COMP 1917 Computing 1
Session 2, 2016

Lab Exercise - Week 9

Linked Lists

This week you will practice implementing functions that operate on linked lists.
  1. Copy the files list.c, list.h, testList.c from here into your lab9 directory.

  2. Your task is to implement 3 functions:

    Further clarifications about each function is provided inside list.c file. We have also provided all the tests in testList.c for you. Make sure you familiarise yourself with the testfile as in the future you will be expected to write tests yourself.

    Note: for this lab there will be no dryrun set up. You have been provided with all the tests and expected to make sure your program compiles and runs locally before submitting.

  3. When you have finished and your program passes all the tests submit it using
    $ give cs1917 lab9 list.c