COMP 1917 Computing 1
Session 2, 2016

Lab - Week 10

This lab will be devoted to preparing for the prac exam. If you have time you should also work on Assignment 2. There are no marks allocated for this lab.

Here are a few sample questions:

  1. Write a function int non_decreasing(int a[],int N) which takes an integer N together with an array a[] of N integers and checks to see whether the items in the array are sorted in non-decreasing order (i.e. a[i] ≥ a[i-1], for 0<i<N). Your function should return 1 if the items are in non-decreasing order, 0 otherwise.

  2. Write a function insert_string(char s[],char t[],int k) which inserts string t into string s, starting at index k. For example, if string s is initially "abc", string t is "12" and k is 2, then s should become "ab12c". If k < 0, t should be inserted at the beginning of s. If k is greater than or equal to the length of s, then t should be inserted at the end of s.

  3. Write a function del_string(char s[],int lo,int hi) which deletes the portion of string s between index lo and hi (inclusive). For example, if string s is "ABCDE", lo is 1 and hi is 2, then s should become "ADE". Your program should behave appropriately in the case where lo and/or hi are less than 0, or greater than the length of s.

  4. Write a funtion is_anagram(char s[],char t[]) which returns 1 if the string s is an anagram of string t, 0 otherwise. You may assume strings s and t consist entirely of upper case letters.
Note: It will be specified in each question whether or not you are allowed to use library functions from string.h or ctype.h for that question. If it is not mentioned, you may assume it is ok to use them.