that would have
helped you in this course? Are the official pre-requisites a suitable
preparation? |
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (45 comments) |
What topics caused you the most difficulty? You can select more than one item
Question type : Multiple answer -- Check Box |
System calls |
10 (15%) |
Processes |
1 (2%) |
Threads |
3 (5%) |
Low-level implementations issues |
25 (38%) |
Synchonisation and concurrency |
7 (11%) |
Deadlock |
5 (8%) |
Memory Management and Virtual Memory |
30 (46%) |
File Systems |
20 (31%) |
I/O Management |
13 (20%) |
Scheduling |
6 (9%) |
Multiprocessor Systems |
15 (23%) |
Security |
6 (9%) |
file system component has improved a little from last year, VM is
still the consistently challenging topic, which is understandable.
Which material do you think you will be most useful to you in the future?
Question type : Short-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (52 comments) |
What material related to operating systems, but not currently in the course, would you like to have seen covered?
Question type : Short-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (33 comments) |
Which of the current topics would you like to see scaled back or excluded?
Question type : Short-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (37 comments) |
Is the current mode of lecture delivery, using computer-projected slides, effective?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
61 (94%) |
0 (0%) |
N/F |
4 (6%) |
the subject material (lecture notes, information on the subject web
page, textbook, tutorials, manuals, etc.) sufficient to follow the
course? |
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
13 (20%) |
Most of the time
42 (65%) |
7 (11%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
N/F |
2 (3%) |
the explanations in the lecture help you to understand the subject
material? (please choose N/A if you generally did not attend lectures) |
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
13 (20%) |
Most of the time
37 (57%) |
8 (12%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
4 (6%) |
N/F |
2 (3%) |
If you have not been attending lectures, what factors influenced your decision not to attend?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (19 comments) |
Any suggestions for improving lectures?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (30 comments) |
you used other textbooks other than Tannenbaum (e.g. Silberschatz,
Stallings), how do you think they compare to each other? Which gives
the best explanations, which has the best structure, etc.... |
Question type : Short-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (15 comments) |
The aim of the tutorials is to help you understand the subject material better. Please convey how they performed in this role
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Strongly Agree |
Neutral |
Strongly Disagree |
N/A |
N/F |
The tutorials helped me understand the material |
14 (22%) |
13 (20%) |
4 (6%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
28 (43%) |
6 (9%) |
The questions were appropriately timed |
11 (17%) |
11 (17%) |
6 (9%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
29 (45%) |
6 (9%) |
The questions were of appropriate difficulty |
7 (11%) |
16 (25%) |
6 (9%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
28 (43%) |
6 (9%) |
The questions should have increased difficulty |
4 (6%) |
4 (6%) |
14 (22%) |
6 (9%) |
2 (3%) |
28 (43%) |
7 (11%) |
The number of questions was appropriate |
3 (5%) |
14 (22%) |
8 (12%) |
6 (9%) |
0 (0%) |
28 (43%) |
6 (9%) |
The number of questions should be expanded |
2 (3%) |
6 (9%) |
15 (23%) |
5 (8%) |
3 (5%) |
28 (43%) |
6 (9%) |
I always prepared for the tutorials |
0 (0%) |
6 (9%) |
12 (18%) |
6 (9%) |
6 (9%) |
29 (45%) |
6 (9%) |
Preparation beforehand improved my understanding of the material |
5 (8%) |
12 (18%) |
6 (9%) |
1 (2%) |
1 (2%) |
34 (52%) |
6 (9%) |
Class participation is important for understanding the material |
9 (14%) |
11 (17%) |
7 (11%) |
2 (3%) |
1 (2%) |
29 (45%) |
6 (9%) |
was a significant drop in agreement this year. This is related the the
large number of good students in extended this year, so it is difficult
to judge whether the similar material to previous years performed more
poorly this year, or whether material was only used by less capable
Please rate how effective your tutor was. Check N/A if you did not deal with the particular tutor.
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Excellent |
OK |
Poor |
N/A |
N/F |
Tutor A |
7 (11%) |
5 (8%) |
3 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
44 (68%) |
6 (9%) |
Tutor B
13 (20%) |
4 (6%) |
4 (6%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
36 (55%) |
8 (12%) |
Any suggestions for improving tutorials?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (26 comments) |
Please rate the level of difficulty of the assignments
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Too easy |
Just right |
Too difficult |
N/F |
Asst1: Synchonisation |
4 (6%) |
20 (31%) |
34 (52%) |
4 (6%) |
0 (0%) |
3 (5%) |
Asst2: System Calls |
1 (2%) |
2 (3%) |
32 (49%) |
21 (32%) |
6 (9%) |
3 (5%) |
Asst3: Virtual Memory |
0 (0%) |
2 (3%) |
26 (40%) |
23 (35%) |
10 (15%) |
4 (6%) |
well was each assignment specified (taking into account a significant
part of the assignments is understanding the environment you solution
must work within)?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Very clearly |
OK |
Confusing |
N/F |
Asst1: Synchonisation |
29 (45%) |
18 (28%) |
11 (17%) |
3 (5%) |
1 (2%) |
3 (5%) |
Asst2: System Calls |
15 (23%) |
16 (25%) |
16 (25%) |
7 (11%) |
8 (12%) |
3 (5%) |
Asst3: Virtual Memory |
10 (15%) |
9 (14%) |
13 (20%) |
19 (29%) |
11 (17%) |
3 (5%) |
Did the supporting material (manuals, notes, comments in code) provide sufficient information for solving the assignment?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Very much |
Somewhat |
Not at all |
N/F |
Asst1: Synchonisation |
27 (42%) |
19 (29%) |
11 (17%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
6 (9%) |
Asst2: System Calls |
13 (20%) |
20 (31%) |
18 (28%) |
5 (8%) |
3 (5%) |
6 (9%) |
Asst3: Virtual Memory |
10 (15%) |
12 (18%) |
24 (37%) |
11 (17%) |
2 (3%) |
6 (9%) |
In general, the assignments seem to be percieved similarly to previous years, if not maybe a little easier this year.
Rate which factors (if applicable to you) contributed to the assignments being difficult in your eyes
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Major |
Minor |
No |
N/A |
N/F |
Topics are conceptually difficult |
5 (8%) |
17 (26%) |
22 (34%) |
4 (6%) |
8 (12%) |
6 (9%) |
3 (5%) |
Implementation is difficult |
9 (14%) |
19 (29%) |
18 (28%) |
3 (5%) |
8 (12%) |
5 (8%) |
3 (5%) |
Lack of familiarity with C |
2 (3%) |
6 (9%) |
19 (29%) |
7 (11%) |
22 (34%) |
6 (9%) |
3 (5%) |
Lack of experience with a large code base |
18 (28%) |
13 (20%) |
6 (9%) |
8 (12%) |
11 (17%) |
6 (9%) |
3 (5%) |
Lack of experience debugging C |
11 (17%) |
11 (17%) |
16 (25%) |
5 (8%) |
13 (20%) |
6 (9%) |
3 (5%) |
Lack of previous low-level programming |
10 (15%) |
9 (14%) |
17 (26%) |
5 (8%) |
15 (23%) |
5 (8%) |
4 (6%) |
Lack of familiarity of programming on the UNIX OS |
5 (8%) |
1 (2%) |
14 (22%) |
10 (15%) |
25 (38%) |
7 (11%) |
3 (5%) |
The aim of the assignment work was for you to develop practical skills with the concepts covered in lectures.
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Not really |
Somewhat |
Very much |
N/F |
Did the assignment work help with this? |
0 (0%) |
5 (8%) |
9 (14%) |
18 (28%) |
30 (46%) |
3 (5%) |
are always evolving the assignments, especially with the change in
structure of the session. We would appreciate feedback on the following
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
In-between |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
N/A |
N/F |
ASST0 should be kept as a warm-up |
32 (49%) |
21 (32%) |
6 (9%) |
3 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
3 (5%) |
I found ASST0 useful to get started |
30 (46%) |
14 (22%) |
9 (14%) |
7 (11%) |
2 (3%) |
0 (0%) |
3 (5%) |
The guided questions in the assigments are useful |
18 (28%) |
25 (38%) |
15 (23%) |
3 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (2%) |
3 (5%) |
I mostly ignored the guided question part of the assignment an just got started |
3 (5%) |
12 (18%) |
11 (17%) |
21 (32%) |
14 (22%) |
1 (2%) |
3 (5%) |
ASST2 helped me warm up for ASST3 |
2 (3%) |
16 (25%) |
18 (28%) |
19 (29%) |
4 (6%) |
3 (5%) |
3 (5%) |
Fork() should be put back in ASST2 |
6 (9%) |
9 (14%) |
12 (18%) |
19 (29%) |
8 (12%) |
8 (12%) |
3 (5%) |
Three weeks is enough to attempt an individual assignment |
7 (11%) |
32 (49%) |
11 (17%) |
6 (9%) |
2 (3%) |
4 (6%) |
3 (5%) |
The assignment -related questions should be dropped from the tutorials |
0 (0%) |
6 (9%) |
9 (14%) |
13 (20%) |
19 (29%) |
14 (22%) |
4 (6%) |
I found the extra lecture on ASST3 useful |
19 (29%) |
17 (26%) |
6 (9%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
19 (29%) |
3 (5%) |
The assignments should be worth less of the assessment of the course |
4 (6%) |
5 (8%) |
11 (17%) |
16 (25%) |
25 (38%) |
1 (2%) |
3 (5%) |
The assignments should be completely automarked to have them marked quicker |
5 (8%) |
5 (8%) |
14 (22%) |
17 (26%) |
19 (29%) |
2 (3%) |
3 (5%) |
give submission test should test completely and tell you your mark each
time you submit, and assignments should be worth much less of the
assessment for OS |
2 (3%) |
3 (5%) |
23 (35%) |
16 (25%) |
17 (26%) |
1 (2%) |
3 (5%) |
Complete give submission testing should only be done for the advanced assignments |
5 (8%) |
5 (8%) |
16 (25%) |
17 (26%) |
8 (12%) |
11 (17%) |
3 (5%) |
this reinforces my perceptions that students want the assignments to
form a significant component of their assessment, given the effort
involved. The manual marking is also appreciated.
Do you have any specific comments about OS/161
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (23 comments) |
Please indicate whether you (dis)agree with the following statements regarding group assignment work.
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Strongly Agree |
Neutral |
Strongly Disagree |
N/F |
Group work is a better than working as an individual |
17 (26%) |
11 (17%) |
17 (26%) |
6 (9%) |
11 (17%) |
3 (5%) |
Groups reduce the assignment workload |
14 (22%) |
15 (23%) |
14 (22%) |
6 (9%) |
13 (20%) |
3 (5%) |
Groups should be optional, but every submission is marked the same |
16 (25%) |
13 (20%) |
19 (29%) |
6 (9%) |
6 (9%) |
5 (8%) |
Groups are unfair as inevitably one member does all the work |
10 (15%) |
11 (17%) |
24 (37%) |
14 (22%) |
2 (3%) |
4 (6%) |
Larger groups would be better |
4 (6%) |
2 (3%) |
11 (17%) |
16 (25%) |
28 (43%) |
4 (6%) |
Having a partner to help understand the assignment really helps |
29 (45%) |
15 (23%) |
11 (17%) |
3 (5%) |
3 (5%) |
4 (6%) |
seem to be slightly less popular this year, though still heavily in
favour of. And while being slightly less popular, a higher percentage
thought groups help them understand the assignment.
What do you think of the advanced assignments?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Great Idea!
26 (40%) |
10 (15%) |
Don't care
23 (35%) |
0 (0%) |
2 (3%) |
N/F |
4 (6%) |
Any suggestions for improving the assignments?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (29 comments) |
7. COMP3891/9283 Extended Operating Systems
Skip this section if you did not do COMP3891/9283 Extended Operating Systems.
How would you rate extended OS as a whole?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
13 (20%) |
11 (17%) |
6 (9%) |
1 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
10 (15%) |
N/F |
24 (37%) |
What were the strong points of COMP3891/9283?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (26 comments) |
What were the weak points of COMP3891/9283?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (19 comments) |
Any suggestions for improving COMP3891/9283 Extended OS?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (15 comments) |
Answer the following questions to convey your opinion of the final exam
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
N/F |
The exam overall was too hard |
1 (2%) |
8 (12%) |
24 (37%) |
20 (31%) |
4 (6%) |
8 (12%) |
The exam overall was too short - i.e. it should be 3 hours |
4 (6%) |
8 (12%) |
15 (23%) |
23 (35%) |
7 (11%) |
8 (12%) |
The exam should contain more True/False questions |
3 (5%) |
6 (9%) |
15 (23%) |
23 (35%) |
10 (15%) |
8 (12%) |
The exam gave me the oppurtunity to demonstrate my understanding of operating systems |
5 (8%) |
31 (48%) |
17 (26%) |
4 (6%) |
0 (0%) |
8 (12%) |
I think my exam result will be representative of my operating systems knowledge |
5 (8%) |
22 (34%) |
20 (31%) |
9 (14%) |
1 (2%) |
8 (12%) |
The final assessment should be weight ed more towards the exam |
3 (5%) |
5 (8%) |
17 (26%) |
24 (37%) |
8 (12%) |
8 (12%) |
very similar perception of the exam compared to previous years. The
balance seems correct to me, though the actual results seem to indicate
it was a little easy.
Do you have any particular comments you would like to make about the exam?
Question type : Long-answer |
Answer at the bottom page (33 comments) |
always look for evidence of cheating in assigments and try or best to
catch and penalise cheaters. Please tell us what you think about the
treatment of cheaters in the course. |
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
Too soft
4 (6%) |
3 (5%) |
Just right
45 (69%) |
1 (2%) |
Too harsh
0 (0%) |
N/F |
12 (18%) |
What do you think your final result will be for the course?
Question type : Single answer -- Radio Button |
11 (17%) |
20 (31%) |
11 (17%) |
7 (11%) |
3 (5%) |
No Idea
8 (12%) |
N/F |
5 (8%) |
| Back to Summary |
Any other factor that influenced your decision?
1: |
- |
2: |
Enjoyed COMP2121, combined with interest in OS |
3: |
Flexible lab time |
4: |
Fundamental knowledge for computing |
5: |
I have been working on FreeRTOS in UNSW BLUEsat and would like to understand better in what I am doing. |
6: |
Inspired by a tutor from cs2911 about OS |
7: |
Interest in Kernel programming. |
8: |
It just fun |
9: |
It's one of the layers of a computer system hierachy! |
10: |
John Garland and Rupert Shuttleworth |
11: |
My friend got a HD last year. This was my challenge :) |
12: |
No |
13: |
OS is a course i would have liked to do during uni |
14: |
Read the course outline. Sounded interesting and challenging. |
15: |
Sounded cool. |
16: |
Study a wide range of topics that I didn't know much about |
17: |
To become a real programmer. |
18: |
Wanted to understand computers better. |
19: |
compulsory course to complete program |
20: |
difficulty of assignments |
21: |
learn how OS's work since they are kind of important in computing |
22: |
n/a |
23: |
na |
24: |
no |
25: |
nope |
26: |
patch up c skills |
27: |
touch more field in computing |
What were the best things about this course?
1: |
-lectures pretty good
-lecture slides too study from |
2: |
Ability to implement key OS functions |
3: |
Assignment. Gives you a chance to play around with a monolithic OS kernel. |
4: |
Assignments |
5: |
Assignments are challenging but fun. It's not every day that I learn about the computers that I use. |
6: |
Assignments are challenging especially the advance part. |
7: |
Challenging assignments |
8: |
Challenging assignments |
9: |
Challenging assignments |
10: |
Challenging with interesting subject matter and lecturer who made it interesting. |
11: |
Clear, relevant, well-organised content. |
12: |
Content very useful, assignments were fun |
13: |
Covered all the main aspects of the course. Challenging assignments were fun after they were completed. |
14: |
Discovering the internals of OS/161 (and OSs in general) |
15: |
Flexible lab time |
16: |
enjoyed the style of the lectures. You didn't just read from the
slides, but explained. Most concepts became clear quickly. The
dedication of staff in helping with assignments was also excellent (ie
consults, forum). |
17: |
Implementing low level systems |
18: |
Interesting and challenging programming assignments
Supportive and communicative lecturer (eg always ready to answer on forums and actively encouraging students to attend consults) |
19: |
Introduce the student into the world of OS and get some experience with designing OS. |
20: |
has been taught very well and is pretty much better than any other
course I have taken at university so far. Course is well organised and
the difficulty of the assignments is appropriate. Contents are very
interesting and more importantly we actually have a chance to look into
the kernel and do something. Also it covered a lot of things that I
need to know for BLUEsat OS which is a plus. |
21: |
It was thoroughly interesting throughout. |
22: |
It was very challenging.. assignments involved actually applying ideas from the course |
23: |
Learning about real world OS problems and then using that knowledge to create a solution to them in the assignments. |
24: |
Learning the mechanics behind the OS and the steps it takes after a system call |
25: |
Lecturer is very smart and willing to help. |
26: |
Lectures are good and material is interesting. Being able to build an OS is an awesome set of assignments |
27: |
Lectures were excellent |
28: |
More or less everything. Easily one of the more fun/challenging courses to do. |
29: |
OS concepts. |
30: |
It's a massive course with lots of content and lots of students, and
everything seemed to flow very smoothly. Kevin's attention to detail,
knowing his lectures down to the minute ("we're fifteen minutes
early/late") was awesome. |
31: |
Real life examples and issues faced by the underlying OS which we take for granted |
32: |
3rd assignment was great, it taught me a lot, because it involved
implementing a core part of the OS. The 1st and 2nd assignments seemed
more on the periphery in comparison.
The wide range of topics covered, from concurrency to disk scheduling
to virtual memory was great. There were a lot of terms I'd heard in
courses before that I did not know before but now I do thanks to OS. |
33: |
assignments is where I learnt the most. It was quite rewarding to work
with a big codebase and eventually find our way around it (by the third
assignment round). |
34: |
The assignments were pretty interesting, good, & challenging. |
35: |
assignments were quite challenging, especially fun when you eventually
make them your bitch. Kevin's also a great lecturer and the topics
covered were really interesting. |
36: |
The assignments, once you finished them it was a great sense of achievement. |
37: |
The assignments. |
38: |
assignments. They were challenging but not too challenging, drilled the
course material in well, and were rewarding to complete. |
39: |
The course assessment structure and volume of lecture notes and the details they covered |
40: |
The lecturers
Getting experience working with OS code |
41: |
lectures were engaging and provided informative and interesting
content. Tablet Laptops are great for in-class problems and helping to
understand concepts. The assignments were challenging and interesting.
The extended lectures were great and always covered relevant topics to
the current lecture content but added more interesting concepts. |
42: |
The method of marking assignments. Giving bonus marks and allowing for an advanced challenge |
43: |
The opportunity to be able to implement major parts in the OS |
44: |
The tutorials were very good. The assignments were quite challenging |
45: |
Very interesting lectures, despite most of it being new and difficult to me. |
46: |
Very interesting, brought up a lot of issues and how to tackle them.
Good questions at tutorials. |
47: |
assignments |
48: |
assignments + group work = fun |
49: |
assignments are good and helpful for me to comprehend OS. |
50: |
assignments were challenging but do-able and learnt a lot from them |
51: |
content was interesting. |
52: |
file systems
inclusion of Linux file permissions (eg chmod modes etc) (which was talked about for the assignment setup etc )
53: |
generally understanding how OS works |
54: |
like the combination of theory of computation and foundation of
concurrency. It gave me a lot of low level info of computer behind the
scene |
55: |
u can hv experience on a real os(well, kind of), which is really similar to wt we need to in the future... |
56: |
a good understanding of how OS work and interact with hardware below it
and especially software about it, covering of some basic security
considerations, buffer overflows, password salting, etc. not covered
elsewhere |
57: |
the course itself, i get to know how operating systems really work |
58: |
very interesting,
links very well with comp arch course |
besides the general appreciation of the course content and assignments,
the main take away from this is that the support from tutors,
lecturers, and admin is appreciated. Thanks the feedback - it is good
to know that the effort we put in is appreciated.
What were the worst things about this course?
1: |
- |
2: |
-assignments too hard/long too complete |
3: |
A lot of material to cover and the lectures are not very clear on explaining a few things (very minimal though) |
4: |
specification sometimes not so clear.And the overall system performance
is weighted too much compared to other course content. |
5: |
Challenging assignments (or they look a lot harder than they are) |
6: |
Concurrency bugs |
7: |
Confusing jargon at times |
8: |
Debugging the assignments. |
9: |
Difficulty of assignments. |
10: |
have a lot of complaints, enjoyed the course. Perhaps the extended
class should always have a tute to go to as well as the extended
lecture. |
11: |
Feedback |
12: |
Good explanations during lectures (using drawings on the powerpoint)
weren't carried across to the lecture slides to review later. |
13: |
Hard Assignments |
14: |
Hmm, the assignments maybe, they're interesting but hard at the same time, don't know if that's bad or not hehe |
15: |
I couldn't make it to enough lectures because it clashed with other of my subjects. |
16: |
I had to do assignments solo. ( Not the courses fault. ) |
17: |
understand OS161 as an OS with the purpose of educating students.
However there is still too much stuff in there for the course. Although
I know a lot of things were actually covered in assignment help
sessions but it will be still be better to include more points which
aren't directly relevant to the assignment but may greatly affect the
progress. The issue I had with virtual memory assignment was I did not
realise I will have to set the ASID if it has not been implemented and
it took me days to find out and missed early bonus/time to attempt
advanced part. |
18: |
of practical exams. I had alot of difficulty linking theory to putting
it into practice when it came to coding in OS161. Even though a far
amount of time was spend review code it wasn't easy to make connections
between theory and prac. |
19: |
Last assignment was a bit tough. |
20: |
slides need to be more graphics for illustrations, a little difficult
in lectures as majority of explanations were verbal with hand movements. |
21: |
were difficult to follow - especially if you miss a single thing, then
you're lost for the rest of the lecture. It's easy to fall behind.
Also, assignments were sometimes very difficult to test as you go! I
liked having a guide as to the order in which to tackle things, as in
assignment 3 though. In assignment 2 we implemented our syscalls in the
wrong order which meant we didn't have any print statements to test
with until we'd implemented everything! This caused a debugging
nightmare. |
22: |
marks on indentation hurts. Assignments could have been marked faster.
Extended lectures overlapped with the tute, would have gone otherwise. |
23: |
Mandatory group work (the assignments were not so hard that they required working in a group) |
24: |
enough background / resources / info for starting more complicated
assignment (particularly the last one, and some of the adv sections).
Assignments were marked a bit slowly, and marker didn't always know
what was going on, particularly in assignment 3, as they contradicted
the lecturer a fair bit |
25: |
Nothing particularly bad, but maybe more material could have been covered in the extended lectures. |
26: |
of the best subjects but when combined with other subjects during a
semester not much time is available to exhibit our full potential
towards the assignments |
27: |
have put more time into assignments, as the course outline stated I
(we) underestimated the assignment workload far too much |
28: |
Some content like mips wasn't too interesting |
29: |
material dragged on abit. The lecture on scheduling was kinda tedious,
far too many examples for a relatively easy-to-grasp series of
concepts, I think. Then again it really hammers the idea in. I think
what I'm trying to say here is that if you were going to take time out
of a section of a lecture to put elsewhere, steal it from scheduling. |
30: |
of the topics like Security and the start of the File Management topic
were high level and just overviews of WHAT certain things were rather
than the HOWs and WHYs, which other topics covered a lot more of.
What is the textbook for? Give examples of why we need it. I have just
barely looked at it, and I'm not sure if I now need to read through the
entire thing to prep for the exam...it seems like I can answer
questions suitably without it. (Turned out I didn't need it at all for
the exam)
31: |
the assignments got a bit confusing, particularly the last one - it
took several re-reads of the lecture notes and lots of questions to
understand it fully. I felt that the workload/award payoff for the
assignments was also unbalanced and a lot of my other courses suffered
because the assignmnets for this course required so much work and
understanding. |
32: |
Staying up all night to finish challenging assignments |
33: |
Strange Friday morning deadline. Why not Saturday morning?
If you are refering to week 13, I'm not allowed to give you the weekend.
34: |
The assignments. |
35: |
hours and hours of desperate coding before submitting assignments...
there was perhaps something about "keeping things simple" and getting
the code right on the first go, and proper debugging...that we didn't
really quite get and it made assignment submission quite a hectic
process. More guidance using debugging tools would be good. |
36: |
The presentation needs more diagram to illustrated the concept rather than points |
37: |
There was no form of peer review which made it very hard to address the issue of differing workloads in the assignment. |
38: |
much of a disconnect between the OS theory and the implementation of
the assignments. There was usually a cursory 1-2 line brief explanation
on how to implement a major OS concept. Documentation/comments in the
code not explicit enough. The assignment spec was also brief, not
explaining how the parts of the code interacted with each other |
39: |
out a lot during lectures (but that always happens). With the four
subjects I took this semester, this one ranks second with appealing
I think it may be because the examples were often a bit slow. e.g.
filling and emptying a queue for the producer consumer problem.
Often I only tune back in when I realise we've moved on five minutes
ago. |
40: |
ass2 had a heavy amount of reading with not much sucess |
41: |
assignment due dates being at 8am. |
42: |
assignment took time / bit difficult to get started, but once started wasn't too bad. |
43: |
hard to get assignments working outside the cse environment, also made debugging hard |
44: |
hard to learn well |
45: |
leads to unhealthy lifestyle. |
46: |
up in lecture material between what is general for OS's and what is
specific for OS161 makes the assignment more confusing. Also the OS161
docs are very confusing to find your way around |
47: |
na |
48: |
nop |
49: |
os161, although it is gd...
but it is really hard for u to start up and actually work on it...
it is too BIG!!!
i mean, u will always afraid there are sth u need to implement...but u don't know...
and some programmer just like/try to read through all the codes, as everyone thinking is different..
but that's hardly possible for this one, at least i don't understand wt is happening in some case...
and even thought u got the idea, but the program just don't run for some reason..
maybe some restriction of os161...
it make u sad |
50: |
too many things to learn in such a close time |
general consensus seems the assignments are too hard, while the best
thing about the course from above is the assignments. This conflict is
something that I can't resolve. I believe the balance is about right,
and the mark distribution this year indicates they are too easy if
anything - 50% of the course got greater than 85% in the assignments.
background knowledge do you think you were missing that would have
helped you in this course? Are the official pre-requisites a suitable
preparation? |
1: |
2121 and C practice (ie
1917/1927) were good preparation. I wish I'd sat down and read some of
the textbook at the start, but I think that one's on me. |
2: |
2121/2911 are fair pre-reqs. |
3: |
C is very necessary and i think the current pre-reqs are satisfactory |
4: |
Conceptual high level coding ability. Yes. |
5: |
Concurrency would have helped the understanding the initial topics in this course, however shouldn't be a pre-req. |
6: |
I dont think COMP2121 was really a necessary pre-requisite for doing OS |
7: |
I felt like I knew enough to do the course. Had to revise C a little as I hadn't used it really since first year. |
8: |
found that I was missing a bit of 'software construction' aptitude. I
still don't really completely understand how all of OS161 fits together
- just enough that was needed to hack at the various components to do
the assignments. However, this was probably due to me being a post-grad
without much prior CS experience, so can't really say that any
prerequisites are required. |
9: |
I needed to brush up on C before being capable of attempting the assignments, but other than that it was fine. |
10: |
I think i had enough background knowledge.
Comp2121 + 1927 seems plenty. |
11: |
I think it sums it up |
12: |
I think the official prerequisites are sufficient. |
13: |
think the pre-reqs are okay since any basic knowledge needed were
discussed again during lects and tutes. however, having foundation of
concurrency or theory of computation before taking the OS would be
advantageous. |
14: |
recommend people should be able to read understand and debug a third
persons code. I don't know how it could offered as a pre-req though |
15: |
of debugging tools experience. If there is a way to do a debugging
tutorial where we can ask questions that might be good. Speaking to
other people in the course, it seemed like GDB may have been underused
a bit? Eventhough it should've been used all the time, maybe there was
a lack of knowledge of how to use it. Prerequisites seem okay. |
16: |
Lack of experience with a large code base. yes. |
17: |
Make sure they're competent with c |
18: |
low level knowledge about operating systems. Some people I know already
understood many of the concepts. Then again that was more due to their
own experimentation than due to any official course UNSW offers (so yes
the pre-requisites are suitable in that there's nothing more the uni
could add anyway) |
19: |
N/A. i think pre-requisites pretty much cover it. |
20: |
COMP2121 didn't help at all. I don't think COMP2121 should be a
I think maybe first years should be exposed to a tiny bit of assembly
programming so they get the right idea (which they generally already
If anything, a short description of what happens when you compile a
program should be enough (takes ten minutes) |
21: |
None |
22: |
None |
23: |
Not having done C since first year lead to a shaky assignment start. |
24: |
Nothing |
25: |
Nothing really. |
26: |
Official pre-reqs were good. |
27: |
Official pre-requisites is suitable. |
28: |
were quite suitable, although they didn't really prepare us for they
way OS161 was written (besides the comments). |
29: |
Pre-requisites were sufficient |
30: |
Prereq was enough |
31: |
coding for the assignments was not difficult, it was more the
understanding of the codebase that was important. The ability analyse
code and write / alter ADTs is essential. And patience, lots of
patience. |
32: |
course has a bit of a steep learning curve, especially with the latter
assignments. Perhaps lectures can be organised such that before each
specific topic, a quick overview of the context is presented.
We often get carried away with the details of an operating system to
realise under what context the lecture topics are presented. |
33: |
official pre-requisites were more than sufficient. Some knowledge of
concurrency might have helped beforehand but a full course on it is not
needed to do better in the course. |
34: |
They're suitable. |
35: |
To be pair no background knowledge was missing for me. Official pre-requisites are suitable. |
36: |
C programming is DEFINITELY necessary for this course, so the
pre-requisites were good. Other than that, I don't think there was any
other required background knowledge. |
37: |
i think the official pre-reqs are suitable for preparation, though
emphasizing pointers in C as you did was the most helpful because we
really need that ;) |
38: |
done comp2121 |
39: |
i only take the cs2121 before...
so, maybe i think wt i miss is some HUGE size project experience...
ya, i mean i did hv, but not as large as this one... |
40: |
more COMP courses,
No,the official pre-requisites are not a suitable preparation |
41: |
nothing |
42: |
official pre-reqs were satisfactory |
43: |
arithmetic / bitmasking needs to be covered in 1st and 2nd year
courses. Had to rely on the internet to learn a lot of concepts |
44: |
prereqs are fine. |
45: |
yes |
Which material do you think you will be most useful to you in the future?
1: |
All of it |
2: |
All of it. |
3: |
An extra assignment for more low level file systems |
4: |
Concurrency |
5: |
Concurrency and security, security is always needed |
6: |
Concurrency and synchronisation |
7: |
Concurrency, Security, memory management. |
8: |
Concurrency, Threads |
9: |
Concurrency, Understanding virtual memory |
10: |
Concurrency, memory management |
11: |
Concurrent programming and viruses |
12: |
Concurreny |
13: |
Deadlock |
14: |
Deadlocks, threads, concurrency, scheduling and multiprocessor systems |
15: |
Everything |
16: |
Everything |
17: |
I think more top level thingy would be more useful to me |
18: |
In a general sense? All of it. |
19: |
Locks. |
20: |
Memory management and virtual memory |
21: |
Process and Threads |
22: |
Security |
23: |
Security/threads/deadlock |
24: |
Synchonisation & concurrency, threads & processes, deadlock |
25: |
Synchonisation and concurrency |
26: |
Synchronisation, I/O |
27: |
Synchronisation, Security |
28: |
Synchronisation/Concurrency. Virtual Memory. |
29: |
The general overview of OS's |
30: |
Threading |
31: |
Threads, Synchronisation and concurrency, Deadlocks, Virtual Memory, Scheduling, Security |
32: |
Threads, VM |
33: |
Understanding of all of it |
34: |
Virtual memory |
35: |
all of it |
36: |
better book or more explanatory notes |
37: |
concurrency |
38: |
concurrency |
39: |
concurrency |
40: |
concurrency, file systems, i/o |
41: |
file system, memory management |
42: |
file systems, synchronisation |
43: |
file systems, sys calls |
44: |
multiprocessor systems and I/O management |
45: |
processes/threads/synchronisation/concurrency |
46: |
scheduling, synchronisation/concurrency, system calls, I/O management and memory management |
47: |
security |
48: |
synch & concurrency |
49: |
textbook |
50: |
the hardware knowledge, wt actually happen in the hardware; also, wt's happening "down" there |
51: |
threads |
52: |
threads, processes, VM, scheduling |
Threads and concurrency is rightly the most relevant topic, even for those not interested in operating systems.
What material related to operating systems, but not currently in the course, would you like to have seen covered?
1: |
- |
2: |
- |
3: |
A closer look at the open source Linux kernel |
4: |
A lecture to put it all together and explain the OS as a whole |
5: |
6: |
Detailed exception handling mechenism. |
7: |
I can |
8: |
MIPS code (or x86, etc) |
9: |
Maybe a history of OS shells (graphical and non-graphical) |
10: |
More case studies, perhaps on the major OSes |
11: |
N/A |
12: |
N/A |
13: |
N/A - any extra material is probably more suited for AOS |
14: |
NA |
15: |
None |
16: |
None |
17: |
Not sure |
18: |
Perhaps a little more on where OS is heading. |
19: |
Window Managers, GUIs |
20: |
all above are enough |
21: |
i see them alright as it is now |
22: |
i think the course was nicely covered |
23: |
more information about windows/linux |
24: |
more security |
25: |
n/a |
26: |
na |
27: |
networking |
28: |
none |
29: |
none |
30: |
nothing |
31: |
nothing |
32: |
scheduling and multiprocessor assignments |
33: |
windows |
Nothing really significant, except "none". Suspect that is more related to avoiding extra workload :)
Which of the current topics would you like to see scaled back or excluded?
1: |
- |
2: |
- |
3: |
Every topic should be kept. |
4: |
File Systems |
5: |
File Systems - or ... perhaps I just didn |
6: |
Low level syscall walkthrough, bit too detailed |
7: |
security. It is interesting but seems more like something we need to
worry about when we are actually implementing something about OS. |
8: |
Mostly fine |
9: |
N/A |
10: |
N/A |
11: |
None |
12: |
None |
13: |
None really. |
14: |
None, i think its a good mix of topics |
15: |
Security |
16: |
Security and the start of File Systems |
17: |
Security felt like it was kind of just tacked on at the end, and it would |
18: |
Synchonisation and concurrency |
19: |
Synchronisation and Concurrency, scaled back (might be because I had already done concurrency previously) |
20: |
Too much time spent on concurrency |
21: |
Virtual Memory |
22: |
i see them alright as it is now |
23: |
last few, security and MS not alot of time in spent in lectures so very brief understanding still |
24: |
multiprocessors and security should be covered as major topics in separate courses |
25: |
n/a |
26: |
n/a |
27: |
na |
28: |
na |
29: |
none |
30: |
none |
31: |
none |
32: |
nothing. I do wish we had 13 weeks of lectures again though |
33: |
i will prefer start with some smaller program...then move to os161
after the concept is really clear by the previous assignment |
34: |
scale back concurrency a bit (fewer examples, most of the "aha! so that |
35: |
security |
36: |
security |
37: |
where interesting but security was essentially a quick overview of what
is covered in comp3441. Perhaps it is not required? |
Security seems a common target, some coordination with COMP3441 seems worth investigating.
If you have not been attending lectures, what factors influenced your decision not to attend?
1: |
- |
2: |
- |
3: |
Assignments are more interesting. |
4: |
Busy assignments |
5: |
Clashes, especially if the other lecture's subject had a class test around the corner... |
6: |
Class clash |
7: |
workload at uni, and lots of time spent on assignments for this course
- spent a few lectures doing assignments. The ones attended were good
though. |
8: |
generally find lectures too boring. I do not work well with the lecture
environment and much prefer courses that have the material online that
allows for me to learn on my own |
9: |
make it a point to attend the lectures because without the knowledge of
material in the lectures we'll not be able to understand the code. |
10: |
will admit I missed some extension lectures I would've liked to attend
due to prioritising of other course work (eg special project) and I
chose the extension ones to miss as the content wasn't always directly
related and thus of a lesser priority |
11: |
Lack of time and full-time work.
Availability of lecture slides. |
12: |
N/A |
13: |
N/A |
14: |
N/A |
15: |
None |
16: |
catch up the notes first(can't catch up to the current level or missed one before) |
17: |
i attended |
18: |
n/a |
19: |
na |
Unfortunately, clashing is out of my control - it is literally a lottery each year.
Any suggestions for improving lectures?
1: |
- have 1 lecturer cover the whole course
- have an introduction to OS161 lecture |
2: |
Bring more case study on implementation in the current OS, perhaps more on Windows, and Mac or embedded system OS |
3: |
Drawing is a great way to illustrate ideas but need to be accessible after the lecture
You can always take notes.
4: |
EVERYTHING needs a diagram. Some things didnt have diagrams. |
5: |
Having the pdfs available before the lecture would be handy, but not crucial. I very much enjoyed the lectures. |
6: |
would appreciate the slides having the ability to stand on their own,
without the voice necessary. This was usually the case, but I found
some sets of lecture slides difficult to understand their meaning
without listening to the recording of the lecture.
As above, note taking is not meant to be replaced by slides.
7: |
Keep the tablet-PC! |
8: |
Leonid should use a microphone. Kevin sometimes talk too fast. |
9: |
connections with the practical side of the course. There were lots of
helpful topics in the lectures however because they werent related
direct back to a practical example it was very hard to understand OS161
code. |
10: |
N/A |
11: |
NA |
12: |
None |
13: |
Nope |
14: |
Not really, both Kevin and Leonid were engaging lecturers. |
15: |
Not really. |
16: |
Provide more multiple choices self checkpoint. |
17: |
use more graphics for illustration of ideas. For example, the graphic
used to explain the working set helped to clarify the verbal
explanation further. |
18: |
The lectures were okay. |
19: |
were some concepts (in particular the more high level ones) that the
lecturer explained at length and at a depth that really wasn't
necessary since they weren't that hard to understand. Though I guess
this is just personal opinion.
My main problems were with the spelling and grammatical mistakes in the
lecture notes, which sometimes contradicted the real meaning and was
rather confusing at times.
Also while we're on the subject of lectures, I'd like to mention what
the lecturer should keep doing that was already good (to maintain
rather than improve the quality of the lecture) - using the smartboard
or whatever it is to write out/explain problems on the slides and save
them so they can be referred to even after the lecture. |
20: |
Video lectures? |
21: |
better segregation between OS161 and OS's generally |
22: |
tablet drawings/writing please. the text is very hard to read during
the lectures and after they have been embedded into the slides |
23: |
involve some practical coding examples instead of plain drawing |
24: |
sure the lecture notes which will be covered in the current lecture
have always been uploaded to the course page beforehand. (although most
of the time it is accessible from previous year's course page but it
will still be better to see it on the page for current session) |
25: |
more description to the graphs |
26: |
n/a |
27: |
pretty good, just make sure there is a break in the middle of a 2hour block |
28: |
some times I did not get the accent but my be this is just me |
29: |
hourly breaks are good, but I think there needs to be more "hidden
breaks". Every now and then Kevin will go off on a tangents and tell us
about some historical blunder or something. These sorts of tangents are
engaging and related. They're good for keeping students attention. |
30: |
on the touchscreen of your laptop is a nice way since other lecturers
didnt bother to even explain on boards resorting to just using lasers
to point out stuffs, so i think ppt + explaining by writing is more
than sufficient ;) |
tablet PC is a good tool, with the caveat that my handwriting is
pretty bad - there is not much I can do about that. Regarding
mistakes on the slides, point them out! Otherwise they don't get fixed.
Yes, the balance between boring stuff introductory stuff in depth, and
needed background is a difficult line to walk given the varied
backgrounds of students.
you used other textbooks other than Tannenbaum (e.g. Silberschatz,
Stallings), how do you think they compare to each other? Which gives
the best explanations, which has the best structure, etc.... |
1: |
- |
2: |
- |
3: |
I used Tannenbaum |
4: |
N/A |
5: |
N/A |
6: |
N/A |
7: |
NA |
8: |
None |
9: |
None |
10: |
Tanenbaum is the best. |
11: |
Tannebaum was great, but somehow it was moved to IT in the business area @ the bookstore. WHAT?! OUTRAGEOUS! |
12: |
Used Wikipedia. Didn |
13: |
didnt use other textbooks |
14: |
n/a |
15: |
na |
Any suggestions for improving tutorials?
1: |
* I didn't go to
tutorials, but I went through the questions myself anyway, and they
were good as an ongoing mini quiz thing to test my understanding of the
course material. |
2: |
- |
3: |
- have a lab to introduce OS161 with hands on coding for one tute or something |
4: |
more time or less questions, we frequently didn't cover all the
material. A lot of people in my tutorial didn't prepare or attend the
lectures perhaps and a lot of Dave's questions where left hanging
despite being easy or sometime even answered previously. This is quiet
frustrating for those who have |
5: |
Good as is! |
6: |
Make them compulsory for extended! *Sometimes* they're useful :) |
7: |
OS161 related tutorial questions. Probably a few less questions as
during most tutorials we ran out of time to complete a few. |
8: |
Most participants appeared scared. Maybe teach us how to hack. |
9: |
N/A |
10: |
N/A |
11: |
N/A |
12: |
NA |
13: |
Need more assignment walkthroughs. |
14: |
No |
15: |
No tutorials - extended. |
16: |
None |
17: |
Not really. |
18: |
Some tutorials had fewer questions which were answered quickly. A few tutorial lasted only about 30 minutes. |
19: |
last two weeks had lighter loads than the rest, this was both good and
bad. It gave us time to talk about the assignment, but left me feeling
those topics (security and I/O) were barely covered. |
20: |
tutor had an excellent knowledge of the course but lacked an ability to
encourage students when they gave correct or partially correct answers. |
21: |
The tutorial pages were useful. |
22: |
Tutorials were good. At times we ran out of time. Didn't necessarily like the class participation marking scheme. |
23: |
did cs3891 |
24: |
na |
25: |
really its been totally helpful to me. probably just give a simple
weekly non obligatory programming tute as well to help students step by
step understand the structure of OS161 |
26: |
things should be written on the broad mostly |
Do you have any specific comments about OS/161
1: |
- |
2: |
OS wasnt too bad. The lectures did not really refer back to the OS and
therefore was quite confused in some areas when it came to using the OS |
3: |
Assignments should NOT be worth less. Giving your mark each give isnt a bad idea though |
4: |
Code itself was hard to read although the comments were quite helpful. The main difficulty was probably the large code base. |
5: |
Everything is good |
6: |
Fun to explore the codebase / how things work in OS/161, once you get used to exploring a largish number of source files. |
7: |
have significant experience approaching large code bases, yet seemed
like an unreasonable expectation for students to get their heads around
OS/161 within the span of a single course. |
8: |
It was generally well commented, making it possible to understand if you put in the time. |
9: |
N/A |
10: |
No |
11: |
No |
12: |
None |
13: |
None |
14: |
it was unclear whether directions were from this course, or from the
creators of the OS (who left it littered with all sorts of 'complete
this' comments). It was infrequent, but it did happen. If this course
just signed their comments as cs3231, or something similar, it would
solve this problem. |
15: |
The course was good, It helped me understand what happens under the hood which is always interesting |
16: |
Thinking that if we can get one with everything implemented. |
17: |
na |
18: |
needs clearer comments |
19: |
no |
20: |
none |
21: |
comments seem to have been left out for certain data structures. these
(very useful) comments were present in the os/161 code distributed by
other universities |
22: |
comments are still not enough to understand the provided code easily.
It will be great if some more comments are added for specific
assignment. |
23: |
this thing make u mad..
this is hard...
really, this things is too BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Any suggestions for improving the assignments?
1: |
- |
2: |
little more time would've definitely helped but considering a 12 week
semester and 3 weeks per assignment i can't think of a better way maybe
lesser weeks for ass1 and a week more added to ass2 and ass3 |
3: |
1, 3 were quite alright. ASST2 was a bit confusing. I somehow didn't
recall the part of the lecture explaining OS161's VFS and ended up
reading/getting lost in the depth of the code for days. |
4: |
1 was too unrealistic, which was quite distracting and made the
specification really hard to follow.
I would have really liked to do the extended assignments but found that
I didn't have enough time. Perhaps the extended deadline could be
separate from the main assignment. |
5: |
3 was clearly marked by someone who had not communicated with the LiC
(lecturer in charge). There were lots of marks taken away for things
that the LiC said were acceptable or even encouraged. Examples include
using an array for the frametable and flushing the tlb instead of using
ASIDs. The array for the frametable was particularly upsetting as the
wiki instructions used an array, yet it was marked down for not being a
linked list...
It was probably
marked down for not running the free list through the array, i.e. if
you searched instead of order 1 allocated, then you will have lost
6: |
structure overall was pretty good. Gave a good practical understanding
of the theory covered in lectures. However relating lecture material to
OS161 directly was quite difficult as there wasnt too many examples. |
7: |
had excellent documentation on the wiki about common pitfalls which
really helped. I don't think the first two were as useful (still much
better than nothing). |
8: |
Avoid the asst0 and change it into, say, exception handling related practice. |
9: |
Giving detailed answers to guided questions would be great. Also getting the marks back quicker would be good. |
10: |
Make the specification more clear on what the lecturer is expecting from the student. |
11: |
Maybe some of the hints on the wiki could be merged into the main assignment spec page. |
12: |
alittle bit more information with the assignment 3 advanced parts? Of
course part of the fun is figuring it out, but paging is pretty scary
straight up :P |
13: |
background knowledge/resources provided, especially for getting
started, and for the advanced section too.
Also markers who keep in touch with the course. For example, during
asst3, some of the feedback we got was that flushing the TLB on a
context switch was slow and inefficient, yet the lecturer suggested
doing so. The marker also said that we should be using shared pages to
be more efficient, yet this was part of the advanced assignment (which
we did do, just not in the basic part)
I investigate this a
little deeper, as there are degrees of inefficiency. Also, I alway
point out you can get a working assignment by simplifying. An excellent
assignment that does more than the minimum will alway get more marks.
Given that > 50% of the course got greater than 85% on the
assignments, I don't think we were too harsh on this at all.
14: |
More convenient deadlines. It's easier to work all Friday night than all Thursday night |
15: |
implementation of core features, ASST1 and 2 to a lesser extent,
weren't as interesting as 3, because you didn't get to implement
anything that important and thus you didn't get as much practical
experience in the things taught in the lectures. ASST3 drew upon this
knowledge a lot more. |
16: |
N/A |
17: |
more comments in the code and hints. Also it will be good if we have a
chance to attempt the advanced part of the assignments after exam with
reduced bonus (maybe 1-5%). |
18: |
None |
19: |
provide more help and introduction to approach each assignments.
Assignment 0 and 1 just waste time. Should give assignment 2 and 3 much
more time to prepare. Remember we are not doing comp3231 one subject
only. |
20: |
group work style is a problem, the assignment is too much, both in
terms of complexity to understand and code to implement for a single
person. But there is no easy way to divide the tasks to make group work
Actually, we used to
do these assignments as individuals - it is nothing to do with the size
of the groups, it is about learning how to discuss a large code base
with another person - something that any programmer needs to learn.
21: |
give 4 weeks instead of 3, same due dates but release a bit earlier.
i.e. give out asst2 before asst1 is due |
22: |
felt that ass1 was a good start to starting an assignment on OS161
though ass2 just threw is into the middle of it and expected us to
understand how the whole thing worked with just c code and comments. me
and my partner spent a lot of time reading with no success in achieving
anything. we both attend lectures and tutorials. wiki should maybe have
more help and integrated with the appropriate assignment webpage.
assignment 3 was fun though unfortunately with everything stacked up to
the end of semester, we did not have enough time to complete the
project. |
23: |
make a easier individual assignment...
as u will still need to understand all parts..
but that's for 2 people...
and individual works make u less stress... |
24: |
make it easy |
25: |
more comments on the marking scheme, usually it is not quite clear which implementation is the best
26: |
more hints |
27: |
na |
28: |
thing was it was hard to get started so maybe little bit more support
on getting started. As for advanced maybe lose the finish basic one
week in advanced to encourage more participants. |
29: |
the assignments earlier to allow more time to understand them. eg.
instead of releasing ASST2 after file systems, release it before, then
make references to the implementation points during the lectures. Helps
understanding if the theory and the implementation are bridged |
What were the strong points of COMP3891/9283?
1: |
- Analysis of OS literature felt very hands-on and relevant
- Looking at data structures / algorithms used in real-world OSes also felt hands-on |
2: |
Bring up to date issues in the os |
3: |
Deep inside the topics selected. |
4: |
Exposed new and up to date ideas in the current OS world. |
5: |
Extended assignments |
6: |
lectures were great for seeing more implementations of what we learned
in the lectures as well as general stuff about Operatings Systems which
aren't core material to the course |
7: |
Get to see which students are more "interested" in the course compared to others. |
8: |
Interesting additional material |
9: |
Interesting content that were not assessed on :) |
10: |
Interesting extended lectures
Lectures uploaded, also with annotations from the lecture :) |
11: |
Interesting learning more about how real systems operate and other aspects of the course |
12: |
Interesting topics |
13: |
Interesting topics of discussion in the advanced lecture |
14: |
Interesting topics, small discussion-like lectures |
15: |
It had a depth of topic that wasn't the case for the lecture. |
16: |
NA |
17: |
Really liked the topics covered |
18: |
Smaller class, more flexible, more open, less formal, more targeted/interesting |
19: |
The extra lecture was interesting and different to the normal lectures which kept it fun. |
20: |
Very high quality lectures, relevant topics |
21: |
being in a small room, felt like we could engage with the lecturer more. |
22: |
interesting |
23: |
just learning about random stuff |
24: |
lecture on flash memory, lottery scheduling |
25: |
na |
26: |
the extended lecture covered a lot of interesting information. |
What were the weak points of COMP3891/9283?
1: |
- Too little time to get a good grasp of the material
- Jumped a bit from topic to topic |
2: |
Didn't really learn anything more, no tutorials. |
3: |
It is not as systematic as the general lecture if it is conveyed in lecture form. |
4: |
It was a little bit random, but with 1 hour to cover topics it's hard not to be. |
5: |
Lack of compulsory tutorials. |
6: |
N/A |
7: |
NA |
8: |
Nothing really. Extra lecture > Tutorial.
Found myself a little bit in the deep end sometimes, but that is a good thing |
9: |
Other than the extended assignments, no much to develop your knowledge with. |
10: |
could have used some of the tutorials. It seems kind of all or nothing
with the tutorials?
Also a _lot_ of material is covered o.o hard to study for the exam
haha. But the sample questions/sample exam/and tute
questions&answers are a great help |
11: |
See below. |
12: |
Sometimes had trouble following the ideas involved, as they could get rather complicated. |
13: |
Topics discussed were not examinable, hence students are not focused on studying the extended part of the course. |
14: |
couldn't attend the tutorials if you did extended as it was on the same
time. I think I would have benefited something from them |
15: |
marked too harshly
too little introduction to os161 |
16: |
na |
17: |
not covering too much content. |
18: |
some of the random stuff not as interesting and hard to pick up quickly (so eventually one just tunes out)
19: |
the class was big this semester and we sometimes didn't all fit in the room |
year was a big enrolment. I think a substantial fraction of the
enrolment should have stayed with normal OS. This seems to be backed up
by two themes above - the desire for tutorials (sorry, I'm not allowed
to schedule more that 4 hours for a course, so you have to choose
between tuts or extended), and inability to follow or lack of interest
in the material. It is an advanced course covering advanced material in
depth, if it is too hard or does not interest you, maybe you should be
elsewhere where your interests lie.
Any suggestions for improving COMP3891/9283 Extended OS?
1: |
Extended tut questions based on the extended course load maybe? |
2: |
Have plan B for unusual enrollment size before semester started. |
3: |
think allowing enrolment in tutes would be good. I know that we were
meant to understand the tute questions anyway, but there's no harm in
having the tute. |
4: |
tutorials compulsory, simply because they can make life much easier.
Or, at least, make tutorials optional like the postgrad OS course. |
5: |
May improved by introducing more interesting topic. |
6: |
Maybe assess more in extended
Also, tutorials should be an option |
7: |
More focus on real-world OSes, more looking at the actual codebase of Linux / other unices / other real-world OSes. |
8: |
More on sections related to advanced assignment to help with doing those |
9: |
N/A |
10: |
NA |
11: |
way cooler topics. VMs were a little interesting, but they needed to be
explained in a more passionate way as to why they are interesting.
Instead we went straight into OS/161 and how it could be used as a
VM/the VM behind it (I cannot really remember, perhaps a testament to
my feedback). Also, in the extended lecture about SSDs, I just got
completely lost (although maybe I should have asked the lecturer to
slow down). Extended just seemed like another lecture, nothing that
interesting. Maybe some cool demonstrations of how the theory affects
what happens on an actual OS? |
12: |
Needs a tutorial class |
13: |
should be more materials given to be studied, for example topics of
research (i.e. online texts on current topics), and instead of scaling
the basic assignments to 100, it should be worth less, perhaps 60%, and
the other 40% for advanced topics - maybe quizzes if not going to
include in exams. This is because as there are no extended topics
covered in exams, there is no way of differentiating knowledge held by
extended or basic OS course. (i.e. "Extended" may be given as an
additional cool free name in academic statement) Yes,
you have hit the conundrum for assessing extended. If the perception
has become simply a label on the transcript, then I'll have to assess
it separately at the risk of extended students getting less than normal
OS students due to the advanced material.
14: |
make some assignments related to the extended content (i think people learn the content properly when it's hands on) |
15: |
na |
Do you have any particular comments you would like to make about the exam?
1: |
(haven't done it yet) |
2: |
- |
3: |
A little bit more content in 2 hours exam, may extend the exam for 1 hour. |
4: |
with all exams (this can't really be helped), it ends up being a
regurgitation of what you've read, there's no real demonstration of
your understanding, it's more just what you've managed to remember.
Creating an exam that forces you to show your understanding would
probably be extremely difficult to get right, so perhaps this is the
best way. |
5: |
Didn't like so many T/F qs |
6: |
Exam was a bit too long. Ran out of time need about maybe 15 more minutes? |
7: |
Have not taken the exam yet. |
8: |
Haven't done it yet... Didn't realise when i started the survey : |
9: |
I didn't think it was too difficult but I thought it was one of the more annoying and stressful exams. |
10: |
I enjoyed the FAT question :P |
11: |
should have studied a bit more. To be honest it probably wasn't too bad
if I had put more time in the study. I think I got more out of it than
just getting marks in this course I like to here this kind of comment. There is more to uni than marks.
12: |
very much didn't like the True/False questions. At times I had more
difficulty in trying to interpret what you wanted me to answer, rather
than an understanding of the content. Perhaps a short answer (one or
two words) would be more useful in determining what people understand. |
13: |
didn't really feel like I demonstrated all my understanding of OS in
the exam, partly because it didn't cover a lot of areas, though it did
cover some in more depth instead. But perhaps that's the main goal
instead of covering more high level concepts, especially in a 2 hour
exam. That being said, short exams are good :) |
14: |
It was a bit short. A 3-hour exam seems more appropriate, after all, quite a lot was taught. |
15: |
good that the questions focused on key components of an OS rather than
obscure things. Except for the TF questions which is okay I guess |
16: |
NA |
17: |
None |
18: |
a fan of the penalisation scheme for the True/False questions but other
than that, I thought the exam was well-written and covered the breadth
of the course. |
19: |
exam structure was pretty good. The amount of study done because of the
theory in the lectures was alot more than what the actually exam
covered. More short questions across topic? |
20: |
it was very good and the number of questions (and difficulty of the
questions) was very good for the time we were given to complete them. |
21: |
Some true or false questions were too ambigious |
22: |
The exam was well structured and provided the sample questions it was very helpful |
23: |
final exam is going to negatively affect my final mark regardless of
how much work was put into getting a good class mark sure to harmonic
mean, and by a lot (I imagine) which kinda sucks |
24: |
questions were good. I'm glad that in some questions, it isn't expected
that students remember every little detail, and prompt students to
remember using key words / policy names.
e.g. "Differentiate between X and Y" instead of "Describe the policies
learnt to do X".
It makes it much better, especially considering how much material is
covered in the course. |
25: |
are too much topics covered in the course to be examined in the exam,
hence the questions posted in the exams might not resemble the "real"
knowledge held by the students.
Explaining OS topics in the exams very completely (to get full marks)
requires a lot of memory. Perhaps questions asked could be more towards
looking at the understanding. For example, illustrate and explain how
virtual file systems work considering one of the four allocation
methods discussed in lectures, draw graphs to clarify further. Hence
this way the exams could be open book.
The reason exams should weigh less than the assignments is because most
of the "learning" occurs through doing the assignments, and personally
I think the knowledge that will stick with me in the future is the
practical part. |
26: |
assignments worth 50% -> spent 50-60 hours (did a few ext parts)
exam worth 50% -> 2 hours + study (which was not 50 hours worth of study)
seems imbalanced |
27: |
broad coverage |
28: |
multichoice instead of true/false, no negative marking. |
29: |
none |
30: |
nothing |
31: |
release more sample questions to practice before the exam |
32: |
some times it was hard to ensure that one answered the question which was desired to be asked. |
33: |
the True/False question...
-1 marks if u make a wrong answer...
omg, then ever though u got 17 qs right, other 8 wrong, u got 9 marks only...
that really not fair... |
T/F section is meant to be the hard part of the exam. The questions are
tricky and are not ambigious if you know the material well. The
questions are designed that way. The
negative marking is fair as statistically you get zero for guessing. If
you don't know the answer, leave it blank. It is also the scection that
tries to cover the breadth of the course.
Regarding difficulty, 30% of the course got > 80%, and the average
was 71% so the exam was not too hard - it may have been a little too
easy if anything.
Summarising the main minor issues.
- Look into the assessment for extended next year, and how to more clearly articulate the intended target audience.
- Check that assignment 3 is marked consistently with what I say - I'm pretty sure it is, but I'll check anyway.