COMP 1917 Computing 1
Session 2, 2016

Lab Exercise - Week 11

Linked Lists

This week you will continue our practice with linked list and get some experience with writing tests.
  1. Copy the files list.c, list.h, testList.c from here into your lab11 directory.

  2. Your first task is to implement 2 functions:

    Further clarifications about each function are provided inside list.c file.

  3. Your second task is to write tests for your implementation. You have been provided with basic outline in testList.c, but it is up to you to confirm the correctness of your implementation.

    Note: for this lab there will be no dryrun set up. It's part of the assessment to confirm that your implementation is working correctly. If you are not certain with some parts of the spec, ask your tutor questions. Resolving spec ambiguities is an important part of software development.

  4. When you have finished submit yourprogram using
    $ give cs1917 lab11 list.c